Peppers ...

The OSU fan backed into him. He pushed him away and then took a swing at him when the fan's hands were up in the air. Real jerk move, but he had to be super upset with the loss.

Love that Michigan loss. Since he didn't really hit the fan, I thinking you let it go. No question it will cost him a few spots in the draft.

As to Ray Rice, I think most fans here are in agreement that it was a terrible thing that he did. I think Rice would agree with that. The point being made here by many is that it was a one-off event, he apologized multiple times for it, and he had been a real role model, not a troublemaker at all. Folks don't condone what he did, but believe he deserves a second chance. As do I. I'm guessing that ship has sailed, though. Too bad. The NFL is filled with folks way worse than Rice.

EDIT: You want to suspend somebody, suspend #99 for Notre Dame. Two amazingly classless moves.

That guy for Notre Dame should never play another college game. Kicked a USC player in the head when he was down and clearly out. Stepped on his or someone else's leg too. Maybe someone can post a link.
Peppers was also running his mouth all week about how they were going to take it to OSU and questioned the Buckeye's physicality. He also made it a point to stomp all over the block O in the middle of the field before the game. BTW, after today's loss he finished 0-3 against the Buckeyes - a common team for scUM players over the last 15 to 20 years.
Obviously he was never worthy of being called a "Rutgers man". I personally would rather lose every B1G conference game going forward with players who might be lacking a bit athletically, but have outstanding character, real "Rutgers men", than win with top level athletes who are unworthy of wearing the Rutgers uniform. LOL!!! Give me a team of loaded with Peppers with all of his flaws any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I am tired of watching my team lose, I want to be in those meaningful games at the end of the year and those are the types of players that get you there, warts and all.
Not saying I approve of it. He did react like a dou*he nonetheless.
I'm just tired of everyone here saying they want to win at all costs but when athletes are "fired up", marginal students etc they say they don't want them. I'm sure EVERY top flight program has some headcase kids on their teams. But when a kid that turned us down does something off base he's a POS. But when one of our own (ex) does it, it's forgiven. And yes I'm talking about RR. What he did was 1000 times worse & wasn't after a HUGE loss.

Let the fighting begin
He's not a POS for turning us down. He's a POS because he's a POS.
What does this have to do with Ray Rice? Rice conducted himself with class while On The Banks. What he did in his professional life doesn't change the student athlete he was WHILE HE WAS HERE.
It doesn't. While he was here he was he was a great athlete. He was on of ours, if Peppers came here & hit a penn state fan, the excuses would be flowing. Just like they do for RR even right now. There is where the comparison lies.
How about LC last year? Great player. Im friends with one of the cops at the ganes. LC was warned repeatedly not to leave fhe Hale center & he still did. Because his girlfriend was fighting with another woman he allegedly hooked up with. Is that character indicative of being a "Rutgers man"? Hell no, he was a winner & nice guy who made a mistake. Because he was ours. If it were Blacknall everyone would sing a different tune because he screwed us. SO WOULD I.
Peppers is a finely tuned D1 athlete with a helmet and pads on. What is some (likely) drunken college aged kid going to do to him? He under NO circumstances should lay his hands on a fan. Stop excusing this atrocious behavior please.

Exactly, even if the fan happens to be Dan Henderson, Peppers still had his helmet on. It was a cowardly act.
This just isn't that big of a deal. Nobody got hurt.

Clearly, Peppers overreacted to the guy who accidentally backed into him. But, in the heat of the moment, after suffering a crushing loss to his team's biggest rival, and after having talked smack about OSU all week, and after having stomped his feet on the "O" on the field before the game, and after having failed to deliver a B1G championship for his school, I can understand the frustration and humiliation Peppers must have felt at that moment. And on top of that, he'll likely move on to the NFL and have to live with the fact that he never beat his team's biggest rival. I'm willing to give him a break on this one and just say to him "bye-bye now".
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Looks like a push to me too... lot of blabbing in this thread about a punch...
A push to the face with a closed fist full of sweatshirt. I am not being cute there.. that's what it looked like. It wasn't a swing.. it was somewhere between a push and a jab.

