Poznanski, Rivera & VanBrill Take Third at 2021 Big Ten Championships

I agree. Having Alvarez,Aragona and Angelo banging heads in that room will only make him better. I used to watch Mike and John go at it it the room occasionally and the coaches had to break it up as it got so fierce at times. They were both so competitive.
No problem. All good! Honestly sometimes I just cringe when reading some of the posts. The wrestlers are reading these forums too. All these guys are so nice and I do wonder sometimes, how it affects them when reading some of the posts. I know they are adults and are fair game but I know personally I can’t do it. However we felt the same frustration when he lost the first match. The Rivera family had to endure some of my vulgar language as a curse word or two escaped my mouth! Lol I am an emotional guy when it comes to my kids. Then when he started winning they had to endure more curse words as I was so excited I could not control myself!
Thanks again and hopefully we can pull out a few All Americans!
Sitting next to you in the RAC over the years has been a great ride and I’m glad to hear it will continue. My experience during John and Mike’s matches has been that there is not a great variety of curse or vulgar words used by you but the inflection applied to a single word has indicated everything from aggravation to celebration. Never lose that passion. Safe travels and best to the VanBrill family.
Never say never! Always a lot of factors. However I believe 149 is best for him at this time and I think he believes that too now.
I have loved watchIng and cheering for your sons. Best of luck to Mike at nationals!

Since you are here, maybe you can explain something to us followers - where does Vanschenkbrill come from and is that the official name or was that a mistake on past telecasts? I would love to get the definitive answer/explanation. Thanks!
I have loved watchIng and cheering for your sons. Best of luck to Mike at nationals!

Since you are here, maybe you can explain something to us followers - where does Vanschenkbrill come from and is that the official name or was that a mistake on past telecasts? I would love to get the definitive answer/explanation. Thanks!
Our family is Dutch and most of our family all of our family is still in Holland. When my father started our pool business the long version did not sound to good! Van Schenk Brill Pools. So he just took out the middle part. Nobody knew our legal name because we never used it. After 9/11 everything became a little more strict about using our legal name. Most people never knew that name even some of our friends.
I agree. Having Alvarez,Aragona and Angelo banging heads in that room will only make him better. I used to watch Mike and John go at it it the room occasionally and the coaches had to break it up as it got so fierce at times. They were both so competitive.
Bill we could not even let them practice together when they were kids because they would just go at for hours. It was my fault. I used put them against each other maybe a little too much. All I would have to say is John you can’t beat Mikey or vice versa and they would go at it. I think that what made them so tough. They just did not quit.
I would be laughing my butt off watching them go at it since I have an older brother 18 months difference and know the feeling. Tell John I miss him.
At some point, Goodale has to build this program from within again. When he had zero resources and funding with the program on life support, he was somehow able to do it, but the last few years his recruits have not lived up to expectations and the future is bleak because of it. Mulligan, Glasgow, Vulakh, Grello, Aguilar, Robinson, Aragona. Those are just the top of my head of guys that just haven't lived up to their billing or just didn't, or haven't made it in general. Not to mention most of his other recruits haven't over achieved or surprised anyone.

What happened to the days of Perrotti, Billy Smith, DelVecchio, Theobold, Lewis, Gravina? Guys that weren't rated highly recruited, but really shined and thrived here and are part of the reason this program has the recognition it has today. This program has lost its ability to develop from within even with all of the shiny new toys it has gotten over the last few years.

At some point soon, this program won't be able to lean on Ashnault, Suriano, & all of the other great wrestlers of the past who got this program to this point. Those teams of the 2012-2017 era would easily handle our team now and that's just unacceptable. The facilities are there as well as the support. The development and recruiting should be at its best and it just isn't
Are we going to ignore recruits like Poz, Alvarez, Kannaird, and Turley? How about Mike Van Brill who might be a top 10 seed heading into the NCAAs?

