Rutgers under investigation for antisemitism

Talk about indoctrination lol.

5. The Neturei Karta don't believe Israel should exist. Are they anti-Semitic?
The Neturei Karta are a fringe, extremist group of the Jewish religion. They certainly do not believe that Israel shouldn’t exist. They believe Israel should not exist right now. Their belief is Israel is for Jews and Jews only. They have an issue with the Arabs who live in Israel. And they intend to make the land Jewish only upon the return of their messiah.
1. The Arab goal in 1948 as clearly stated and acted upon was to drive the Jews into the sea. No co-existence. They failed but it wasnt for lack of trying. The status of Jews in the area pre 1917 British mandate, under the Ottoman empire and Arab rule was as Dhimmis. Dhimmi equals Jim Crow, red lining and Apartheid. Not acknowledging this demonstrates malice or stunning ignorance.

2. Ok, let’s set aside history and look at the current government in Gaza. Hamas leads based on a charter that calls for both the destruction of Israel and the destruction of the Jewish people. It does not allow a free press or freedom of religion. Homosexuality is a criminal offense punishable by death. Non Muslims do not have equal rights. Women do not have equal rights. Honor killings for women who are "immodest" is allowed. It does not allow elections. There is no independent court system. It provides luxurious housing and communities for Hamas families both in Gaza and abroad but nothing for the majority of its citizens. It relies on international aid for that. Its leaders are billionaires (Haniyeh and Mashal are worth 4 billion each). As a government its three main allies are Iran, Qatar and Russia.

So, this is the government of Gaza in 2024. I'll take Israel's imperfect democracy.

The examples you list above as proof of a non democratic, irredeemable Israel are laughable and literally disprove your statement by themselves.

Four protesters (two of whom were relatives of hostages) were arrested for blocking a road (look at the Israeli penal code). They were processed and released within 3 hours. The horror…

Judicial reform proposals (nothing has been passed) has been legally protested against by more than 20% of the population. That’s how democracies work.

The rabbi example is not worth refuting.

Governmental lack of vocal support on Ukraine has to do with the geopolitics of the region ie. Russia’s alliances with Syria, Iran, Hamas, etc and the hope to keep Russia from greenlighting attacks from these areas ie. protecting the citizens of Israel. But, you use this as proof of Israeli immorality when the perpetrator of these crimes against Ukraine, Russia, is a direct ally of Hamas.

Man, you are grasping at straws. I dont even know whatever point you are trying to make here but Jews from all over the world, in particular Russia, have been passively and actively rescued and integrated into Israel. I worked in an absorption center in Israel doing just this. Your gaslighting doesn’t work because I lived it. Should we bring Muslims killing other Muslims (Assad killing 500K of his own people in Syria alone) into this talking point of yours?

I’m also immune to your zoom in to obscure the bigger picture propaganda as well. The deaths of the aid workers was tragic but an awful consequence of war. In 2015 under Obama, a Doctors Without Borders trauma center in Kunduz was hit killing 42. It didn’t invalidate US objectives or the US military as a whole.

The system of government (based on miltary occupation) in the West Bank is a result of Palestinian violence and rejection of multiple land for peace offers. Land for peace deals with both Egypt and Jordan have held up. Why do you suppose that is? It is because Egypt and Jordan recognized Israel in word and deed and didnt have/gave up the destruction of Israel as a fundamental guiding principle. Until Palestinians reject this idea, there will be no peace. This includes giving up the right of return to within Israel's border. The Palestinians are the only group in the world that have been given multi-generational refugee status and its own UN agency to reinforce this. It is possibly the most harmful obstacle to peace and literally has no precedent in history. UNRWA is using schools as incubators to keep these ideas alive and we and the rest of the world are financially paying for it while Israelis and Palestinians are physically paying for it.

Back to the system of laws in the West Bank. The West Bank functions in an imperfect and unsustainable variation of Martial Law. Oslo was supposed to help fix this but it ultimately did not. Instead, the worse the violence the more steps have been taken to tighten security/the less freedoms the Palestinians in the West Bank have. I do not agree with a lot of the policies in the West Bank but I also understand how they came to be. Palestinians in the West Bank are not Israeli citizens and are subject to laws that reflect a form of 'wartime' provisions that is harsher and gives less rights than Israeli citizens. I wish Israel had just given the majority of the West Bank back to Jordan after the '67 war and said keep it secure or Israel will. But, as proven by the Arab League (Jordan was a member) the three no's of Khartoum (no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel) that was ot an option at the time.

So, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, history does matter. Causes have effects.

3. American Jews of all ages overwhelmingly support Israel. In the US it’s only the 18-25 demographic, not ethnicity specific, that has been poisoned by Qatari money and other forms of Dawa propaganda where the support hovers around 50%. Americans in general over 30 support Israel at around a 70% margin.

4. That you can try to assert that Israel is not democratic for Jew and Arabs within Israel's border when by every single category you are proved false shows the level of your indoctrination into a specific narrative. Here's Freedom House's score card for you to compare nations.

5. Hmm, let's see...What is antisemitic about calling for the dismantling of one and only one UN sanctioned country because you dont like the current government's actions. Nothing as long as you equally apply the standards for the dismantling of a country to all. Let's compare some of the countries surrounding Israel that were formed as a result of the same map making decisions in 1917. Should we use the number of civilians the current leaders have killedas a criteria? The current Syrian government has killed 500k of its own citizens in the last 10 years. That's far more than the number of Palestinians have been killed by Israel. In fact its more than the entire number of Israelis and Arabs killed in all wars, terrorist acts, etc since the founding of the state of Israel in 1948. What about killing methods. Assad used chemical weapons against his own people. Dismantle Syria or no? Maybe the Israelis you'd displace when you dismantle Israel could go there and try to do better. But maybe the criteria isnt fair. Lets use the Freedom House scores to see who to dismantle first. Syria it is. They scored 1 (not free) on the score. Next comes Egypt, they scored 18 (not free). Jordan's next 33 (not free). Lebanon can make a case to not be dissolved with a score of 42 (partially free). Want to know what Gaza scored, 8 (not free). How about Israel (74) free. So, to reiterate, what is specifically antisemitic about the narrative you and others are spewing about Zionism and Israel is that you hold Israel to a different standard than other nations.

I'll leave with you with a few more thoughts. There is an old Jewish saying:

"The antisemite does not accuse the Jew of stealing because he thinks he stole something. He does it because he enjoys watching the Jew turn out his pockets to prove his innocence."

This is why antisemites accuse Israel of 'genocide' and of making Gaza a 'concentration camp' when these assertions are so easily disproven. They specifically use this terminology because they know it will hurt a Jew because of the association to Jewish trauma.

Looking at the genocide claim for a second. The Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza between 1960 and 2020 grew from 1.1 million to 5.1 million. The average life expectancy of a Palestinian is aproximately 74 years. The world average is 71 years old. The average life expectancy of a Palestinian in 1950 was under 50 years. From the year 2000 to present day it increased from 58 years to the current 74 years. The West Bank and Gaza has a higher GDP per Capita than India and Venezuela and is higher than 55+ of the worlds nations.

