Ray Rice belongs in the Rutgers Hall of Fame after a decade spent atoning for ‘worst moment’

Is that why he isn't in? Seems silly being that the nomination website says nothing about your personal life.

Outside of that one moment he has led an exemplary life by all accounts and doing good in the community. Maybe no one has nominated him? Hopefully we see him on the sidelines this year at some of the games.
I get it was only one time, and no one should be judged by their worst moment. However his worst moment was punching a women in the face and knocking her unconscious. I don’t see how you can let him in.
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Rice should be in . This is not a church award.

Interestingly, the 2006 team would not qualify to be in our hall of fame
Terrible - he hit a woman who spit at him and its crazy she's still with him. She had no injuries but hey...
RU should really make a statement and return all the $ they made off the #27 shirts
As one of the few women posting on this message board, let me say this:

I wholeheartedly agree with this article & sentiment. Ray should not be judged by one moment in his life, no matter how horrific it was.
His fiancé forgave him & married him. He's worked his tail off righting the wrong by speaking publicly about his role in it and by speaking to college & pro teams around the country about it & how to avoid it. No one in sports has worked harder on getting forgiveness from his wife, the NFL & from himself. We are a society who is supposed to be about second chances. A Judeo Christian society that preaches forgiveness.

I'll be filling a ballot out for Ray Rice.
I get it was only one time, and no one should be judged by their worst moment. However his worst moment was punching a women in the face and knocking her unconscious. I don’t see how you can let him in.
I guess you are not a believer in people paying their dues and getting a 2nd chance? Must be tough to live in a world expecting perfection.
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I get it was only one time, and no one should be judged by their worst moment. However his worst moment was punching a women in the face and knocking her unconscious. I don’t see how you can let him in.
No one should ever hit someone they love. To be fair, I don't think he knocked her unconscious. I believe it's been stated she hit her head when she fell. Not that it makes it okay. Was his wife ever charged for spitting in his face?
Terrible - he hit a woman who spit at him and its crazy she's still with him. She had no injuries but hey...
RU should really make a statement and return all the $ they made off the #27 shirts

RU did make a statement. They initially took down all of the photos of him in the Hale center.

Then they made another statement:

his photos went back up. He was invited t& spoke to the football team about accountability. He was invited, and attended, the party at the Hale center/Audi Club when Schiano came back (I happily took a photo with Ray as did many, many others), they also invited him back when the 2006 team was recognized.
what is the "forgiveness Threshold" ? what is the crime/action (aside from murder) that is acceptable right before it is not acceptable? 2nd chances.. sure, forgiveness sure! but where is the line crossed when it is not???? this is subjective all the way.
Ray became the poster child for out of control NFL abusers and bad actors, and the focus of all the anger and frustration that people had toward the NFL and teams for condoning and abetting some pretty bad characters. Unfortunately, Ray was not one of those bad characters. He just had his worst moment caught on tape, and lives in a society that doesn't bother to understand nuance and look at the details before making judgments. His un-cancellation is well deserved.
I get it was only one time, and no one should be judged by their worst moment. However his worst moment was punching a women in the face and knocking her unconscious. I don’t see how you can let him in.
Agree x 1000. This is the RU Hall of Fame we’re talking about. Great player but no.
People are quick to judge others transgressions but want to look the other way when their own self interests are flawed.

In the effort of not being a complete hypocrit of other schools shortcomings in NO WAY can Rutgers or NJ honor a Wife Beater... Not even close. I don't care if it was one moment, that one moment was so horrific that man cannot be celebrated. Can he and his family move on with their lives? Absolutely! But do we honor someone who every time their name is brought up people picture a video of a man knocking a woman out in an elevator? Not a good look at all. It's time to move on from Rice, best of luck to him
what is the "forgiveness Threshold" ? what is the crime/action (aside from murder) that is acceptable right before it is not acceptable? 2nd chances.. sure, forgiveness sure! but where is the line crossed when it is not???? this is subjective all the way.
This is kinda the point. No one is saying to drag Rice through the mud again and not recognize the work he has put in to make amends. However I'll put it this way, if that woman was my daughter, I would never forgive him. Let alone celebrate the man.
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This is kinda the point. No one is saying to drag Rice through the mud again and not recognize the work he has put in to make amends. However I'll put it this way, if that woman was my daughter, I would never forgive him. Let alone celebrate the man.
If your daughter forgave him (and she did) why wouldn’t you? Christianity is all about forgiveness. The law forgave him, the Ravens forgave him and his wife forgave him. Time for RU to do the same
I don't think it's time yet.

