Poor Kaepernick..

There was a lot of talk that the NFL ratings decline was due to his "no standing for the flag" thing. Turned off Vets and the heart-land.

I don't buy it - I think it was the "reality" show of all shows with Trump and Clinton causing lots of people to watch Fox, CNN, etc.

That, and the NFL over-saturating the market with games. Sunday night, Monday night, Thursday night. It's too much!

But the NFL owners are not a bunch of "Libs" and probably don't take too kindly to "disrespecting" the flag, particularly if they think it might be costing them a few bucks.

And last straw...he's not very good.
Kaeperick is better than 50% of the QBs in the NFL. He's better than Brock Osweiler, Mike Glennon and Josh McCown. Maybe the owner doesn't want him on the team and that's fine. But there are QB's on NFL rosters worst than him.
There was a lot of talk that the NFL ratings decline was due to his "no standing for the flag" thing. Turned off Vets and the heart-land.

I don't buy it - I think it was the "reality" show of all shows with Trump and Clinton causing lots of people to watch Fox, CNN, etc.

That, and the NFL over-saturating the market with games. Sunday night, Monday night, Thursday night. It's too much!

But the NFL owners are not a bunch of "Libs" and probably don't take too kindly to "disrespecting" the flag, particularly if they think it might be costing them a few bucks.

And last straw...he's not very good.

College ratings were up all season when NFL was down. The NFL dipped for its own reasons and the anthem was of course part of reason - easy bet the main one. The NFL made patriotism a main part of its shtick and then let it get sullied. Just prior to Kap the NFL wouldn't let Dallas honor the assassinated police - police killed by people who see Kap and his radical girlfriend as comrades. Even a dingbat like Ruth Bader Ginsburg said protests were "dumb" and disrespectful.

Roger Goodell is the most hated man in US pro sports. He cant show-up anywhere without getting booed and he's getting booed more vociferously as time goes on. People hate the NFL HQ because they are penny sucking wierdos who don't seem to care much about anything except dollars and bonuses. They don't love their game, league or fans.

The NFL is like a lot of things in America - they take the fans for granted and constantly poke them in the face. If people could vote for NFL commish Goodell would be gone in a flash.
CFL calling. Maybe he can catch on with the Syracuse Snow Barons and play for the Grey Cup.
There was a lot of talk that the NFL ratings decline was due to his "no standing for the flag" thing. Turned off Vets and the heart-land.

I don't buy it - I think it was the "reality" show of all shows with Trump and Clinton causing lots of people to watch Fox, CNN, etc.

That, and the NFL over-saturating the market with games. Sunday night, Monday night, Thursday night. It's too much!

But the NFL owners are not a bunch of "Libs" and probably don't take too kindly to "disrespecting" the flag, particularly if they think it might be costing them a few bucks.

And last straw...he's not very good.
This. I believe one of the radio shows was explaining that the ratings dip was similar in 2012. It happens every four years essentially. Never looked up to confirm, don't care enough.

Kaepernick just isn't any good now because the NFL has adapted. He also can't play on a more traditional offense, so his potential as a backup is diminished throughout most of the league.

The idea that the POTUS is why he isn't signed is ridiculous. It is even more ridiculous that it was the POTUS himself who takes credit for Kaepernick being unemployed.
Actually what he's doing is exactly what the flag stands for. When the people see something wrong, it is their responsibility to do something about it. Something like that in the Declaration of Independence.
The guy sees an injustice, brings attention to it, and then donates boatloads of time and money to the cause. Yea, he's the worst.

If you are serious, I believe you are in the minority. During the process of his silent protests, he created a rift between himself and a majority of the public. I never said he was the worst. He is a well qualified second or third string the worst. At best, he is a potential starting and serviceable QB. Do you think it's a coincidence he isn't getting looks from teams at this time? Owners and coaches don't want to deal with the negative press and backlash from the fans because of him. There are plenty of other ways to bring attention to a cause. Now he has his pal Spike Lee entering the fray in his defense.
He's had more success than Glennon, McKown, EJ Manuel, and some of the other retreads that just got signed. He'll be on a team somewhere. He had the bad luck of playing for two of the worst NFL coaches back to back in Tomsula and Chip after his good years with Hawbaw
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He's had more success than Glennon, McKown, EJ Manuel, and some of the other retreads that just got signed. He'll be on a team somewhere. He had the bad luck of playing for two of the worst NFL coaches back to back in Tomsula and Chip after his good years with Hawbaw

The reality is, people figured out how to stop him from running, and he couldn't beat them with his arm. It's no more complicated than that.