The pre holocaust global Jewish population was 16.6 million. It currently stands at just under 16 million. It still hasn't fully recovered in 80 years. That is an attempted genocide. At the peak of the holocaust between August and October 1942, 15,000 Jews a day were murdered, 1.3 million Jews in that time period. That is the systematic killing of people in concentration camps and through death squads.

So, no people are not antisemitic for being critical of Israel's current government or Israel's execution of the war but they are most definitely antisemitic for calling for the dismantling of Israel or wittingly or unwittingly invoking specious claims of genocide, etc...
Excellent. Thank you for your rational post. I’m not reading the entire response. I’m sure it includes words like genocide, occupation, and apartheid wrongly applied. There will also be a mention of fringe Jewish opinions. Trump, Charlottesville, and right wing Nazis will be used a reasoning for why left wing bigotry towards Jews is acceptable. Finally critiquing Israel will somehow be equalized to targeting and harassing Jewish people in America.
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Criticizing the govt of a country is fine. Targeting college age people because their ancestry affords them citizenship in another country is not criticism of a government. That’s what they were doing. And they continued to target the Jewish students based on reports that have come out since. Why are you defending this? You would never defend the targeting of any other person because of their ancestry. Would you?

Aside- there are numbers of other nations who provide citizenship to people not born there considering certain criteria is met. I personally know at least 5 people who have citizenship in nations they weren’t born in.

They are targeting their speech.

Are JVP being targeted for being Jewish? Or for their speech?

Targeting for background or speech- both awful. But we should call it what it is.

AIPAC and some of these Palestinian groups ironically have more in common than you would want to admit. But the commonality isn't hating Jews. It is hating political speech that interferes with the absolute FACT that this a total "both sides" conflict and that neither Israel or Palestine is approve reproach, much like the other 190+ countries. None is perfect.

No doubt other countries have similar laws. And I can point you to countries like Italy where they have a similar law - and many people there find it controversial. And some people will say the controversy based on racial or ethnic animus. It's no different. But people are allowed to debate it. And BTW, many Israelis have second citizenship for good reason, the same reason many Americans want it. They are concerned about democracy.
The Neturei Karta are a fringe, extremist group of the Jewish religion. They certainly do not believe that Israel shouldn’t exist. They believe Israel should not exist right now. Their belief is Israel is for Jews and Jews only. They have an issue with the Arabs who live in Israel. And they intend to make the land Jewish only upon the return of their messiah.

What assigns you the right to determine who is Jewish and who isn't? Absolutely nothing. The Neturei Karta and any non-Zionist Jewish person is as entitled to their beliefs as you are to insist that believing Israel is infallible is essential to being Jewish. Much like Catholics don't have more right to being Christian than Protestants or vice versa, Sunnis and Shiites and any other group. And in fact, labeling people as a "fringe" is exactly what causes and caused horrific discrimination against basically every religious group in some point in history or through the current day. Just ask a Jehovah's Witness in Russia or an Ahmadi Muslim in Pakistan about being labeled a "fringe."

You just want to force your own beliefs on everyone else. Let me assure you, under the laws of this country, Neturei Karta and JVP and any anti-Zionist self declared Jewish person is absolutely as Jewish as advocates for AIPAC and the Republican Jewish Coalition. Nothing you say changes that. It is absolutely obscene to carry on insisting on your views are a valid expression of faith and something I'd expect to hear from the Ayatollah before an American.
1. The Arab goal in 1948 as clearly stated and acted upon was to drive the Jews into the sea. No co-existence. They failed but it wasnt for lack of trying. The status of Jews in the area pre 1917 British mandate, under the Ottoman empire and Arab rule was as Dhimmis. Dhimmi equals Jim Crow, red lining and Apartheid. Not acknowledging this demonstrates malice or stunning ignorance.

2. Ok, let’s set aside history and look at the current government in Gaza. Hamas leads based on a charter that calls for both the destruction of Israel and the destruction of the Jewish people. It does not allow a free press or freedom of religion. Homosexuality is a criminal offense punishable by death. Non Muslims do not have equal rights. Women do not have equal rights. Honor killings for women who are "immodest" is allowed. It does not allow elections. There is no independent court system. It provides luxurious housing and communities for Hamas families both in Gaza and abroad but nothing for the majority of its citizens. It relies on international aid for that. Its leaders are billionaires (Haniyeh and Mashal are worth 4 billion each). As a government its three main allies are Iran, Qatar and Russia.

So, this is the government of Gaza in 2024. I'll take Israel's imperfect democracy.

The examples you list above as proof of a non democratic, irredeemable Israel are laughable and literally disprove your statement by themselves.

Four protesters (two of whom were relatives of hostages) were arrested for blocking a road (look at the Israeli penal code). They were processed and released within 3 hours. The horror…

Judicial reform proposals (nothing has been passed) has been legally protested against by more than 20% of the population. That’s how democracies work.

The rabbi example is not worth refuting.

Governmental lack of vocal support on Ukraine has to do with the geopolitics of the region ie. Russia’s alliances with Syria, Iran, Hamas, etc and the hope to keep Russia from greenlighting attacks from these areas ie. protecting the citizens of Israel. But, you use this as proof of Israeli immorality when the perpetrator of these crimes against Ukraine, Russia, is a direct ally of Hamas.

Man, you are grasping at straws. I dont even know whatever point you are trying to make here but Jews from all over the world, in particular Russia, have been passively and actively rescued and integrated into Israel. I worked in an absorption center in Israel doing just this. Your gaslighting doesn’t work because I lived it. Should we bring Muslims killing other Muslims (Assad killing 500K of his own people in Syria alone) into this talking point of yours?

I’m also immune to your zoom in to obscure the bigger picture propaganda as well. The deaths of the aid workers was tragic but an awful consequence of war. In 2015 under Obama, a Doctors Without Borders trauma center in Kunduz was hit killing 42. It didn’t invalidate US objectives or the US military as a whole.

The system of government (based on miltary occupation) in the West Bank is a result of Palestinian violence and rejection of multiple land for peace offers. Land for peace deals with both Egypt and Jordan have held up. Why do you suppose that is? It is because Egypt and Jordan recognized Israel in word and deed and didnt have/gave up the destruction of Israel as a fundamental guiding principle. Until Palestinians reject this idea, there will be no peace. This includes giving up the right of return to within Israel's border. The Palestinians are the only group in the world that have been given multi-generational refugee status and its own UN agency to reinforce this. It is possibly the most harmful obstacle to peace and literally has no precedent in history. UNRWA is using schools as incubators to keep these ideas alive and we and the rest of the world are financially paying for it while Israelis and Palestinians are physically paying for it.

Back to the system of laws in the West Bank. The West Bank functions in an imperfect and unsustainable variation of Martial Law. Oslo was supposed to help fix this but it ultimately did not. Instead, the worse the violence the more steps have been taken to tighten security/the less freedoms the Palestinians in the West Bank have. I do not agree with a lot of the policies in the West Bank but I also understand how they came to be. Palestinians in the West Bank are not Israeli citizens and are subject to laws that reflect a form of 'wartime' provisions that is harsher and gives less rights than Israeli citizens. I wish Israel had just given the majority of the West Bank back to Jordan after the '67 war and said keep it secure or Israel will. But, as proven by the Arab League (Jordan was a member) the three no's of Khartoum (no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel) that was ot an option at the time.

So, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, history does matter. Causes have effects.

