Please explain to me


All Conference
Oct 30, 2003
How Mike William is a good shooter.... three attempts from the three point arc and he did not hit the rim once..... he has had all yr. to adjust..... He is not a D1, B10 player... He should be playing at the local YMCA...

same goes for Sheridan.... might be the worst basketball I Q in the game.... I am not impressed with his tattooooooooos, and even less with his bb skills....

I am at the point that something is very wrong....talent is part of it but it seems that our staff has thrown in the towel....

This is the worst attempt to field a MBB teams in the over 20 yrs. that I have been an RU fan....

a lot of people are to blame.... JH, EJ, Chris Christy, RU Pres...... they should be embarrassed and ashamed of them selves.... We are paying good salaries for what...

I am no longer a fan of RU MBB.......If this is an indication of how well the school does, then all of its students are in trouble.... I wonder how RU grads do compared to other schools....

Learn how to become inept goes to RU and you can learn from the least successful people in major sports..... My apologizes to KF, I believe he is a good person and doing a decent job with a total lack of support for the major players..
Dude, Sheridan doesn't have tattoos. What game are you watching?

This post was edited on 2/26 10:15 PM by Aggs
he is not joking like the rest of us....he really thinks we have a guy named Sheridan...I think he renamed Daniels

anyway I will say Williams has been a big disappointment, people keep talking about potential but I have not seen anything from him yet and he has had minutes to prove something
How can I take someone who confuses Sheridan with Daniels seriously? :-)
Originally posted by sailor41123:

How Mike William is a good shooter.... three attempts from the three point arc and he did not hit the rim once..... he has had all yr. to adjust..... He is not a D1, B10 player... He should be playing at the local YMCA...

same goes for Sheridan.... might be the worst basketball I Q in the game.... I am not impressed with his tattooooooooos, and even less with his bb skills....

I am at the point that something is very wrong....talent is part of it but it seems that our staff has thrown in the towel....

This is the worst attempt to field a MBB teams in the over 20 yrs. that I have been an RU fan....

a lot of people are to blame.... JH, EJ, Chris Christy, RU Pres...... they should be embarrassed and ashamed of them selves.... We are paying good salaries for what...

I am no longer a fan of RU MBB.......If this is an indication of how well the school does, then all of its students are in trouble.... I wonder how RU grads do compared to other schools....

Learn how to become inept goes to RU and you can learn from the least successful people in major sports..... My apologizes to KF, I believe he is a good person and doing a decent job with a total lack of support for the major players..
No blame for Rice... his actions are the reason for rock bottom right now. Half the roster left
You can win with five Sheridan's. He is not our problem this season.
Sheridan or not,,,,how many of our players would get playing time at the other B10 schools?.....
IMO Jack wouldnt see much and Mack would see less

we have a HUGE talent problem
Originally posted by mikefla:

we have a HUGE talent problem
especially at the coaching position.

I'd like to see Mack, Daniels, Etou, Jack and Lewis with a real coach that would make everyone accountable for their effort and would make sure they play the game right.

To answer the question about mike Williams

Desperate need in S&C...he looks like he hit the wall months ago

Watch his shot...its all upper legs into his shot, on back of his feet

Even his foul shot is all upper body

This is usual sign of big time fatigue...when you shoot you aren't using your legs...
I think this thread is being too hard on Mike; we have to remember he is a true freshman being asked to play too many minutes with only 3 scholarship guards.

While Mike may have some disappointing aspects to his game, I don't think Mike is "a disappointment". Now there is no question whatsoever that Mike's shooting is a huge disappointment particularly for someone coming out of NYC with a reputation as a shooter. The first 25 minutes of last night's game was as bad as I have seen ever; he missed everything three times if I recall correctly (he may have hit some shots later in the game, but I had stopped watching by then). There is no doubt that he has lost his confidence and likely hit a physical wall as well (but to be fair, his shooting has been bad from the start of the season). But in my opinion Mike has impressed in other ways this year with his ball handling, passing and especially his defense. When Mike switches on defense to 3's and 4's he battles harder by a factor of 5 more than any of our other guards.