It's a good time to start having the debate though.

Ravens let him into theirs recently. Can you name one player who has done more to right his wrong?

Jemele Hill has rightly been critical of him. You can see her posts through the years - but even she’s conceded he’s the rare one who has done the work. And to be honest, what’s the point of having people address their mistakes if we’re just going to punish them forever.

I see both sides of this issue. It has been 10 years since he assaulted his fiancée but the video of the incident is brutal. He did pay the price by getting blackballed by the league and losing millions of dollars. He’s been a good citizen since. I think that if he spoke at the ceremony about his regrets and perhaps delivered a message to the men in the audience then it would go a long way to allay criticism.
I have always contended that his 'lost' moment was the result of the growth crap that he took to get bigger

That was my take.
Ray had a bad hip in casino season.
Suddenly Ray was 10lbs heavier and none of it was fat (Harbaugh said).
A 5' 8" RB who played D1 and NFL for 10 years doesn't add 10lbs of muscle in a month naturally
I think he took something to help heal (not uncommon - recall Andy Pettitte saying he used roids to heal).
When I played I was never tempted to juice because I saw what happened to guy's personalities

In the weeks before the elevator, Rice wasn't himself on the field - he was pushing and shoving and spitting.
I also had good friends in the casino the night of Ray's misadventure and they said he was in a fight with a security guard before the mess with the wife (who did spit at him).

That sad thing is that after Rice was healed and back to 205lbs he was in great shape and running better than ever.
People said he was through after hip injury but I say he was headed for his best season ever.
He was over 8 yds a carry in preseason
I saw him in HS and when he was focused he was an android
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This is kinda the point. No one is saying to drag Rice through the mud again and not recognize the work he has put in to make amends. However I'll put it this way, if that woman was my daughter, I would never forgive him. Let alone celebrate the man.
Many people feel the way you do.
It's just that the woman involved forgave him, married him and still is with him that makes me think those that can't forgive aren't looking at the whole picture and might not even try.
Especially after what Rice has been doing since that incident to make himself a better person, admit his behavior was unacceptable and be out there trying to keep others from doing the same.
The main thing is relationships need to be loving and violence has no part in in any relationship.
Ray was wrong and no excuse s can be given, but when alcohol is involved bad things tend to happen a lot easier especially when both have a bit too much .
Being drunk isn't an excuse or even a valid reason, at any time, for hitting a woman .

But trying to atone for what you did and how the injured party feels needs to be taking into consideration when it comes to forgiveness .
That is unless you qualify to be the one to "cast the first stone" and that isn't just in this case alone, but any and every mistake one made that could have adversely affected others .

for added thought
Janay Rice gives her own account of night in Atlantic City - ESPN
As one of the few women posting on this message board, let me say this:

I wholeheartedly agree with this article & sentiment. Ray should not be judged by one moment in his life, no matter how horrific it was.
His fiancé forgave him & married him. He's worked his tail off righting the wrong by speaking publicly about his role in it and by speaking to college & pro teams around the country about it & how to avoid it. No one in sports has worked harder on getting forgiveness from his wife, the NFL & from himself. We are a society who is supposed to be about second chances. A Judeo Christian society that preaches forgiveness.

I'll be filling a ballot out for Ray Rice.
Yeah but again who cares what you think of his moral conduct ? The Rutgers hall of fame inducts football players for their performance on the field . I don’t think there is a moral clause in balloting. Is there?
No one should ever hit someone they love. To be fair, I don't think he knocked her unconscious. I believe it's been stated she hit her head when she fell. Not that it makes it okay. Was his wife ever charged for spitting in his face?
Does is matter ? This is a sports hall of fame, not a church choir interview.
Rice was drunk and probably on steroids when it happened.
Who knows maybe he has CTE .
It probably wasn’t the first time he hit her. But not us to judge when we are looking at a sports hall of fame without a morality clause
Please change "worst moment" to "worst moment actually caught on video." We have no idea what his worst moment is and it would be odder than odd if this was the one and only time...and just so happened to be caught on tape. In case you missed it, he was a world class athlete and he came within a hair of murdering a small woman who had no chance of escape. He was a great football player and 'roids or no 'roids, only a complete piece of crap does this. We've all done sh!tty things, but this is beyond a casual pardon. He could volunteer the rest of his life for the weekend shift at a battered women's shelter and it would not get him back to even. Some mistakes cannot be erased.
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No excuse ever for a man to beat a woman, Even worse, he was a professional football player.