3. American Jews of all ages overwhelmingly support Israel. In the US it’s only the 18-25 demographic, not ethnicity specific, that has been poisoned by Qatari money and other forms of Dawa propaganda where the support hovers around 50%. Americans in general over 30 support Israel at around a 70% margin.

4. That you can try to assert that Israel is not democratic for Jew and Arabs within Israel's border when by every single category you are proved false shows the level of your indoctrination into a specific narrative. Here's Freedom House's score card for you to compare nations.

5. Hmm, let's see...What is antisemitic about calling for the dismantling of one and only one UN sanctioned country because you dont like the current government's actions. Nothing as long as you equally apply the standards for the dismantling of a country to all. Let's compare some of the countries surrounding Israel that were formed as a result of the same map making decisions in 1917. Should we use the number of civilians the current leaders have killedas a criteria? The current Syrian government has killed 500k of its own citizens in the last 10 years. That's far more than the number of Palestinians have been killed by Israel. In fact its more than the entire number of Israelis and Arabs killed in all wars, terrorist acts, etc since the founding of the state of Israel in 1948. What about killing methods. Assad used chemical weapons against his own people. Dismantle Syria or no? Maybe the Israelis you'd displace when you dismantle Israel could go there and try to do better. But maybe the criteria isnt fair. Lets use the Freedom House scores to see who to dismantle first. Syria it is. They scored 1 (not free) on the score. Next comes Egypt, they scored 18 (not free). Jordan's next 33 (not free). Lebanon can make a case to not be dissolved with a score of 42 (partially free). Want to know what Gaza scored, 8 (not free). How about Israel (74) free. So, to reiterate, what is specifically antisemitic about the narrative you and others are spewing about Zionism and Israel is that you hold Israel to a different standard than other nations.

I'll leave with you with a few more thoughts. There is an old Jewish saying:

"The antisemite does not accuse the Jew of stealing because he thinks he stole something. He does it because he enjoys watching the Jew turn out his pockets to prove his innocence."

This is why antisemites accuse Israel of 'genocide' and of making Gaza a 'concentration camp' when these assertions are so easily disproven. They specifically use this terminology because they know it will hurt a Jew because of the association to Jewish trauma.

Looking at the genocide claim for a second. The Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza between 1960 and 2020 grew from 1.1 million to 5.1 million. The average life expectancy of a Palestinian is aproximately 74 years. The world average is 71 years old. The average life expectancy of a Palestinian in 1950 was under 50 years. From the year 2000 to present day it increased from 58 years to the current 74 years. The West Bank and Gaza has a higher GDP per Capita than India and Venezuela and is higher than 55+ of the worlds nations.

The pre holocaust global Jewish population was 16.6 million. It currently stands at just under 16 million. It still hasn't fully recovered in 80 years. That is an attempted genocide. At the peak of the holocaust between August and October 1942, 15,000 Jews a day were murdered, 1.3 million Jews in that time period. That is the systematic killing of people in concentration camps and through death squads.

So, no people are not antisemitic for being critical of Israel's current government or Israel's execution of the war but they are most definitely antisemitic for calling for the dismantling of Israel or wittingly or unwittingly invoking specious claims of genocide, etc...
Woah. The paralegal just got abused. Well done.
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They are targeting their speech.

Are JVP being targeted for being Jewish? Or for their speech?

Targeting for background or speech- both awful. But we should call it what it is.

AIPAC and some of these Palestinian groups ironically have more in common than you would want to admit. But the commonality isn't hating Jews. It is hating political speech that interferes with the absolute FACT that this a total "both sides" conflict and that neither Israel or Palestine is approve reproach, much like the other 190+ countries. None is perfect.

No doubt other countries have similar laws. And I can point you to countries like Italy where they have a similar law - and many people there find it controversial. And some people will say the controversy based on racial or ethnic animus. It's no different. But people are allowed to debate it. And BTW, many Israelis have second citizenship for good reason, the same reason many Americans want it. They are concerned about democracy.
You’re almost there but just still can’t admit the difference between critiquing policy of a foreign entity and patterns of harassing and targeting behaviors towards individuals or a group who represent an identity.

For example- Would any campus accept calls to ban socialists? Or posted the pictures of leaders of a socialist group to be targeted? Or throwing eggs at a house that many socialists live in because they are socialist? What about showing up in classrooms and common spaces targeting socialist students with chants about capitalism? Of course not. Of course the beliefs that have been targeted do not represent all socialists. The vast majority may believe in violent overthrows of capitalist societies. Others may not believe in violence. How about the targeting of Chinese students because some of them support socialist governments. We know the Chinese are committing serious human rights violations to the Uyghurs. But since these are first generation Chinese students they also support Chinas right to exist and their family’s right to defend themselves. Nobody would be ok with this group of students consistently targeted and harassed even if we can all say we don’t agree with socialism, we don’t agree with the actions of the government of China. The students in America and at Rutgers should not have to deal with student groups targeting and harassing them because of where they are from and what they believe. You and many others would never stand for this against a groups of Chinese students yet you have post after post defending what is happening to Jewish students…or even Zionist students at Rutgers. From what I hear Rutgers has already take steps to combat what has been happening. Let’s see if it gets better.
What assigns you the right to determine who is Jewish and who isn't? Absolutely nothing. The Neturei Karta and any non-Zionist Jewish person is as entitled to their beliefs as you are to insist that believing Israel is infallible is essential to being Jewish. Much like Catholics don't have more right to being Christian than Protestants or vice versa, Sunnis and Shiites and any other group. And in fact, labeling people as a "fringe" is exactly what causes and caused horrific discrimination against basically every religious group in some point in history or through the current day. Just ask a Jehovah's Witness in Russia or an Ahmadi Muslim in Pakistan about being labeled a "fringe."

You just want to force your own beliefs on everyone else. Let me assure you, under the laws of this country, Neturei Karta and JVP and any anti-Zionist self declared Jewish person is absolutely as Jewish as advocates for AIPAC and the Republican Jewish Coalition. Nothing you say changes that. It is absolutely obscene to carry on insisting on your views are a valid expression of faith and something I'd expect to hear from the Ayatollah before an American.
Woah!! I’m not determining who is Jewish and who isn’t. Basic statics show the Jews you cite to explain it’s ok to harass and target Jewish kids at Rutgers are of the minority opinion when it comes to Zionism. So yes, there views should be given less weight.

You also missed my entire point about the fringe groups you keep citing. The Neturei Karta are not some great supporters of Arab rights in the region. Their ultimate plan is to take the land for themselves, once their messiah arrives.
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You’re almost there but just still can’t admit the difference between critiquing policy of a foreign entity and patterns of harassing and targeting behaviors towards individuals or a group who represent an identity.

For example- Would any campus accept calls to ban socialists? Or posted the pictures of leaders of a socialist group to be targeted? Or throwing eggs at a house that many socialists live in because they are socialist? What about showing up in classrooms and common spaces targeting socialist students with chants about capitalism? Of course not. Of course the beliefs that have been targeted do not represent all socialists. The vast majority may believe in violent overthrows of capitalist societies. Others may not believe in violence. How about the targeting of Chinese students because some of them support socialist governments. We know the Chinese are committing serious human rights violations to the Uyghurs. But since these are first generation Chinese students they also support Chinas right to exist and their family’s right to defend themselves. Nobody would be ok with this group of students consistently targeted and harassed even if we can all say we don’t agree with socialism, we don’t agree with the actions of the government of China. The students in America and at Rutgers should not have to deal with student groups targeting and harassing them because of where they are from and what they believe. You and many others would never stand for this against a groups of Chinese students yet you have post after post defending what is happening to Jewish students…or even Zionist students at Rutgers. From what I hear Rutgers has already take steps to combat what has been happening. Let’s see if it gets better.