There's a reason that guys like Tom Brady, Ben Rroethlisberger, and Eli Manning, who are wooden statues, have a combined 9 Super Bowl rings, and guys like Cam Newton and Colin Kaepernick have 0. A quarterback's job is, and always will be, to distribute the ball. You can't do that, you won't win, period.
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Actually what he's doing is exactly what the flag stands for. When the people see something wrong, it is their responsibility to do something about it. Something like that in the Declaration of Independence.
The guy sees an injustice, brings attention to it, and then donates boatloads of time and money to the cause. Yea, he's the worst.

Just curious: wouldn't exercising his unabridged constitutional right to vote in the presidential/gubernatorial elections last November have been an effective and direct way to work towards righting such wrongs?

In my opinion, Kaepernick had a right to kneel/sit/ignore the national anthem, just as much as I have a right to consider him to be a moron who is now paying the piper for doing so. Just like Ray Rice, signing him will inevitably lead to at least a partial publicity/fanbase backlash, and his current skillset reward does not justify the risk. It's NFL team economics 101.
Kaepernick not being signed at this point does lead itself to the consideration of being black listed. Geno Smith just signed for gods sake.
Which lends itself that he really does believe in his cause. He is not a dumb man and neither is his agent. Both were very aware of this happening and both put football as secondary to their beliefs. His protest wasn't so much about himself being "oppressed"!but in some parts how he actually feels blessed with the random luck of the draw he received and how different it most likely would have been for him otherwise.
On his protest. Yes, I know it just grates on everyone because of what we feel the NA stands for. Myself, always stand, hat off, sing and respect.
But I would much prefer non violent protests like his vs the violent ones we see elsewhere. BTW- leading a protest always upsets the majority.
He also separated veteran's and fighting men/women from his protest. He always holds them in the highest regard.
Also, he has never been a cancer in the locker room. Just the opposite.
Anyway- he is paying for his actions. NFL has a very real blacklist. Some like Kaepernick and RR are very public but also many others that you will never hear of. It is a very nasty business.
Played in a SB and in my opinion a decent talent. In the end he decides to throw it all away for a cause that insulted the very people who paid his salary. Life has a funny way of humbling all of us, doesn't it?
Played in a SB and in my opinion a decent talent. In the end he decides to throw it all away for a cause that insulted the very people who paid his salary. Life has a funny way of humbling all of us, doesn't it?
If you have a cause you really believe in, are you supposed to worry who it insulted?
John Elway is the Broncos, letterhead or not.
I think it was last season I saw someone tell a story about how Elway was offered 25% of the Broncos during a contract negotiation and he turned it down for more cash.

Then the value of NFL teams EXPLODED.


On the OP, yeah, Kap is too much risk as a locker-room cancer (vs the establishment/management) when you factor in doubts about his ability as a QB.
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If you have a cause you really believe in, are you supposed to worry who it insulted?

I don't believe that he is a smart man at all. His knowledge of history was exposed by his pro Castro comments which were plain ignorant. The Revolution was very bad for those black Cubans who ended up stuck on that island as Castro established his dictatorship. Their history of education was established well before the rich man Castro took over by lying to the naive.
If you have a cause you really believe in, are you supposed to worry who it insulted?
01' Sometimes yes. I'm just thinking in a practical and sensible manner. He's a good QB that can scramble, which means he has value as an athlete. Why squander everything for something he can't change. Why squander everything for something he can't change Unfortunately, his behavior was rejected by the fans and owner (s).
01' Sometimes yes. I'm just thinking in a practical and sensible manner. He's a good QB that can scramble, which means he has value as an athlete. Unfortunately, his behavior was rejected by the fans and inappropriate for a professional athlete.

