RU vs. Wisconsin wrestling thread

2 years ago, I went to a wrestling match as it ended. For some reason, it got in my head it was at 2pm. It was actually at noon. I also really wanted to go, and a friend backed out, so I drove all the way down to Piscataway by myself. The timing was comical. I park in the crowded parking lot at the RAC. I walk up to the doors of the RAC, kind of noticing that no one is around, but not yet realizing what has happened. Well, the match must have just ended, because right as I get to the doors, a flood of people comes out.

I just kind of stood there for a moment, and did a 180 and went right back home.
Man, I am late on this. I would have immediately said, yeah my feed is working. Hopefully getting the rest of you in on it and we would have gotten to see koleszar lose his mind.
Well I was staring at a blue screen for about 15 mins. till @ScarletGrapfan kindly reminded me it was only Thurs.. I figured O here we go again same as the Northwestern match and kept staring at it. I even rebooted the feed. I also figured maybe @Abro1975 started early and was taking a nap before the match being that it was Friday.:)
So many B1G matches tonight. I think we see an upset win 2nite even without NS. Looks like full line-up minus NS.

Let's Go!
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Balance is important.

ya don't say...[roll][roll][roll][roll][roll]
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I would not doubt Suriano goes to 133 for Princeton if he wrestles and Del 141.

125- ? vs Johnny Jimenez (2-6)
133- No. 20 Scott DelVecchio (16-4) vs. Jens Lantz (15-11)
141- Mike VanBrill (12-10) vs. Eli Stickley (15-8)
149- No. 11 Eleazar DeLuca (9-7) vs. Cole Martin (14-9)
157- John VanBrill (12-8) vs. No. 14 Andrew Crone (22-7)
165- No. 7 Richie Lewis (12-3) vs. No. 11 Evan Wick (18-4)
174- Joe Grello (13-7) vs. Ryan Christensen (18-10)
184- No. 12 Nick Gravina (12-3) vs. No. 9 Ricky Robertson (20-6)
197- Anthony Messner (1-5) vs. Hunter Ritter (20-7)
285- Razohnn Gross (13-11) vs. Ben Stone (5-13)
Why the fuk does BTN+ struggle to start on time. Is it really too hard to have the students begin on time???? Jeez, what a waste
There's like 10 people there. Did everyone show up last night?
Holy shit Metzler!

P.s. We run Oscar-level production on BTN compared to most other schools.
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These replays are friggin maddening. It's like cutting to commercial while the TD pass is in the air. WTF Wisconsin.
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