QB recruit commits to Miami, 10 mil NIL not his best offer

Actually, that's the one part I don't agree with him. I prefer the schools spend money on what they do now and not on recruits/players. Let the donors do their thing with their money. I've railed that schools/ADs have been pretty dumb with the way they spend on coaches and I wouldn't want to see that stupidity expanded to players. Let the donors deal with that.
You make it sound like the donors are operating independently from the coaching staff. I don't believe for a second that the coaches aren't telling the donors (NIL organizations) who they want the most and how important that player is. So really, the donors are an extension of the coaching staff. They are absolutely in tune with the priorities of the coaches so you can't separate them.
You make it sound like the donors are operating independently from the coaching staff. I don't believe for a second that the coaches aren't telling the donors (NIL organizations) who they want the most and how important that player is. So really, the donors are an extension of the coaching staff. They are absolutely in tune with the priorities of the coaches so you can't separate them.
I don't mind involvement from the staffs and I agree with you that most likely there is some coordination going on now. I'm saying I don't want the money for players coming out of the AD budget or any line item for it. Let the donors and their collectives pay for it.
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I don't mind involvement from the staffs and I agree with you that most likely there is some coordination going on now. I'm saying I don't want the money for players coming out of the AD budget or any line item for it. Let the donors and their collectives pay for it.
This is the way that Barchi wanted to pay the FB HC. He expected the Boosters to pay for the bulk of it, not RU. Was his thinking ahead of his time?
Not sure why people think this is out of control or an unintended consequence. So far, the NIL has had exactly the intended consequences and seems entirely in control insofar as it's working out for those who sought and won the NIL decision.

It remains to be seen how it impacts college sports as a whole. It'll be years, maybe as much as a decade, before things settle out into some kind of new normal. For now, it's new and different and disruptive.

I think we should start a pool where we can all guess at how many years it'll take before every new large NIL deal prompts a new thread for people to vent about it. I'm guessing these threads will die down quickly. Like 3 years at most and we'll see maybe one per year due to some weird circumstances associated with the particular player or deal.
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That's for a 4 star recruit. Imagine what a 5 star recruit would get!!!
Does anyone know how NIL works.

Does the player sign a contract to stay for a given amount of time or is it just for one year and he can bolt to the transfer portal and get more NIL money.

Don’t forget the worst MLB team the Oakland A’s.
They stink. They have slashed payroll and raised ticket prices. Their home attendance has dropped to a laughingstock 8000 fans per game. Sad
I was trying to think back to the late 90's, but spot on. Oh it looks like the A's may take their great uniforms, 😷 to Las Vegas.
Does anyone know how NIL works.

Does the player sign a contract to stay for a given amount of time or is it just for one year and he can bolt to the transfer portal and get more NIL money.

I've mentioned that before too when all the NIL stuff came out. We don't really know how these contracts are written and how it works. The numbers we see are "headline" numbers but how it works in practice, who knows. I haven't come across or read anything (mind you I'm not really looking either) about how these deals work and from player to player or school to school whose to say there's some uniform standard. A lot of it is still new and unknown.
I've mentioned that before too when all the NIL stuff came out. We don't really know how these contracts are written and how it works. The numbers we see are "headline" numbers but how it works in practice, who knows. I haven't come across or read anything (mind you I'm not really looking either) about how these deals work and from player to player or school to school whose to say there's some uniform standard. A lot of it is still new and unknown.
I am not aware of any sort of binding regulations that dictates anything about the agreements between fund provider and athlete, beyond some basics similar to CA's Fair Play to Play act. I would imagine that each contract is it's own unique thing. Perhaps there is some degree of standardization within a particular organization providing funds, but I think that would be up to the organization - purely voluntary.

This site might be interesting to those interested:

The good thing is that we now have $100mil for upgrades etc...maybe my thoughts on it aren't correct but in my mind- this would free up a lot of booster money that we would have been trying to raise for these upgrades and now use that effort to go after the boosters to create or join other NIL collectives and give their money this way instead.
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I have two-phase plan that will solve all our NIL woes.

Phase One

All RU fans must immediately start having extra children. Age and marital status don't matter here. Just get out there and start producing more children. Lots more. If you haven't already identified at least three viable partners, you're not doing it right.