I am hopeful that Mike will regain his confidence and his stroke next year (he has shown some short stretches where the stroke has looked good). With the overall play of this team and the results, it is really easy to get frustrated but I don't think we should be singling out individual players, particularly true freshmen. Coaching on the other hand it fair game!
Originally posted by Scarlet Shack:

To answer the question about mike Williams

Desperate need in S&C...he looks like he hit the wall months ago

Watch his shot...its all upper legs into his shot, on back of his feet

Even his foul shot is all upper body

This is usual sign of big time fatigue...when you shoot you aren't using your legs...

I wonder if anyone on staff has tried to look at his shot in HS vs. now and see if there is in fact a difference..

I would hope so.

Great shooters like Shack and I when we rarely miss it is long or short, rarely ever left or right. Mike is missing everywhere. Something is up mechanically.
The only part of Mike's game that disappointed me this year was his shooting. I was pleasantly suprised at the rest of his game. His hustle, his passing, his toughness, his defense.
I sit in the 4th row of sec 118. I recall midseason turning to my ticket buddy and telling him to watch Mike when he shoots; his eyes would immediately follow the flight of the ball upon release instead of staying focusing on the rim. I don't know too many good shooters that let their eyes follow the flight of the ball.

Originally posted by Greene Rice FIG:

Originally posted by Scarlet Shack:

To answer the question about mike Williams

Desperate need in S&C...he looks like he hit the wall months ago

Watch his shot...its all upper legs into his shot, on back of his feet

Even his foul shot is all upper body

This is usual sign of big time fatigue...when you shoot you aren't using your legs...

I wonder if anyone on staff has tried to look at his shot in HS vs. now and see if there is in fact a difference..

I would hope so.

Great shooters like Shack and I when we rarely miss it is long or short, rarely ever left or right. Mike is missing everywhere. Something is up mechanically.
Sheridan reminds me a lot about Phil, the kid who was the manager of Carver High's team in White Shadow. Important piece of the team, but we know so little about him still. We need to explore this Sheridan guy a lot more closely.
Mike Williams is the only kid really i saw dive for a loose ball when it was five feet away. Hell come back next year and have a better shot.
It's not a talent issue with Mike. It's a confidence issue. He made some shots down the stretch.
Kid has heart, just like Aggs said needs to get his confidence down. the off season will be big for Mike Williams. Hell have some competition next year.
Originally posted by Greene Rice FIG:

Originally posted by mikefla:

we have a HUGE talent problem
especially at the coaching position.

I'd like to see Mack, Daniels, Etou, Jack and Lewis with a real coach that would make everyone accountable for their effort and would make sure they play the game right.
I think Mike Williams will be fine. His problem is confidence. It's hard to argue with your comments about coaching. Eddie obviously knows Xs and Os. But, this ain't the NBA and he seems to be totally ineffective in connecting with and motivating college kids to do what he wants. Unfortunately, that probably won't change, which is depressing.
He rebounds well for his size, he needs to work on a mid range game instead hoisting up 3's. When he catches in rhythm his shot looks good but they are few and far between.

Reminds me of Coburn...
I recall early on Mike made a statement that he never lifted weights before. This might have hurt his shot early on and he lost his confidence.
I think Mike's shooting form is generally fine, as are the trajectory & pace of his shot. He's not always short, plenty of shots have gone long (or wide - yikes). To me, that means it's all mental.

If he can correct his shooting issues, he'll be a very effective player next year. He's our best on-ball defender by far, and is unselfish on offense.

I'd like to see him get some run at the 1 next year. He's shown some ability to penetrate & either dish or finish.
Originally posted by higgins3:
Mike Williams is the only kid really i saw dive for a loose ball when it was five feet away. Hell come back next year and have a better shot.
With our thin roster, diving for loose balls might have to wait for next year. No room for injuries.
He thinks too much on the floor. He will learn to let the game come to him, and his stroke will come. (I think I said the same think about Kone as a freshmen though....)