It’s great that he seems to have rebounded and done good things since but he will never ever be Hall of Fame worthy due to that one event.

It can never be undone. It would stain our Hall.
Please change "worst moment" to "worst moment actually caught on video." We have no idea what his worst moment is and it would be odder than odd if this was the one and only time...and just so happened to be caught on tape. In case you missed it, he was a world class athlete and he came within a hair of murdering a small woman who had no chance of escape. He was a great football player and 'roids or no 'roids, only a complete piece of crap does this. We've all done sh!tty things, but this is beyond a casual pardon. He could volunteer the rest of his life for the weekend shift at a battered women's shelter and it would not get him back to even. Some mistakes cannot be erased.

And you have, at least in this post, no proof whatsoever that there were earlier incidents. Guilt by assumption doesn't fly in my book, only guilt by evidence. You have any?
Terrible - he hit a woman who spit at him and its crazy she's still with him. She had no injuries but hey...
RU should really make a statement and return all the $ they made off the #27 shirts
Don't forget lunging at his eyes with her fingers and nails... while both were so very drunk. It looked like a very defensive and instinctual reaction... and then his drunken state prevented him from showing any remorse. I thought the courts handled it correctly.. and so should Rutgers and the rest of us. If his victim.. his wife.. forgave him and there were no such incidents before or after... why should he continue to be punished?
This is a really tough call. Ray certainly was punished severely and has accepted full responsibilty for his actions. His actions, however, are unforegivable in the eyes of many, especially the women who have been battered by their spouses and boyfriends. I don't think many of them would believe that it was an isolated instance. I am aware of women who have been battered by men and the psychological and physical trauma inflicted upon them and their families.

I'm also afraid that inducting Ray into its Football Hall of Fame would present RU with a public relations nightmare. I have to think that it is in Rutgers's best interest to continue to maintain a low profile in this matter.
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I'm also afraid that inducting Ray into its Football Hall of Fame would present RU with a public relations nightmare.
My first thought when I saw Politi's article blocked by the paywall is he was buttering up the few who still actually subscribe and lobbying Rutgers to induct Ray into the Hall. Only to have it occur and then The Rag would go on the offensive to incessantly bash Rutgers for doing so.
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Please change "worst moment" to "worst moment actually caught on video." We have no idea what his worst moment is and it would be odder than odd if this was the one and only time...and just so happened to be caught on tape. In case you missed it, he was a world class athlete and he came within a hair of murdering a small woman who had no chance of escape. He was a great football player and 'roids or no 'roids, only a complete piece of crap does this. We've all done sh!tty things, but this is beyond a casual pardon. He could volunteer the rest of his life for the weekend shift at a battered women's shelter and it would not get him back to even. Some mistakes cannot be erased.
Goood nite to u 2
Don't forget lunging at his eyes with her fingers and nails... while both were so very drunk. It looked like a very defensive and instinctual reaction... and then his drunken state prevented him from showing any remorse. I thought the courts handled it correctly.. and so should Rutgers and the rest of us. If his victim.. his wife.. forgave him and there were no such incidents before or after... why should he continue to be punished?
Where most of you are wrong is: not being in our Hall isn’t a punishment.

Boo hoo. Poor guy. Not in the Rutgers Hall of Fame, oh my how cruel.

If this is his only albatross, he’s damn lucky and should be grateful for the life he has now.
No idea what the article said as it's behind a paywall.

I wholeheartedly agree with this article & sentiment. Ray should not be judged by one moment in his life, no matter how horrific it was.
His fiancé forgave him & married him. He's worked his tail off righting the wrong by speaking publicly about his role in it and by speaking to college & pro teams around the country about it & how to avoid it. No one in sports has worked harder on getting forgiveness from his wife, the NFL & from himself. We are a society who is supposed to be about second chances. A Judeo Christian society that preaches forgiveness.

Well said.