There are 400 top 100 players over any 4 year period. 400 players over all 350 division schools
Even if you count only the 75 programs in the power 5 and big east....on average most programs probably have 4 on a roster. (Figuring the other 100 go NBA, never make it or some end up at other schools one way or the other)
That means, on average, 9 out of 13 spots on your roster are built from those 3 Star kids in the 101-250.
Outside the 10-12 programs that select, it’s about getting a couple of four stars and getting the right kids in that 101-250, that work in your system, have the attitude and upside, The right combination of atheirisxm and skill...and developing them
People keep saying we have been recruiting badly for the last 25 years since joining the big east in 95/96
We have been, but it’s not because we haven’t got some top 100 kids, and not had a roster that mostly wasn’t filled with those 3 Star, top 101-250 types. Bannon, waters, Hill, rice and even Eddie had this mix.
It’s beduase we didn’t get the right mix and didn’t do enough developing them. Not all
Kids in that 101-250 range are built equally, and each have strengths and weakness that keep them in that range,
But not make them top 100 kids
The better coaches and talent evaluations see through that ...and get the right ingredients
I really think we have two classes on the right track here...Baker/Duke/Johnson last year and Mathis/carter/Harper this year
Two more classs of this or better and the wins will be coming.
We finally have a coach and staff that not only is getting players, but has a system to develop them and is getting the right ones on that list....
Patience is needed when no one wants to be )including me)....but this is being built right ....