What does it mean "accept"? Is that allegation Rutgers allows egg throwing? It's clear they don't. Do they accept speech as the 1A requires? They do. Where exactly are they falling afoul of either the law or their own rules?

As someone who posts on the CEsspool you are well aware that, yes, people on the far right claim daily here that Rutgers (among others) (falsely) is suppressing their speech. That they are targeted. That is in fact, of course, false.

And actually, Chinese students not just in the US, globally, have claimed Western universities are discriminating against them for publicizing and promoting discussions on campus about the Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet, COVID origins...etc

The difference is that 99% of Americans feel that one can criticize China without being labeled racist. OTOH, you are making the argument that chanting "resistance" is anti-Semitic and would have political backers like the laugh riot in Congress agreeing. OTOH, if someone shouted "resistance" at a meeting about anti-Asian discrimination, of which there are real and virulent strains, no one would assert that the person is anti-Asian or anti-Chinese.

You are attempting to conflate all Jewish students with criticism of people on campus supporting Israel. It is not only absurd but would not be tolerated with China. It would not be tolerated as well to say that any Zionist student agrees with, say, the congressman who said "nuke Gaza."

You'd have to ask yourself why you're not allowing for that nuance, though I could guess.
Woah!! I’m not determining who is Jewish and who isn’t. Basic statics show the Jews you cite to explain it’s ok to harass and target Jewish kids at Rutgers are of the minority opinion when it comes to Zionism. So yes, there views should be given less weight.

You also missed my entire point about the fringe groups you keep citing. The Neturei Karta are not some great supporters of Arab rights in the region. Their ultimate plan is to take the land for themselves, once their messiah arrives.

Here is the problem. To say minority views "should be given less weight" flies in the face of the Constitution. The whole point of the 1A is to protect minority views, whether we agree or not, whether they are ugly or not, etc. As a public school RU is bound by this. I know for a fact that anti-Zionist Jewish groups have protested at Rutgers before.

If you were showing that, for example, students were shouting about Jewish students or trying to ban JVP or Netereui Karta or ANY group from campus just for being would have a point. But you still have yet to prove, or even attempted to prove, that anyone is being targeted for being Jewish. In fact, what you have shown is that people are being targeted for their views on Israel. And this goes both ways, like the trucks at Harvard.

You are essentially trying to squelch a view because it's minority and ascribing a hatred to it when you can't prove it's hateful at all.

I see people everyday say "resist" the government. Does that mean they want violence against the government? We have one political party that says end birthright citizenship. Does that mean that party is racist? If someone says "Free Quebec" or "Free Catalonia" or "Free Scotland" or Texit or Calexit or National Divorce, is that "targeting" Canadians, Spaniards, Brits or the people on the other side of the proposed new nation? Extrapolating your version of targeting would have the effect of ending the 1A. No one would seriously argue that someone shouting Texit is seeking the murder of Oklahomans, but we are to believe that complaining (wrongly, dumbly) about the views of Hillel on Israel is calling for targeting all Jewish students. Just doesn't pass the smell test, or any 1A case law.

Here is how you fight speech you don't like. Better speech. Instead, you just want to meet these kids being stupid by being as stupid. Instead we should say you can hate Palestine or hate Israel and guess what, in a free society you can hate any country you like because that is freedom. The problem for you is, I think beyond the 1A here to really the fact that Israel is hemorrhaging support with Jewish Americans, young people and basically anyone and your reaction to that is to scream prejudice rather than delve into the issues as we would with China or other countries without screaming bigotry.
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What does it mean "accept"? Is that allegation Rutgers allows egg throwing? It's clear they don't. Do they accept speech as the 1A requires? They do. Where exactly are they falling afoul of either the law or their own rules?

As someone who posts on the CEsspool you are well aware that, yes, people on the far right claim daily here that Rutgers (among others) (falsely) is suppressing their speech. That they are targeted. That is in fact, of course, false.

And actually, Chinese students not just in the US, globally, have claimed Western universities are discriminating against them for publicizing and promoting discussions on campus about the Uighurs, Hong Kong, Tibet, COVID origins...etc

The difference is that 99% of Americans feel that one can criticize China without being labeled racist. OTOH, you are making the argument that chanting "resistance" is anti-Semitic and would have political backers like the laugh riot in Congress agreeing. OTOH, if someone shouted "resistance" at a meeting about anti-Asian discrimination, of which there are real and virulent strains, no one would assert that the person is anti-Asian or anti-Chinese.

You are attempting to conflate all Jewish students with criticism of people on campus supporting Israel. It is not only absurd but would not be tolerated with China. It would not be tolerated as well to say that any Zionist student agrees with, say, the congressman who said "nuke Gaza."

You'd have to ask yourself why you're not allowing for that nuance, though I could guess.
A Pattern Of Events. This is what is of discussion here. Rationalizing individual circumstances is not justifying the pattern of events. And that is where harassment and targeting against a certain people come into play.

For example, it has been reported there was a break in and damage to the campus Muslim building today. Terrible, but that is a single event. If over the next few months we see posters calling out Muslim students as terrorists or other students showing up in classrooms and common spaces to target Muslim students with their words and actions…..well that means Rutgers has a problem and it’s not just a 1 A issue. That’s exactly what is happening to Jewish students. In some of the events targeting the Jewish students, it is unknown what the jewish students beliefs of Israel is. They are just being targeted for being Jewish, a Jewish group, or Jewish campus organization.
Here is the problem. To say minority views "should be given less weight" flies in the face of the Constitution. The whole point of the 1A is to protect minority views, whether we agree or not, whether they are ugly or not, etc. As a public school RU is bound by this. I know for a fact that anti-Zionist Jewish groups have protested at Rutgers before.

If you were showing that, for example, students were shouting about Jewish students or trying to ban JVP or Netereui Karta or ANY group from campus just for being would have a point. But you still have yet to prove, or even attempted to prove, that anyone is being targeted for being Jewish. In fact, what you have shown is that people are being targeted for their views on Israel. And this goes both ways, like the trucks at Harvard.

You are essentially trying to squelch a view because it's minority and ascribing a hatred to it when you can't prove it's hateful at all.

I see people everyday say "resist" the government. Does that mean they want violence against the government? We have one political party that says end birthright citizenship. Does that mean that party is racist? If someone says "Free Quebec" or "Free Catalonia" or "Free Scotland" or Texit or Calexit or National Divorce, is that "targeting" Canadians, Spaniards, Brits or the people on the other side of the proposed new nation? Extrapolating your version of targeting would have the effect of ending the 1A. No one would seriously argue that someone shouting Texit is seeking the murder of Oklahomans, but we are to believe that complaining (wrongly, dumbly) about the views of Hillel on Israel is calling for targeting all Jewish students. Just doesn't pass the smell test, or any 1A case law.

