I must have been a good boy this year. I got a pair of Rutgers pants, and an authentic Rutgers winter hat complete with fuzz ball on the top. Who else got Rutgers stuff for Christmas?
At least she would have a real marching band director and not a glorified HS director under Tim Smith.Got early gift this year. Daughter got accepted into Rutgers. Hoping she try's out for Marching Band.
Any attractive women here who like to online chat with AreYouNuts to see if you hit it off? He has to be a great guy.No gf = no sports gear :cry:
Any attractive women here who like to online chat with AreYouNuts to see if you hit it off? He has to be a great guy.
2 Rutgers bar stools from the wife...absolutely terrific.
Parents got me a Miller Lite neon bar sign with the "R" lighting up red on the bottom right.
Any idea where they got the bar sign from?
It was a banner haul for hooded Rutgers sweatshirts this year. Got one from my mother in law(red with white R), one from my sister in law(gray with red RUTGERS) and one from my brother(black with red R). How they all got me Rutgers hooded sweatshirts and 3 different kinds to boot is beyond me.:confused: At least I'm all set on Rutgers hooded sweatshirts for the next 10 yrs.:)
Rutgers door mat?
At least she would have a real marching band director and not a glorified HS director under Tim Smith.
I must have been a good boy this year. I got a pair of Rutgers pants, and an authentic Rutgers winter hat complete with fuzz ball on the top. Who else got Rutgers stuff for Christmas?
No but I'm confident Hobbs will hire a top grade one.Have they hired a new band director yet
Hot stuff thereThey found it on Ebay for $270...went down to Cash in a Flash in Oakhurst to pick up.
Who else got Rutgers stuff for Christmas?