You mention the success of Theobold and Lewis. Theobold didn’t start until his sophomore year. Richie Lewis wasn’t even at Rutgers until his junior year. To compare the success they had as upperclassmen to what you perceive as a lack of from Aragona who is a true sophomore and Vulakh who had a career ending back injury is puzzling.
I will always love her to death. Can’t steal her as she is too pretty for a lug like me..., Go MVB
Now that would be a sight to see...watching Bill getting power halfed by MVBs mom, and hopefully gets a 4 count.I agree, with MVBs dad said. We've been pretty harsh on him, and I know from my own point of view,its because I hate seeing our wrestlers loose, and really should put things another way.Because at the end of the day, they are still just very impressionable kids who need our support ,win, loose or draw.Anyway, congrats to MVB. He really did wrestle incredible and win or loose at the NCAA's, his run at Big 10s will go down in the record books. Also to the other kids. You guys looked great.Good luck young dudes!
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You do have some good points, but I'm going to speak from personal experience. When you have a very decorated career it's hard to keep that upward trajectory of success at the next level. A lot of these kids are in high school environments where they are the top dog, and it builds their character as a wrestler and strengthens their confidence. When you get to college with those accolades, you are surrounded by athletes who have the same resume. That can be intimidating for young kid. Also, some of these athletes almost feel obligated to the parents and the community to continue that success. They may not necessarily want it anymore. That very well may be the case with some of the guys on your team.
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Hi Everyone,
Just to be clear I will never post under another screen name. I thought 141VB157 was pretty clear that is was me with this screen name. Of course, I did the screen name when Mike was 141 & John was at 157. I very rarely post anything unless I feel someone is attacking my kid! LOL
Thanks for all the shout outs for Mike's performance this weekend. It was an incredible run, especially after the first loss. He was really down on himself and to dig deep to get himself mentally ready for Murin. Too be honest, when Murin dropped down into wrestlebacks Sue and I were planning our trip back home and we were changing our locks to the house! LOL We sat in the stands and watched every win and basically looked at each and said who is that kid? He told me that after the first loss he realized it could possibly be his last match and he was not going to lose. Who figured it would hold true.
Couple of things: 1. Mike is looking to return for another year, especially after this weekend! 2. Everyone new the headlock was coming. Coaches, Mikey, and I were aware of it and they worked on defending it as soon as they found out he was our draw. Originally it was not supposed to be him and it changed the night before. It is a difficult headlock to stop as it comes from the left side. Most kids hit from the right and kids get used to the feeling, when it comes from the left it throws most wrestlers off. The Rutgers coaching staff from top to bottom has been great for the 6 years that my boys have been there. You can not ask for a better staff, so for all the crazies asking for their heads you guys are way off base. They want the kids to not only be good wrestlers but better men. The Rutgers community has been awesome too!
3. 149/157 - Mike will have to wait see what happens with his weight. My personal feeling is that 149 is the right weight class for him to succeed at a high level. When you look at Deakin at 157 I wonder how he was able to reach NCAA's at 157, however he will do what ever it takes to be on the team. Just never to 141 again ever! I am not saying he deserves anything, obviously next year there will be several at that weight and coaches will have to determine who earns it. Honestly, if it is a normal year nobody will know until competitions starts. Lots of good wrestlers at 149. Alvarez, MVB, Aragona, Santos, & Angelo and I might be missing some.
4. Criticism - I think every wrestler can handle some criticism. Sometimes I read some of them and I agree with them. However sometimes fans can be a little brutal on this forum. I think the criticism is good but before posting it, maybe think if it was your son or someone you knew personally before hitting the send button. These are great kids that work really hard and devoted their life to succeeding at Rutgers.
Thanks again for all that reached out to me through, FB, text, phone, twitter, my phone would not stop. That's one great thing about the wrestling community it is a tight group and we all know each other.
Michael Van Brill ( Dad )

I feel like my son has grown up with these wrestlers. JVB was always one of his favorites. Meeting him in Pittsburgh along with Scottie D and Gravina were highlights of his weekend. So for all the negativity these young men receive, there are tons of young wrestlers who look up to them. Keep positive pop and tell MVB to go kick ass next weekend!

You do have some good points, but I'm going to speak from personal experience. When you have a very decorated career it's hard to keep that upward trajectory of success at the next level. A lot of these kids are in high school environments where they are the top dog, and it builds their character as a wrestler and strengthens their confidence. When you get to college with those accolades, you are surrounded by athletes who have the same resume. That can be intimidating for young kid. Also, some of these athletes almost feel obligated to the parents and the community to continue that success. They may not necessarily want it anymore. That very well may be the case with some of the guys on your team.