Here is how you fight speech you don't like. Better speech. Instead, you just want to meet these kids being stupid by being as stupid. Instead we should say you can hate Palestine or hate Israel and guess what, in a free society you can hate any country you like because that is freedom. The problem for you is, I think beyond the 1A here to really the fact that Israel is hemorrhaging support with Jewish Americans, young people and basically anyone and your reaction to that is to scream prejudice rather than delve into the issues as we would with China or other countries without screaming bigotry.
Minority views within a group always have the right to say what they want. My point was taking that view and then representing it as the majority view or worthy of countering the majority view. It doesn’t and it doesn’t justify targeting people because they are Jewish or Jews who believe in the state of Israel. And that’s what is happening at Rutgers.
A Pattern Of Events. This is what is of discussion here. Rationalizing individual circumstances is not justifying the pattern of events. And that is where harassment and targeting against a certain people come into play.

For example, it has been reported there was a break in and damage to the campus Muslim building today. Terrible, but that is a single event. If over the next few months we see posters calling out Muslim students as terrorists or other students showing up in classrooms and common spaces to target Muslim students with their words and actions…..well that means Rutgers has a problem and it’s not just a 1 A issue. That’s exactly what is happening to Jewish students. In some of the events targeting the Jewish students, it is unknown what the jewish students beliefs of Israel is. They are just being targeted for being Jewish, a Jewish group, or Jewish campus organization.

OK. What is an example of a Jewish student being targeted on a religious basis? So far, you have provided:

- An incident where eggs were thrown at various people of many backgrounds all over campus

- An incident where a student who was at a pro-Israel event had her face on a flyer

- Students calling for Rutgers to distance itself from Hillel and other orgs for their views on Israel

- Students chanting "resistance"; "birthright" and "1948"

Those seem random in the first and related to political speech in the others (and 1A protected, albeit stupid).

Now, when I was in school someone drew a notorious hate symbol on one of the Jewish frats. Saying it would be bannable likely so let's say it's one seen in Charlottesville. That would be targeting, illegal and horrible. That is more in line with what happened to the Muslim center. Does either show some overall kind of hate filled environment? I guess that's in the eye of beholder. I would say it's one off incidents but ones that should still be punished seriously.

OTOH, if someone chanted outside of the Muslim Center "nuke Gaza" as you tend to hear from one political group, then that is protected (and dumb) speech and not some kind of hate filled environment.Are you saying nothing like that has happened?

BTW- any word on the Muslim Center incident being investigated by the House too? When can we expect to hear?
Minority views within a group always have the right to say what they want. My point was taking that view and then representing it as the majority view or worthy of countering the majority view. It doesn’t and it doesn’t justify targeting people because they are Jewish or Jews who believe in the state of Israel. And that’s what is happening at Rutgers.

I didn't say it's a majority. I said it's as valid. Your point was that any group that is anti-Zionist is anti-Semitic. Of course, that isn't true, even if it's not a majority view.

Again, whether people believe in Israel is a political belief. You are trying to construe people registering verbal dissent with Israel and its policies with "targeting" of a religion, which it isn't. Much like saying "nuke Gaza" isn't anti-Muslim targeting. It's just dumb, protected speech. And I'm well aware there's probably people who would say it isn't- they're just as wrong as people saying that anyone who is anti-Zionist is anti-Semitic.

It's stupid thought policing on both sides, when there should be, and at Rutgers there is, vigorous and respectful debate. The school has the largest or second largest Jewish community and one of the largest Muslim and insert a million others, group on campus BECAUSE of that. Now you have extreme elements on the right as in this thread, and no doubt some on the left too, just looking to cancel that environment and cancel the 1A because any criticism of Israel or Palestine and their feckless and irresponsible leaderships cannot be bared. Which, thankfully it looks like President Holloway and relevant stakeholders are pushing back on. Thankfully if it comes from the CEsspool the complaint gets flushed.
OK. What is an example of a Jewish student being targeted on a religious basis? So far, you have provided:

- An incident where eggs were thrown at various people of many backgrounds all over campus

- An incident where a student who was at a pro-Israel event had her face on a flyer

- Students calling for Rutgers to distance itself from Hillel and other orgs for their views on Israel

- Students chanting "resistance"; "birthright" and "1948"

Those seem random in the first and related to political speech in the others (and 1A protected, albeit stupid).

Now, when I was in school someone drew a notorious hate symbol on one of the Jewish frats. Saying it would be bannable likely so let's say it's one seen in Charlottesville. That would be targeting, illegal and horrible. That is more in line with what happened to the Muslim center. Does either show some overall kind of hate filled environment? I guess that's in the eye of beholder. I would say it's one off incidents but ones that should still be punished seriously.

OTOH, if someone chanted outside of the Muslim Center "nuke Gaza" as you tend to hear from one political group, then that is protected (and dumb) speech and not some kind of hate filled environment.Are you saying nothing like that has happened?

BTW- any word on the Muslim Center incident being investigated by the House too? When can we expect to hear?
It’s still all a pattern of events that are targeting and harassing Jewish students. Regardless of their beliefs of Israel. Even if your very downplayed versions of the events were true it’s still against the student code of conduct. And those events represent a pattern of targeting and harassing. (Glad youre finally admitting these events exist and happened) Someone can be a Nazi, a terrorist or even a convicted murderer and they still are protected from a pattern of events that show they are being targeted and harassed. That’s what is happening here and Rutgers is not enforcing their own rules.

If the break in at the Muslim building is one of a number of events targeting Muslim students, yes this is a pattern of targeted and harassing behaviors towards students. I will strongly support a federal investigation should the evidence show the same things or types of events are happening.

Rutgers has a campus antisemitism problem and it includes their students and faculty. It needs to be sorted out ASAP.
It’s still all a pattern of events that are targeting and harassing Jewish students. Regardless of their beliefs of Israel. Even if your very downplayed versions of the events were true it’s still against the student code of conduct. And those events represent a pattern of targeting and harassing. (Glad youre finally admitting these events exist and happened) Someone can be a Nazi, a terrorist or even a convicted murderer and they still are protected from a pattern of events that show they are being targeted and harassed. That’s what is happening here and Rutgers is not enforcing their own rules.

If the break in at the Muslim building is one of a number of events targeting Muslim students, yes this is a pattern of targeted and harassing behaviors towards students. I will strongly support a federal investigation should the evidence show the same things or types of events are happening.

Rutgers has a campus antisemitism problem and it includes their students and faculty. It needs to be sorted out ASAP.

I don't understand. How is throwing eggs randomly targeting? Random isn't targeting in any interation of the English language. And chanting or posting pictures violates the student code of conduct? Where?

I never denied they happened. I am disputing your characterization of every day events at any college and 1A protected speech as some crazed hateful atmosphere.

Which rules- cite them- is RU not enforcing?

You keep saying it's a problem but not substantiating what you're saying. If anything, the incident w/r/t the Muslim Center would be closer to proving something, but certainly not there.