But the thing is, they say a fan ran into Peppers.. well, Peppers was running off and ran into the fan... so Ohio State white-haired old dude grabbed Peppers arm to get his attention to tell him something, Peppers turned and ran right into the fan.. who was not watching where he was going either.

I have no idea what was said between the two.. but if the only provocation of Peppers was the two bumping into eachother, he owes the fan an apology as he over-reacted. And even if something was said, if it was said after Peppers grabbed his garment then Peppers was wrong there too. It seems to me that Peppers thought he was purposefully run into.. and he was not. It is on him.

I heard on College Football Final that, pre-game, Peppers was scuffing up the OSU logo at midfield and spitting on it. He's a child. If I were an NFL scout, I'd be worried he might go the way of Johnny Football.
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This just isn't that big a deal. Nobody got hurt.

Clearly, Peppers overreacted to the guy who accidentally backed into him. But, in the heat of the moment, after suffering a crushing loss to his team's biggest rival, and after having talked smack about OSU all week, and after having stomped his feet on the "O" on the field before the game, and after having failed to deliver a B1G championship for his school, I can understand the frustration and humiliation Peppers must have felt at that moment. And on top of that, he'll likely move on to the NFL and have to live with the fact that he never beat his team's biggest rival. I'm willing to give him a break on this one and just say to him "bye-bye now".


So because he acted like a douche all week and taunted Ohio State fans before the game he deserves a pass for assaulting an Ohio State fan after his team lost?

So because he acted like a douche all week and taunted Ohio State fans before the game he deserves a pass for assaulting an Ohio State fan after his team lost?
There will always be people that make excuses for bad behavior and no accountability.
Just watched the game replay this am. They did not show this incident but did show the ref directly pointing at JB as they were running off the field.

I wonder if there is any follow up to this.
From what I saw, a fan was jawing at Peppers and Peppers (acceptably, IMO) pushed the fan away. A ref saw it and escorted Peppers to Hardoosh's police escort. tOSU fans were definitely a risk to UM's players, let's be real here. Same thing if the game was in the Big House and UM won.
OSU provides excellent security for the visiting band. I went to Michigan for grad school, and marched in the band. We played away at OSU that year, there were 6 state troopers/sherifs with us once we got off the bus, and lined up to march over to the skull session, then over to the horseshoe. During the game two of them stood in front of us facing the crowd to deter any stupidity (people throwing stuff at the band, which, I was told, did happen in the past). After the game, state police escorted as we marched back to the busses, and out to the interstate.
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So because he acted like a douche all week and taunted Ohio State fans before the game he deserves a pass for assaulting an Ohio State fan after his team lost?

Sure he does. Turnabout is only fair play. After all. OSU assaulted his team and "spooner" coach from the late 3rd period on when Mich had a 14-7 lead - with the ball - and had every opportunity to put the game with a few 1st downs. They blew it !!! Look in the mirror before blaming everyone else. And as mentioned, motor-mouth Peppers didn't back his actions on the field so why not punch a fan with your helmet on. Think about this clown: you were 0-3 against OSU (like many pi$$ and blue players before you).
A push to the face with a closed fist full of sweatshirt. I am not being cute there.. that's what it looked like. It wasn't a swing.. it was somewhere between a push and a jab.

But the thing is, they say a fan ran into Peppers.. well, Peppers was running off and ran into the fan... so Ohio State white-haired old dude grabbed Peppers arm to get his attention to tell him something, Peppers turned and ran right into the fan.. who was not watching where he was going either.

I have no idea what was said between the two.. but if the only provocation of Peppers was the two bumping into eachother, he owes the fan an apology as he over-reacted. And even if something was said, if it was said after Peppers grabbed his garment then Peppers was wrong there too. It seems to me that Peppers thought he was purposefully run into.. and he was not. It is on him.