I can't say if I agree with his method or not but I struggle with the concept that it is inappropriate for an athlete. If he were a line cook, would it be any more appropriate or not?
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Kaepernick had every right to kneel and protest. I just wonder why he decided to announce he was ending his kneeling protest just a few days before free agency started. Crazy timing. Maybe he feels everything has turned around in the country the last couple of months since the season ended.
I can't say if I agree with his method or not but I struggle with the concept that it is inappropriate for an athlete. If he were a line cook, would it be any more appropriate or not?
To me personally there's a profound difference between the two. He was given a stage to showcase his football skills, not political views. When the General Public retaliated and refused to attend 49 games it affected the owners bottom line. Did you see the stadium when the Jets played the 49's?? That was a combination of a struggling team and a QB that fell out of favor with the fans. I hope he was responsible with his money.
The only coach who ever got Kap to play was Harbaugh. Kap is not physically the player he once was; he's 25 lbs lighter. He looks noticeably different. And, the league has changed. Teams run a lot less run/option now. It isn't the same game that it was even three years ago.

He's still got a strong arm and has more talent than a bunch of guys in the league. But, he had a chance to run a franchise and it didn't work out. Players rarely get a second chance like that. He's a backup now and teams aren't going to rush to sign a backup.
Funny, have any of his critics donated 50k to Meals on Wheels?

Also the Jets should have signed him over McCown but Woody is a right wing dope.
To me personally there's a profound difference between the two. He was given a stage to showcase his football skills, not political views. When the General Public retaliated and refused to attend 49 games it affected the owners bottom line. Did you see the stadium when the Jets played the 49's?? That was a combination of a struggling team and a QB that fell out of favor with the fans. I hope he was responsible with his money.
You make it sound like some big hearted owner found a kid in the streets and said, "hey come play football for me and I'll give you millions"
Everyone has the right to like/dislike what he did as his protest. But give me a "poor owner or poor NFL" and you lose me.
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If you have a cause you really believe in, are you supposed to worry who it insulted?

Nope. And your not supposed to cry about when people don't like it.

He will be doing so even more in real short order.

He blew it.
Truth is he actually was well thought of in the locker room last year.....I think the decision not to sign him is coming from the very top of many organizations. This is very much like RR - only difference is Kaepernick will be on a team eventually.

The problem with Kap is his skill set is only good in a read option offense. Not too many teams are running it and the ones that do have very good QBs and backups and therefore don't need him. The anthem issue is just icing on the cake and not the reason he is not being signed. JMHO
Actually what he's doing is exactly what the flag stands for. When the people see something wrong, it is their responsibility to do something about it. Something like that in the Declaration of Independence.
The guy sees an injustice, brings attention to it, and then donates boatloads of time and money to the cause. Yea, he's the worst.

Screw him! He didn't see any injustice until after he made his money. Funny how that works. Sounds a lot like Hollywood. Maybe he, and all the stars who said they were leaving if Trump won, could do a musical in Cuba. Oh wait, they haven't left have they? Just another POS loser looking for attention.
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Screw him! He didn't see any injustice until after he made his money. Funny how that works. Sounds a lot like Hollywood. Maybe he, and all the stars who said they were leaving if Trump won, could do a musical in Cuba. Oh wait, they haven't left have they? Just another POS loser looking for attention.
If he did his protesting before he was an NFL QB you'd excuse him of being a Soros paid protester. Can't win with people like you.
The only coach who ever got Kap to play was Harbaugh. Kap is not physically the player he once was; he's 25 lbs lighter. He looks noticeably different. And, the league has changed. Teams run a lot less run/option now. It isn't the same game that it was even three years ago.

He's still got a strong arm and has more talent than a bunch of guys in the league. But, he had a chance to run a franchise and it didn't work out. Players rarely get a second chance like that. He's a backup now and teams aren't going to rush to sign a backup.
Kaepernick looked pretty good last season coming off of shoulder surgery. He had one of the league's highest QB ratings, one of the league's best TD-INT ratios, and got the 49ers offense to get on the scoreboard and be competitive in most games despite having next to no talent surrounding him on offense outside of a constantly injured Carlos Hyde, a good but also injured offensive line, a healthy but rapidly aging Joe Staley, and one of the worst defenses of all time. The year before he was playing on a banged up knee, thumb and throwing shoulder before getting shelved. He's still a top 20 QB in the NFL.

