The problem with college football is how recruiting works. The game is about which team has the most talented players, not which team has the best coaches and play callers. As it stands, the dynasty schools get more than their share of top recruits. These schools have 5 star recruits sitting on the bench they have so many. I almost feel like there should be a limit placed on the number of 5 star recruits you can get. For example maybe after you get 3 guys you can no longer accept any more that year. Then the other 5 star players have to commit to another school that has offered. This idea is dumb I admit, but it seems to me there should be a way to more evenly distribute the best players. With more evenly powered teams the coach will have a stronger impact on game day because the actual play calling would be more important. As it is a team loaded with great players can call pretty much any play and it works because those players can steam roll over the other team. Watching Texas vs Notre Dame illustrates my point, we will never out recruit these schools.