I heard on College Football Final that, pre-game, Peppers was scuffing up the OSU logo at midfield and spitting on it. He's a child. If I were an NFL scout, I'd be worried he might go the way of Johnny Football.

That guy for Notre Dame should never play another college game. Kicked a USC player in the head when he was down and clearly out. Stepped on his or someone else's leg too. Maybe someone can post a link.
Agree 100%, but if you read the NotreLame board, they are saying they need more players like that. Not that he's good, but that want to win and show "what they call" a little nasty streak in them like Zorich had. That POS was just hurting a defenseless player on the ground.Watch both videos,unreal.
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There is a reason the NCAA has a rule against fans storming the field, and why schools are fined if their fans do it. I personally love seeing fans storm the field (or basketball court), but it is not only dangerous to players but also to fans. There are over 200 players who just got done with a slugfest, and they aren't given any time to acclimate to "proper" engagement with people, and here are tens of thousands of students, many drunk, running all over the place without paying attention to what's going on and getting in your face.

Peppers is pretty much always going to be caught doing something wrong because the cameras are always on him--it's the price he pays for the lovefest ESPN has had with him. I'm glad we're gonna stop hearing his name after this year (same thing with McCaffrey at Stanford, since you couldn't watch one of their games without hearing his name 400 times), but I don't put that incident all on him, especially since we can't hear what the fan may have said. Maybe the fan was yelling "Fvck Peppers!" or something like that. Who knows. Based on what I saw, I'm saying Peppers was 60% at fault, the fan 40%, so it's a non-event.

P.S. Did anyone see who was in coverage when tOSU's receiver tied the game in the last few seconds? I would love it to have been Peppers.

So because he acted like a douche all week and taunted Ohio State fans before the game he deserves a pass for assaulting an Ohio State fan after his team lost?

No, he doesn't deserve a pass. The guy acted like a jerk. My only point was that it wasn't that big of a deal and nobody got hurt. Also, the fan wasn't supposed to be on the field at all, so that fact will be used to justify Peppers' actions (i.e., he'll say he was defending himself). Nothing is going to come of this. But it's enough that Peppers has to live with the loss. I'd be curious to hear what the OSU fan that got shoved has to say about the altercation.
Also, the fan wasn't supposed to be on the field at all, so that fact will be used to justify Peppers' actions..

There are field rushes in rivalry games all the time. It would have happened in Michigan too. At Wisconsin, fans go on the field every game. I saw video of Michigan players walking around with no issues whatsoever. The altercation was all in Peppers head... he is in a suit of armor among fans in puffy jackets and sweatshirts. Only his feelings were vulnerable... poor baby.

Its a good think "Pampers" left Jersey.. he s not mentally tough enough for this place.
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Wait. I thought Peppers was the best DB to ever come out of Jersey?

Anybody who watches him in coverage and puts the words "best DB" in the same sentence with him has escaped a mental asylum.

Not only is Peppers not the best anything to ever come out of Jersey, I'll go so far as to call the guy a straight up liability in coverage.

And JT dropped his jock on the read at least 4 times.
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Peppers is pretty much always going to be caught doing something wrong because the cameras are always on him--it's the price he pays for the lovefest ESPN has had with him. I'm glad we're gonna stop hearing his name after this year (same thing with McCaffrey at Stanford,

Based on what I saw, I'm saying Peppers was 60% at fault, the fan 40%, so it's a non-event.
Can't follow the logic in bold. The ONLY thing Peppers should have been doing is shaking the hands of tOSU players and saying "good game." It is what athletes are taught to do from age 4 or 5 and they continue this tradition and gesture of sportsmanship as professionals.

Cry me a river about the camera always being on him. McCaffery represents Stanford, his family and himself quite well. A gentleman and a scholar.

DB was the appropriate position for Peppers. The acronym fits him perfectly.
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