It would be interesting to hear from Jewish and Muslim students not engaged in political activism what their thoughts guess is it'd be a lot of eye rolling...just like it was when I was there. Just like it is at the national level. It seems like the plot to conflate "Israel/Palestine are infallible" with Judaism and Islam remains a sad, fringe movement fruitlessly at war with our Constitution but more so with the people it feigns to protect.
I don't understand. How is throwing eggs randomly targeting? Random isn't targeting in any interation of the English language. And chanting or posting pictures violates the student code of conduct? Where?

I never denied they happened. I am disputing your characterization of every day events at any college and 1A protected speech as some crazed hateful atmosphere.

Which rules- cite them- is RU not enforcing?

You keep saying it's a problem but not substantiating what you're saying. If anything, the incident w/r/t the Muslim Center would be closer to proving something, but certainly not there.

It would be interesting to hear from Jewish and Muslim students not engaged in political activism what their thoughts guess is it'd be a lot of eye rolling...just like it was when I was there. Just like it is at the national level. It seems like the plot to conflate "Israel/Palestine are infallible" with Judaism and Islam remains a sad, fringe movement fruitlessly at war with our Constitution but more so with the people it feigns to protect.
I haven’t read all the back and forth here but as it pertains to the student videos posted early in this thread they are punishable offenses both by Rutgers University and NJ law.

Article P. (Disruption) of the RU Code of Conduct
2. Disrupting or obstructing an academic class or lecture, an administrative or support function, or official university business.

Could also broadly use NJ laws against disturbing the peace

Could also use NJ anti bullying laws which specifically lists bullying as any gesture, verbal or written act reasonably perceived as motivated by ancestry, national origin (amongst other characteristics) on school grounds or school sanctioned events.

So, when protesters at the event in the video shout “there is only one solution, intifada revolution”, it can be reasonably argued that an Israeli who either lived through the 2 violent intifadas or is aware of the history could perceive that as bullying and a viable threat. In the same way that if a group was chanting “lynchings are justified when our way of life is modified” stands to reason that a black person could perceive it as bullying and a threat.

I actually just went back and listened to the clips and the chants literally call for ethnic cleansing “go back to where you came from and Palestine will be ours alone” and “within our lifetime”. A call that puts a timeline for ethnically cleansing a people is bullying, harassment and most definitely threatening, at the least to an Israeli. And the “no birthright here” chant is most definitely targeting Jews so these protestors could and should have faced multiple charges, school code of conduct violations and none of this is covered by the first amendment based on the laws and conduct codes above.
I haven’t read all the back and forth here but as it pertains to the student videos posted early in this thread they are punishable offenses both by Rutgers University and NJ law.

Article P. (Disruption) of the RU Code of Conduct
2. Disrupting or obstructing an academic class or lecture, an administrative or support function, or official university business.

Could also broadly use NJ laws against disturbing the peace

Could also use NJ anti bullying laws which specifically lists bullying as any gesture, verbal or written act reasonably perceived as motivated by ancestry, national origin (amongst other characteristics) on school grounds or school sanctioned events.

So, when protesters at the event in the video shout “there is only one solution, intifada revolution”, it can be reasonably argued that an Israeli who either lived through the 2 violent intifadas or is aware of the history could perceive that as bullying and a viable threat. In the same way that if a group was chanting “lynchings are justified when our way of life is modified” stands to reason that a black person could perceive it as bullying and a threat.

I actually just went back and listened to the clips and the chants literally call for ethnic cleansing “go back to where you came from and Palestine will be ours alone” and “within our lifetime”. A call that puts a timeline for ethnically cleansing a people is bullying, harassment and most definitely threatening, at the least to an Israeli. And the “no birthright here” chant is most definitely targeting Jews so these protestors could and should have faced multiple charges, school code of conduct violations and none of this is covered by the first amendment based on the laws and conduct codes above.

Great. Please share the many court cases that would ascribe bullying or disturbing the peace to that language or chanting at a public function...there must be a ton right....
Great. Please share the many court cases that would ascribe bullying or disturbing the peace to that language or chanting at a public function...there must be a ton right....
“A pattern of events….” Well documented legal jargon speaking to this. The laws are there too and the student code of conduct. It isn’t just chanting at a public function. Although there chants of intifada and “River to the sea” can be part of the pattern of events. There are other events including disrupting classrooms, especially classrooms with Jewish students, disrupting common spaces like the library and a cafeteria, the targeting of the Hillel house by throwing eggs, the social media posts targeting the Hillel House, the posting of the Jewish students photo outside her dorm, the social media and in person harrassment of the Jewish student at Newark Law. As I have said before, put all of it together it’s clearly a pattern of events harassing and targeting Jewish students. None of this would ever be acceptable for any other group of students. Rutgers has an antisemitism problem and it’s coming from the student body and faculty.
Great. Please share the many court cases that would ascribe bullying or disturbing the peace to that language or chanting at a public function...there must be a ton right....
No clue. Do your own work. All you do is move goalposts. You keep saying that all these actions are protected by the First Amendment. I was demonstrating that they are not protected. No clue whether they are enforced or prosecuted. Part of the point is that it is shameful when a Q and A with the President of the University is disrupted to the point that the function has to be shut down. It is a clear violation of school policy. It is also completely counterproductive. Maybe instead ask for clarification of the school’s investment practices. Maybe work towards the school divesting from investment in anything related to the defense industry or weapons industry involving any country, etc… Instead they just chose to waste the opportunity to speak with the President. This was a performative and premeditated unsanctioned protest with the goal of disrupting the meeting and harassing the people attending, specifically anyone Israeli or Jewish.
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“A pattern of events….” Well documented legal jargon speaking to this. The laws are there too and the student code of conduct. It isn’t just chanting at a public function. Although there chants of intifada and “River to the sea” can be part of the pattern of events. There are other events including disrupting classrooms, especially classrooms with Jewish students, disrupting common spaces like the library and a cafeteria, the targeting of the Hillel house by throwing eggs, the social media posts targeting the Hillel House, the posting of the Jewish students photo outside her dorm, the social media and in person harrassment of the Jewish student at Newark Law. As I have said before, put all of it together it’s clearly a pattern of events harassing and targeting Jewish students. None of this would ever be acceptable for any other group of students. Rutgers has an antisemitism problem and it’s coming from the student body and faculty.

You said RU isn't enforcing the rules. Which rules:

1) bar students from chanting intifada? Or River to sea?
2) How do these interruptors know which classes have which students any by which religion? I took an Islamic Law class at RU. There were multiple students with yarmulkes in the class, probably more than hijabs. Where is RU registering these demographics?
3) Bar students from chanting in a cafeteria?
4) Bar students from criticism on social media? (I say criticism because we know that's your definition for targeting)
5) Bar students from sharing a photo on a flyer?

Since you have such expertise in this, it should be quick to cite to where these are in the student handbook, right?

The only thing you cited that actually breaks rules would be yelling in the library or throwing eggs...all of which happens every day...everywhere...and isn't targeting. And wouldn't be disciplined how you like.

Put it all together, it's clearly a pattern targeting the First Amendment and speech perceived as unpopular. Unfortunately, you seem to have an issue with clearly protected speech, but have no comment about actual, dire, antisemitic speech on UVA and other campuses because the speech doesn't target Israel.