Can you please elaborate? I believe you have touched on a decorated career in the years past but recently alluded to now being a sophmore taking advanced engineering courses as electives. Answering this will help establish any credibility for future posts as some have had their suspicions of who you really are. Thanks.
I feel like my son has grown up with these wrestlers. JVB was always one of his favorites. Meeting him in Pittsburgh along with Scottie D and Gravina were highlights of his weekend. So for all the negativity these young men receive, there are tons of young wrestlers who look up to them. Keep positive pop and tell MVB to go kick ass next weekend!

Great pic! I remember when that was taken. Thanks so much! It has been a great 6 years for our family being a part of the Rutgers family. Looks like I will enjoy a 7th year now!
Can you please elaborate? I believe you have touched on a decorated career in the years past but recently alluded to now being a sophmore taking advanced engineering courses as electives. Answering this will help establish any credibility for future posts as some have had their suspicions of who you really are. Thanks.
Okay I think we can throw out the sophomore in college thing. We've beaten that down already. I should have been a little bit more forthcoming and truthful, but I figured with my writing style there would be a backlash, immediately. NJ state champion former RU wrestler. You take it from there. A couple people already figured me out. In fact I've gotten a couple tongue lashings on the phone. Even in public when people have asked me if it was me, I've denied it. Don't really need to go into it too much more. Most people try to bait and insult me, thinking that I'm going to reveal myself. It's not that hard if you do a little research. In all fairness, the only person I really know on this board is Bill. Everyone else is anonymous. Hence the reason I want to stay that way too.
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Okay I think we can throw out the sophomore in college thing. We've beaten that down already. I should have been a little bit more forthcoming and truthful, but I figured with my writing style there would be a backlash, immediately. NJ state champion former RU wrestler. You take it from there. A couple people already figured me out. In fact I've gotten a couple tongue lashings on the phone. Even in public when people have asked me if it was me, I've denied it. Don't really need to go into it too much more. Most people try to bait and insult me, thinking that I'm going to reveal myself. It's not that hard if you do a little research. In all fairness, the only person I really know on this board is Bill. Everyone else is anonymous. Hence the reason I want to stay that way too.

With today's cancel culture, of which I suspect some posters here participate, I understand you wanting to be anonymous. However, since you have damaged your credibility with untrue statements and got caught, if you're comfortable with your Rutgers experience, why not be proud of who you are?
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A little about my history as well. I was a state champion wrestler and then went to community college and wrestled there. After that, I transferred to a big 10 school and eventually won a championship. Then I tried out for the NFL but didn’t make it. Afterwards, I pursued a career in WWE before leaving and becoming a champion in the UFC.

I am Brock Lesnar.
A little about my history as well. I was a state champion wrestler and then went to community college and wrestled there. After that, I transferred to a big 10 school and eventually won a championship. Then I tried out for the NFL but didn’t make it. Afterwards, I pursued a career in WWE before leaving and becoming a champion in the UFC.

I am Brock Lesnar.

Damn...I didnt know you were on here Brock. What brings you to our Rutgers' board?
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At some point, Goodale has to build this program from within again. When he had zero resources and funding with the program on life support, he was somehow able to do it, but the last few years his recruits have not lived up to expectations and the future is bleak because of it. Mulligan, Glasgow, Vulakh, Grello, Aguilar, Robinson, Aragona. Those are just the top of my head of guys that just haven't lived up to their billing or just didn't, or haven't made it in general. Not to mention most of his other recruits haven't over achieved or surprised anyone.

Seems like a harsh evaluation.

People act as if Jo-Jo was a bust. He was a .500 wrestler in a tough 141 class in the big10. He wrestled at least 5 All Americans (Lee, Pletcher, Red, McKee, Shoop) & Duncan (who probably would have been one in 2020).

With Rivera, Sammy, VanBrill and Ashnault in the room, he is going to be a lot better. He posted on IG stories today that suggested he is excited to wrestle for RU. He was at the tournament and working with both guys for nationals.

