This goes both ways. Our recruiting has been terrible. Recruits are not required to say the RAC hurts recruiting for it to be true. Let's not be so high and mighty and I would love to see all those quotes. I admit there have been a random few.
However, I have to call you out. Yes the Build campaign has been the most successful campaign in the history of Rutgers Athletics. The fact that you say that in 2017 after raising $71 million is an embarrassment. The fact that you say that with the low participation levels is an embarrassment. Actually the fact that you say that at all is an embarrassment.
I would hope my alumni brethren have more respect for Rutgers than to make those claims after looking at the facts about participation levels. And lastly, I hope you donate as much as I.
I only said the bold. What are you even talking about?
It's also important to note that each coach before Jordan brought in OK rated classes. I admit overall recruiting is definitely lacking but context never hurts.