Rutgers New Brunswick Infrastructure or If I Had a Few Million...


May 9, 2011


Now imagine if a bridge of similar design spanned the Raritan from Seminary Pl. New Brunswick to Cedar Lane in Highland Park..

The Bright Future Of Pedestrian Bridges
We have a new one under construction here in Portland. It's in the linked article.

It's a ped/bike bride, that also has light rail -

Gorgeous. If it's one thing (!) that Rutgers and the surrounding community lacks, it's art. Rutgers, a school of over 50,000 with an art museum that houses the largest collection of Soviet Nonconformist Art in existence but I can only think of a few artworks that are visible to the public without entering Zimmerli: Silent Willie and the thing that used to sit across from the busch student center near the BAMM dorms. Of course a pedestrian bridge connecting adjacent campuses, divided by a river is more a necessity than a painting of Mary, Queen of Scots done up as a Rutgers cheerleader circa the1950s but art spurs ideas and conversation (and sightseers and revenue) that should be promoted at every turn in a Uni.
I posted this a year or so ago, but a pedestrian bridge needs to be built from up top in buccheleuh park, over to Johnson Park headed towards the stadium. Link it to the d&r trail to now link up a city, state & county park.

It'll serve for recreational purposes, as well as serve as an easy link to the stadium for students & fans parked over there.
A pedestrian bridge from Buccleuch to the stadium would be overkill when there a lead is a pedestrian walkway via the rt. 18 bridge directly into busch campus. Improvement can and should be made like widening and installing sidewalks on the section of George st. That leads to Landing Lane bridge, a pedestrian bridge over George. St from the rt. 18 walkway to Buccleuch park [100ft(?)],maybe an exit from the existing path where it intersects with river rd. so that the walk to the stadium will be more direct.
A bridge as you suggest would mostly be issued during home games (6) and not much else
I would settle for replacing the blacktop walkways on the Old Queens hill with brick or cobblestone paths.

-Scarlet Jerry
Originally posted by Scarlet Jerry:
I would settle for replacing the blacktop walkways on the Old Queens hill with brick or cobblestone paths.

-Scarlet Jerry

A VERY good start IMO.
Originally posted by Korbermeister:


Now imagine if a bridge of similar design spanned the Raritan from Seminary Pl. New Brunswick to Cedar Lane in Highland Park..
OK. Ive imagined it. Now what?
Originally posted by bob-loblaw:
I posted this a year or so ago, but a pedestrian bridge needs to be built from up top in buccheleuh park, over to Johnson Park headed towards the stadium. Link it to the d&r trail to now link up a city, state & county park.

It'll serve for recreational purposes, as well as serve as an easy link to the stadium for students & fans parked over there.
Why? THere is already two bridges that go from that general area (Route 18 and Landing) that are both used by pedestrians.

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