The Israel is infallible crowd has a free speech problem it wants to project onto Rutgers and other universities where Jewish and other students thrive to distract from the serious dearth of democracy in Israel, causing it to hemorrhage support, and its patrons who can't be bothered to speak out when Jewish Americans actually came under siege at UVA, when Jewish groups were banned at Columbia, etc.
No clue. Do your own work. All you do is move goalposts. You keep saying that all these actions are protected by the First Amendment. I was demonstrating that they are not protected. No clue whether they are enforced or prosecuted. Part of the point is that it is shameful when a Q and A with the President of the University is disrupted to the point that the function has to be shut down. It is a clear violation of school policy. It is also completely counterproductive. Maybe instead ask for clarification of the school’s investment practices. Maybe work towards the school divesting from investment in anything related to the defense industry or weapons industry involving any country, etc… Instead they just chose to waste the opportunity to speak with the President. This was a performative and premeditated unsanctioned protest with the goal of disrupting the meeting and harassing the people attending, specifically anyone Israeli or Jewish.

In other words, you made the (false) claim and now cannot prove it. Show the Policy violated. If it's so clear, where is the proof?

Considering the SCOTUS ruled a (heinous) KKK march in Skokie was legal, are you seriously suggesting that chanting intifada on the campus of a public U isn't protected speech?

You can disagree with their tactics all you want. What you can't do is bar speech you don't like. In the US anyway. In Israel they would just launch a hose on you and toss you in jail, and tell you, even if you're an Israeli Jew, that you're anti-Semitic. Essentially what you are aiming for in this country. Thankfully it won't happen.

Who can forget where the 1A says "freedom of protest, but not where it's performative and premeditated!"

I guess if someone on campus says "Free Tibet!" a Chinese-American student is targeted?
In other words, you made the (false) claim and now cannot prove it. Show the Policy violated. If it's so clear, where is the proof?

Considering the SCOTUS ruled a (heinous) KKK march in Skokie was legal, are you seriously suggesting that chanting intifada on the campus of a public U isn't protected speech?

You can disagree with their tactics all you want. What you can't do is bar speech you don't like. In the US anyway. In Israel they would just launch a hose on you and toss you in jail, and tell you, even if you're an Israeli Jew, that you're anti-Semitic. Essentially what you are aiming for in this country. Thankfully it won't happen.

Who can forget where the 1A says "freedom of protest, but not where it's performative and premeditated!"

I guess if someone on campus says "Free Tibet!" a Chinese-American student is targeted?
No, in actual words, I said exactly what I meant. I gave you the section of the Rutgers code of conduct that was violated. Whether the university chooses to enforce the policy is up to them. However if they don’t, they leave themselves open to scrutiny and a possible lawsuit which I hope someone files.

The Skokie march has literally nothing to do with this. That was a legal request for a permit to march in a public space that was challenged and that a court ruled that while vile was protected by free speech so the permit was issued and the march proceeded.

The “spontaneous” demonstration at the presidents town hall that was disrupted was a school sanctioned event which is subject to school policies on disruption and limitations on free speech based on the nature of the event and location. They are not the same. Your example stinks.

Re. your other gibberish it’s not worth discussing. You have a right to your opinion about Israel. But, as someone who has marched in peace rallies in Israel and against Bibi in elections in Israel your ignorance about how Israel functions as a democracy is just annoying.

Get off social media and go travel. See and experience different places for yourself and then let’s see how you feel. Or don’t travel, do whatever you like. Like Israel it’s a free country where you are free to criticize the government up to a point. Did you see the woman in California who spoke at a city council meeting, made threats and is now being charged with multiple felonies?

Get off your weaponizing antisemitism narrative. I specifically asked you why Israel deserves to be singled out among nations to be dismantled when it’s neighbors are way worse abusers of human rights and your response was because it isn’t as strong a democracy as Denmark. Your logic and lack of understanding of my use of satire in my previous post is enervating. It is most definitely antisemitic to call for the dismantling of Israel but not Syria or China based on human rights abuses.

I also love how you said Denmark doesn’t arrest protesters. 1225 protesters enough for you? And, who were the folks arrested? Incredibly dangerous climate change activists. Dismantle Denmark has a nice ring to it. I’ll march with you.

The saddest thing is that I am a strong advocate of free speech. Nothing these woke warriors are doing promotes the intent of free speech and worse nothing they are doing is helping to “free Palestine”. They are abusing our freedoms to try to impose on us the illiberal ideas of failing radical religious and totalitarian regimes.
No, in actual words, I said exactly what I meant. I gave you the section of the Rutgers code of conduct that was violated. Whether the university chooses to enforce the policy is up to them. However if they don’t, they leave themselves open to scrutiny and a possible lawsuit which I hope someone files.

The Skokie march has literally nothing to do with this. That was a legal request for a permit to march in a public space that was challenged and that a court ruled that while vile was protected by free speech so the permit was issued and the march proceeded.

The “spontaneous” demonstration at the presidents town hall that was disrupted was a school sanctioned event which is subject to school policies on disruption and limitations on free speech based on the nature of the event and location. They are not the same. Your example stinks.

Re. your other gibberish it’s not worth discussing. You have a right to your opinion about Israel. But, as someone who has marched in peace rallies in Israel and against Bibi in elections in Israel your ignorance about how Israel functions as a democracy is just annoying.

Get off social media and go travel. See and experience different places for yourself and then let’s see how you feel. Or don’t travel, do whatever you like. Like Israel it’s a free country where you are free to criticize the government up to a point. Did you see the woman in California who spoke at a city council meeting, made threats and is now being charged with multiple felonies?

Get off your weaponizing antisemitism narrative. I specifically asked you why Israel deserves to be singled out among nations to be dismantled when it’s neighbors are way worse abusers of human rights and your response was because it isn’t as strong a democracy as Denmark. Your logic and lack of understanding of my use of satire in my previous post is enervating. It is most definitely antisemitic to call for the dismantling of Israel but not Syria or China based on human rights abuses.

I also love how you said Denmark doesn’t arrest protesters. 1225 protesters enough for you? And, who were the folks arrested? Incredibly dangerous climate change activists. Dismantle Denmark has a nice ring to it. I’ll march with you.

The saddest thing is that I am a strong advocate of free speech. Nothing these woke warriors are doing promotes the intent of free speech and worse nothing they are doing is helping to “free Palestine”. They are abusing our freedoms to try to impose on us the illiberal ideas of failing radical religious and totalitarian regimes.

You are deliberately misconstrued the fact that the school has to measure the 1A in conjunction with that rule. Using it hown you want bans any speech which obviously is illegal. The Skokie case goes along with the many many others dealing with speech on a college campus and none have said as much about chanting at a town hall. Your understanding of the Constitution stinks. Remember the "F the Draft" case?

I have been all over the world, to the Middle East, to synagogues, to churches, and mosques, it's only with certain Americans do you hear your narrative.

Israel isn't being "singled out." Every day there are people across America protesting China, Russia and other human rights violators. The difference is our tax dollars are not propping up Putin and Xi. And there are many people who refuse to buy anything from China for how they treat Muslims, for example. There was a lot of outrage when the Saudis, who we unfortunately do fund, murdered Kashoggi. As you will no doubt recall, the Venn diagrarm of people who were OK with that and those OK with Israel's behavior on this board was a big circle.

Is it anti-Chinese to say "Free Tibet", "Free Hong Kong", "Free the Uighurs" etc...if you ask the Chinese government, they will tell you absolutely yes. I would disagree. Why is one up for debate and not the other?