All summer he posted workout videos. He just needed to get stronger and another year of great partners will make improvements. He also wrestles with Sasso in the off-season via Dark Knights club. (pretty sure I saw some pics of them together).

Aguilar is the question mark based on the rumors and performance. He's got to want it. The talent is there. The covid year and extra time home may have really messed up his routines. Only time will tell.

Vulakh is injured and done. Supposedly had huge potential too, which is a bummer.

Glasgow went in his own direction. May have been too close to his hometown influences. Him and Aguilar are boys so hopefully things haven't rubbed off on him. Def wish Glasgow panned out. He would have been tough with a healed up leg and more experience. He wrestled Isaiah White tough. He's actually probably athletic enough to come back and be okay.
Ok so who's got info on where we can watch all the matches and session times? I can't remember where I watched two years ago and a search on the internet brings me to nada.
Can you please elaborate? I believe you have touched on a decorated career in the years past but recently alluded to now being a sophmore taking advanced engineering courses as electives. Answering this will help establish any credibility for future posts as some have had their suspicions of who you really are. Thanks.
Leave Creedo alone sounds like he took his meds today, well behaved lol.
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Seems like a harsh evaluation.

People act as if Jo-Jo was a bust. He was a .500 wrestler in a tough 141 class in the big10. He wrestled at least 5 All Americans (Lee, Pletcher, Red, McKee, Shoop) & Duncan (who probably would have been one in 2020).

With Rivera, Sammy, VanBrill and Ashnault in the room, he is going to be a lot better. He posted on IG stories today that suggested he is excited to wrestle for RU. He was at the tournament and working with both guys for nationals.

All summer he posted workout videos. He just needed to get stronger and another year of great partners will make improvements. He also wrestles with Sasso in the off-season via Dark Knights club. (pretty sure I saw some pics of them together).

Aguilar is the question mark based on the rumors and performance. He's got to want it. The talent is there. The covid year and extra time home may have really messed up his routines. Only time will tell.

Vulakh is injured and done. Supposedly had huge potential too, which is a bummer.

Glasgow went in his own direction. May have been too close to his hometown influences. Him and Aguilar are boys so hopefully things haven't rubbed off on him. Def wish Glasgow panned out. He would have been tough with a healed up leg and more experience. He wrestled Isaiah White tough. He's actually probably athletic enough to come back and be okay.
I could be mistaken but pretty positive I saw him at the BigTens videoing and watching a lot of his teammates matches and particularly his practice partners MVB and Rivera. If so, I think that says a lot about him and where he wants to be.
Are we going to ignore recruits like Poz, Alvarez, Kannaird, and Turley? How about Mike Van Brill who might be a top 10 seed heading into the NCAAs?

You mention the success of Theobold and Lewis. Theobold didn’t start until his sophomore year. Richie Lewis wasn’t even at Rutgers until his junior year. To compare the success they had as upperclassmen to what you perceive as a lack of from Aragona who is a true sophomore and Vulakh who had a career ending back injury is puzzling.

Poz is looking like he will be very good and Alvarez has certainly been very good. Kannaird and Turley are still TBD to me, but on the right track. But what I'm saying is the misses outweigh the hits when it comes to our recruiting the last few years. We used to have alot more surprises back then and those were the type of guys that helped put this program on the map. With a different class of resources
Poz is looking like he will be very good and Alvarez has certainly been very good. Kannaird and Turley are still TBD to me, but on the right track. But what I'm saying is the misses outweigh the hits when it comes to our recruiting the last few years. We used to have alot more surprises back then and those were the type of guys that helped put this program on the map. With a different class of resources
So for the most part, you’re cool with the development of those 4 guys (conveniently leaving out MVB) and that doesn’t include Rivera or Suriano and Janzer who’s a 2x NQ through 2 seasons. Shawver too would have been a NQ in a full year. That’s most of the starting lineup.