Phase Two

All the new children are, uh, adopted, for a discounted fee, by the NIL collective. And then the NIL collective can sell put those children up for adoption at a standard rate. This will produce great huge sums of money

Problem solved. With the bonus that we'll all be having a whole lot of fun.

Okay, okay, sure, sure... it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that there could be some minor ethical issues with this approach. But this is about ensuring that we win a national championship. And it's not like the other schools vying for a NC are unable to overcome their minor ethical issues.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I always say.
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I don't mind involvement from the staffs and I agree with you that most likely there is some coordination going on now. I'm saying I don't want the money for players coming out of the AD budget or any line item for it. Let the donors and their collectives pay for it.
I see that point, but in reality it’s just red tape that is easily avoided. If coaches, facilities, scholarships, etc. are paid by a mixture of AD budget and donor funds, why not players? Who cares at this point, it’s all coming from the same pot at the end of the day.
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If out boosters do not have the will or funds to pay for top recruits we can build the best facilities in the world, we will never be able to compete for division/conference/national championships.
And if that's the brave new world in which we live, I for one am perfectly fine with that.
I have two-phase plan that will solve all our NIL woes.

Phase One

All RU fans must immediately start having extra children. Age and marital status don't matter here. Just get out there and start producing more children. Lots more. If you haven't already identified at least three viable partners, you're not doing it right.

Phase Two

All the new children are, uh, adopted, for a discounted fee, by the NIL collective. And then the NIL collective can sell put those children up for adoption at a standard rate. This will produce great huge sums of money

Problem solved. With the bonus that we'll all be having a whole lot of fun.

Okay, okay, sure, sure... it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that there could be some minor ethical issues with this approach. But this is about ensuring that we win a national championship. And it's not like the other schools vying for a NC are unable to overcome their minor ethical issues.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I always say.
If you ain't cheatin', you ain't competin'.
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I see that point, but in reality it’s just red tape that is easily avoided. If coaches, facilities, scholarships, etc. are paid by a mixture of AD budget and donor funds, why not players? Who cares at this point, it’s all coming from the same pot at the end of the day.
Staffs are employees of the university and they are funded by a mix of school's budget and donor funds. But we see how stupidly schools spend that money with contracts being eaten all the time. I don't want to see that with regards to waste on players/recruits that don't produce. Facilities and the like are school property and enhancements to the university.

I'd rather let the financial risk of player evaluations/performance fall on the shoulder of donors than the school, especially a school strapped like ours. Plus if the school starts getting involved in paying players through the AD budget then what can of worms is opened, beyond even now, with regards to players being seen as employees.
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The good thing is that we now have $100mil for upgrades etc...maybe my thoughts on it aren't correct but in my mind- this would free up a lot of booster money that we would have been trying to raise for these upgrades and now use that effort to go after the boosters to create or join other NIL collectives and give their money this way instead.
You are right except for the fact that the facility is probably 200 million so still need the donors...but it's better than nothing
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I predict the whole system will come crashing down and things will eventually shake out. There is no way this current model is sustainable. It still may not be a good system, but the multimillion dollar NIL deals are ridiculous and bad for the sport on so many levels.

Scarlet Jerry
Agree - isn’t this way more lucrative than a decent second round NFL rookie contract. I would think eventually the NFL will start complaining that no one plays pro ball anymore. You can make your bank in college!
If out boosters do not have the will or funds to pay for top recruits we can build the best facilities in the world, we will never be able to compete for division/conference/national championships.
I mean duh. Did anyone think that was going to happen here? Even before NIL became a thing, we were at a hue disadvantage in football.

Our only real hope is that as college football moves to being a real professional league (most of the way there already, just gotta remove the academics constraints and reduce the number of teams in the pro level a bit more) that it will end up with a salary cap and eventually a draft.
I mean duh. Did anyone think that was going to happen here? Even before NIL became a thing, we were at a hue disadvantage in football.

Our only real hope is that as college football moves to being a real professional league (most of the way there already, just gotta remove the academics constraints and reduce the number of teams in the pro level a bit more) that it will end up with a salary cap and eventually a draft.
Well- I believe the thread has just stopped in it's tracks!

Welcome back!!!!!!
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