RAC parking


Oct 18, 2002
Is parking at the RAC the only option single game ticket holders? Know there's a church right outside stadium too.
the Greek Church and Johnson Park are your other options.
Not only are they other options, they are much better options for location and ease of getting in and out.

RAC parking is like the kids table at the party. It's the last place you want to be.
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I used to love Buccleah park across landing lane bridge. Great IF you don't mind the hike and are not tailgating because you can avoid almost all traffic if you know how to get around from that location.
If you're not planning on tailgating where you park and don't mind a 25-minute walk or 10-minute bus ride from the stadium, try parking in Lot 30 behind the Barn gym (or deck across the street) on College Avenue. I find it very easy to get onto Route 18 and head south that way.
There is a lot on River road, roughly across from the Church, that can fit 50 or more cars. The person who owns the house next to the lot charges 25. That's another option for you...