I find it amusing that one week this board will complain that we’re not recruiting enough blue chippers and the next week we’re not recruiting and starting enough low level guys. Meanwhile we just had what we’d all consider an underwhelming seasons and STILL produced three top 10 seeds for the first time in school history.
No problem. All good! Honestly sometimes I just cringe when reading some of the posts. The wrestlers are reading these forums too. All these guys are so nice and I do wonder sometimes, how it affects them when reading some of the posts. I know they are adults and are fair game but I know personally I can’t do it. However we felt the same frustration when he lost the first match. The Rivera family had to endure some of my vulgar language as a curse word or two escaped my mouth! Lol I am an emotional guy when it comes to my kids. Then when he started winning they had to endure more curse words as I was so excited I could not control myself!
Thanks again and hopefully we can pull out a few All Americans!
hey....i haven't any kids, and yet i get all worked up when watching the matches...i can't imagine being a parent who has been taking his kids to tourneys, and camps since kindergarten. then add to that posters making dumb posts..i'd be out of my mind..
this is what makes wrestling the best sport it brings out the best,and the worst in people... as for me i want the best for the team, and the boys...sometimes in the heat of the moment i'll post out of frustration.
from now on i'll wait till way after the match before i post....and to end....again go get em boys. we might not be great in number, but lets show the nation what jersey strong means....GO RU
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A little about my history as well. I was a state champion wrestler and then went to community college and wrestled there. After that, I transferred to a big 10 school and eventually won a championship. Then I tried out for the NFL but didn’t make it. Afterwards, I pursued a career in WWE before leaving and becoming a champion in the UFC.

I am Brock Lesnar.
People also conveniently forget that we are adding TWO, more than likely, 3x NJ state champs to the lineup over the next two years in Oliveri and Soldano. At the very worst, each of them is a 2x state champ.

Soldano will be top 2/3 in his weight class and top 25 P4P guy in the country as well. Oliveri has elite defensive skills and will definitely benefit from additional training/development from guys like Rivera, Alvarez, Aragona, Ashnault, and hopefully even Suriano. Nick had that rare combination of elite defensive and offensive abilities, but he was always incredibly difficult to score on and that's been Oliveri's MO as well. He just needs keep developing his offense and with all of the talent between 133-157 he will certainly get the opportunity to properly do so.

Also Goodale hopefully has Kyonte Hamilton coming in at 285 who is ranked anywhere between 1-3 at his weight. His is certainly an interesting situation with football, but the coaches went out a got him and you can't ask much more of them.

Chetlsos is another great lower weight prospect who is ranked in the top 15 his weight as a junior. Finished 3rd in PA as a sophomore and is currently undefeated heading into the state tournament this weekend.

Not too mention they are also bringing in high upside \ developmental guys like Weaver, White, etc. so the coaches are literally hitting on everything you are asking for, top recruits at their respective weights and developmental guys...
In all fairness, the only person I really know on this board is Bill.

Did you single out Bill because he is the only person on this board who lacks the internet savvy to be able to respond to you (just kidding Bill). But the question is, will Bill verify your claim?
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I think he knows me because I put my name out there so folks can throw stones at me.
Poz is looking like he will be very good and Alvarez has certainly been very good. Kannaird and Turley are still TBD to me, but on the right track. But what I'm saying is the misses outweigh the hits when it comes to our recruiting the last few years. We used to have alot more surprises back then and those were the type of guys that helped put this program on the map. With a different class of resources
For me, I've seen enough of Turley to know unless injury the kid has future AA potential. It's rare you see that type of drive and willingness to always be looking to score. His defense is good as he can scramble out of any position. The strength and quickness are there. That match against Labriola the #4 seed in NCAA's was a real eye opener. He gets his conditioning up, look out, he's a powder keg waiting to explode.
For me, I've seen enough of Turley to know unless injury the kid has future AA potential. It's rare you see that type of drive and willingness to always be looking to score. His defense is good as he can scramble out of any position. The strength and quickness are there. That match against Labriola the #4 seed in NCAA's was a real eye opener. He gets his conditioning up, look out, he's a powder keg waiting to explode.

Well said Kol. I liked him the moment I saw his first match in HS. Conditioning, yes. But his style needs to be refined slightly to limit his exposure to counter moves. Turley is a favorite for me to watch, but look out! MVB has earned some well deserved recognition too.

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