The issue isn't with his play or talent, it is 100% that the owners don't want to deal with the controversy that he comes with due to what he did last year. Everyone has the freedom to express their political opinions, but there's always repercussions with everything you do. I hope he gets another opportunity to start for the right franchise. While I disagree with his politics - much like TO, Colin off the field is a freaking boy scout that does a lot of charity work and hasn't had any criminal or drug issues unlike some of the idiots in the league that abuse their wonderful opportunity or act like total scumbags and continue to get chance after chance. Despite the way he comes off publicly as a persona, he's one of the good guys in the NFL.
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This didn't help.

Kaepernick looked pretty good last season coming off of shoulder surgery. He had one of the league's highest QB ratings, one of the league's best TD-INT ratios, and got the 49ers offense to get on the scoreboard and be competitive in most games despite having next to no talent surrounding him on offense outside of a constantly injured Carlos Hyde, a good but also injured offensive line, a healthy but rapidly aging Joe Staley, and one of the worst defenses of all time. The year before he was playing on a banged up knee, thumb and throwing shoulder before getting shelved. He's still a top 20 QB in the NFL.

The issue isn't with his play or talent, it is 100% that the owners don't want to deal with the controversy that he comes with due to what he did last year. Everyone has the freedom to express their political opinions, but there's always repercussions with everything you do. I hope he gets another opportunity to start for the right franchise. While I disagree with his politics - much like TO, Colin off the field is a freaking boy scout that does a lot of charity work and hasn't had any criminal or drug issues unlike some of the idiots in the league that abuse their wonderful opportunity or act like total scumbags and continue to get chance after chance. Despite the way he comes off publicly as a persona, he's one of the good guys in the NFL.

While I presume some owners want no part of him give me the franchises that should've signed him? Here are the teams that needed a QB - Houston, Jets, Cleveland, 49ers and Bears. Houston is waiting on Romo. Cleveland is drafting a rookie and 49ers obviously moved on. So, it leaves the Jets and Bears. The Jets signed McCown to a one-year stop gap contract. They have young QBs they want to develop and McCown likely won't even start by mid-year as the Jets are in a total rebuild. Sure, Kap is better than McCown but he doesn't fit the Jets rebuilding plan. That leaves the Bears. If you want to say Kap is better than Glennon that's fine but it's not clear cut. Glennon was pursued by numerous franchises when free agency opened. All pro teams chase potential more than a known commodity.

Cutler, Fitzpatrick, RG3 -- none of them have gotten a sniff either. It's fine if you believe Kap has been blackballed but at least put it into context. (BTW, Fitzpatrick's 2015 season dwarfed Kap the past 2 years and he couldn't get a sniff last offseason and had to go crawling back to the Jets.)
I think he is getting the same colder as Ray Rice received from his incident ... fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at things. :eyes:
Jerry Sandusky donated a lot of time & money to Second Mile. John Gotti did a lot for the local community. Doesn't excuse their transgressions though.
You are really comparing someone whose transgression was to legally kneel in respectful silence instead of stand during the anthem, to a man who raped dozens of children and another who was a mob boss who murdered people?

Your moral compass is completely broken.
Funny, have any of his critics donated 50k to Meals on Wheels?

It's great he donated, but context is needed. Let's put aside the fact that he's made approximately $45M the past 3 years and focus only on 2016. Kap made $11.9M. A $50k donation is the equivalent of a guy, who makes $100k, donating $425. Again, I think it's great that he donated -- everyone should -- but the amount should be put in context.
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It's great he donated, but context is needed. Let's put aside the fact that he's made approximately $45M the past 3 years and focus only on 2016. Kap made $11.9M. A $50k donation is the equivalent of a guy, who makes $100k, donating $425. Again, I think it's great that he donated -- everyone should -- but the amount should be put in context.
Quite often when a celebrity(good or bad) makes a public donation, the benefits to that organization is much more than the $$ that he or she gave. It is the attention to their cause that they benefit from most. Let's be honest, a single donation of $1000, $50000 or $200000 is only a drop in the bucket of what they need.