I used this website to get both teams 2 deep as of 9/18/15.
I made a list of every player and looked up their star rankings..
I didn't add up for example 5.6 or 5.5 if you were a 3 star.
I counted all stars the same ( ie all 3 stars got 3 points)..
40 of the 44 players on each teams 2 deep signed letters of intent.
The other 4 for each team were either walk on's or transfers... I did not include walk on or transfers..
PSU's two deep averaged out 3.175 stars..
RU's averaged out 2.725 ( 2.8 if you count Carroo and Hamilton).
Based on this, my overall assesment is recruiting matters.
Stars matter in the long run ( stating the obvious).
That said, while PSU has a recruiting advantage some of that needs to be overcome by coaching.
We should not be getting manhandled by PSU. The recruiting gap is not at a 28-3 level.
Flood and staff need to coach and recruit better ASAP.
I used this website to get both teams 2 deep as of 9/18/15.
I made a list of every player and looked up their star rankings..
I didn't add up for example 5.6 or 5.5 if you were a 3 star.
I counted all stars the same ( ie all 3 stars got 3 points)..
40 of the 44 players on each teams 2 deep signed letters of intent.
The other 4 for each team were either walk on's or transfers... I did not include walk on or transfers..
PSU's two deep averaged out 3.175 stars..
RU's averaged out 2.725 ( 2.8 if you count Carroo and Hamilton).
Based on this, my overall assesment is recruiting matters.
Stars matter in the long run ( stating the obvious).
That said, while PSU has a recruiting advantage some of that needs to be overcome by coaching.
We should not be getting manhandled by PSU. The recruiting gap is not at a 28-3 level.
Flood and staff need to coach and recruit better ASAP.