Does Denmark's PM say "the Arabs are voting in droves?" Does it have one road for Muslims and another for Christians? Do its leaders say they can't tolerate their wives giving birth where a Swedish woman does? And those people were released and not hit with a hose and called terrorists and self haters like they are in Israel.

Israel wants to compare itself to Iran and Saudi Arabia but then be in the conversation of great democracies. Everyone sees through it. It's why Israel's popularity is plummeting with everyone, globally, in America, with Jews and non Jews, with right, middle and left, and across age groups. The myths you are telling may be had some veracity before Israel's "leaders" began funding Hamas and seeking to distinguish their own democracy.

By using the word "woke" you instantly out yourself as someone who doesn't advocate free speech. If you want to do that, maybe start in Florida where colleges ban discussions that hurt people's feelings (of course federal courts have stopped these laws, but still).

Ironically Israel is the definition (along with it's fans' other favorite, Hungary) of a "failing radical religious regime" never mind illiberal ideas. Yes, let's have a parliament that can override a Supreme Court, no Constitution, only permit religious marriage, have the ultra religious exempted from the draft, fund Hamas, etc and then let's say "but look at Tel Aviv and then compare it to Tehran!" as if it were relevant. Weird, we never hear look at Hebron where radical settlers have evicted Palestinians with violence. We don't hear look at Bnei Brak where women were attacked for immodest dress. Actually, all religious fundamentalism and all erosion of democracy is pathetic. It's only because the same script is being run here in the former Confederacy that this stuff gets less focus. But thankfully, the leadership in Israel like their pals here can only put off their day in the dock for so long.
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No, in actual words, I said exactly what I meant. I gave you the section of the Rutgers code of conduct that was violated. Whether the university chooses to enforce the policy is up to them. However if they don’t, they leave themselves open to scrutiny and a possible lawsuit which I hope someone files.

The Skokie march has literally nothing to do with this. That was a legal request for a permit to march in a public space that was challenged and that a court ruled that while vile was protected by free speech so the permit was issued and the march proceeded.

The “spontaneous” demonstration at the presidents town hall that was disrupted was a school sanctioned event which is subject to school policies on disruption and limitations on free speech based on the nature of the event and location. They are not the same. Your example stinks.

Re. your other gibberish it’s not worth discussing. You have a right to your opinion about Israel. But, as someone who has marched in peace rallies in Israel and against Bibi in elections in Israel your ignorance about how Israel functions as a democracy is just annoying.

Get off social media and go travel. See and experience different places for yourself and then let’s see how you feel. Or don’t travel, do whatever you like. Like Israel it’s a free country where you are free to criticize the government up to a point. Did you see the woman in California who spoke at a city council meeting, made threats and is now being charged with multiple felonies?

Get off your weaponizing antisemitism narrative. I specifically asked you why Israel deserves to be singled out among nations to be dismantled when it’s neighbors are way worse abusers of human rights and your response was because it isn’t as strong a democracy as Denmark. Your logic and lack of understanding of my use of satire in my previous post is enervating. It is most definitely antisemitic to call for the dismantling of Israel but not Syria or China based on human rights abuses.

I also love how you said Denmark doesn’t arrest protesters. 1225 protesters enough for you? And, who were the folks arrested? Incredibly dangerous climate change activists. Dismantle Denmark has a nice ring to it. I’ll march with you.

The saddest thing is that I am a strong advocate of free speech. Nothing these woke warriors are doing promotes the intent of free speech and worse nothing they are doing is helping to “free Palestine”. They are abusing our freedoms to try to impose on us the illiberal ideas of failing radical religious and totalitarian regimes.
What a beat down. Well done!-
You said RU isn't enforcing the rules. Which rules:

1) bar students from chanting intifada? Or River to sea?
2) How do these interruptors know which classes have which students any by which religion? I took an Islamic Law class at RU. There were multiple students with yarmulkes in the class, probably more than hijabs. Where is RU registering these demographics?
3) Bar students from chanting in a cafeteria?
4) Bar students from criticism on social media? (I say criticism because we know that's your definition for targeting)
5) Bar students from sharing a photo on a flyer?

Since you have such expertise in this, it should be quick to cite to where these are in the student handbook, right?

The only thing you cited that actually breaks rules would be yelling in the library or throwing eggs...all of which happens every day...everywhere...and isn't targeting. And wouldn't be disciplined how you like.

Put it all together, it's clearly a pattern targeting the First Amendment and speech perceived as unpopular. Unfortunately, you seem to have an issue with clearly protected speech, but have no comment about actual, dire, antisemitic speech on UVA and other campuses because the speech doesn't target Israel.

The Israel is infallible crowd has a free speech problem it wants to project onto Rutgers and other universities where Jewish and other students thrive to distract from the serious dearth of democracy in Israel, causing it to hemorrhage support, and its patrons who can't be bothered to speak out when Jewish Americans actually came under siege at UVA, when Jewish groups were banned at Columbia, etc.
It is still a pattern of events targeting a certain group of people. You may want to downplay those events, but even you acknowledge the pattern of events. It’s not up to Rutgers administration to decide if their own code of conduct is enforceable. It was adopted with the expectation the administration will enforce it. If it is challenged in court, and ruled against, it will need to be changed at that point. It doesn’t matter how you or anyone else feels about Israel. It is expected the laws and code of conduct are enforced for all students equally. That is not happening right now at Rutgers and it is the Jewish students as the victims. Their beliefs on Israel are of no regard here. There are more and more schools who have handled this according to laws and campus codes of conduct. Vanderbilt is one. USC just had to remove their valedictorian from a graduation speech because they are finally following the law. Rutgers continues to have an antisemitism problem within the student body and their faculty. The administration and staff are going to have to follow and enforce laws and code of conduct as expected. If they can’t it shows their bias.
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It is still a pattern of events targeting a certain group of people. You may want to downplay those events, but even you acknowledge the pattern of events. It’s not up to Rutgers administration to decide if their own code of conduct is enforceable. It was adopted with the expectation the administration will enforce it. If it is challenged in court, and ruled against, it will need to be changed at that point. It doesn’t matter how you or anyone else feels about Israel. It is expected the laws and code of conduct are enforced for all students equally. That is not happening right now at Rutgers and it is the Jewish students as the victims. Their beliefs on Israel are of no regard here. There are more and more schools who have handled this according to laws and campus codes of conduct. Vanderbilt is one. USC just had to remove their valedictorian from a graduation speech because they are finally following the law. Rutgers continues to have an antisemitism problem within the student body and their faculty. The administration and staff are going to have to follow and enforce laws and code of conduct as expected. If they can’t it shows their bias.

You keep dodging.

What are the rules RU is refusing to enforce? That was my question.

Throwing eggs at random students and putting a picture of another on a flyerr is not a pattern by any sense of that word.

USC removed a speaker because of safety concerns. And it's a private school, so the same laws don't apply.

You obviously are over your skiis here. Maybe stick to WW3 predictions (hopes?) on the CEsspool.
You keep dodging.

What are the rules RU is refusing to enforce? That was my question.

Throwing eggs at random students and putting a picture of another on a flyerr is not a pattern by any sense of that word.

USC removed a speaker because of safety concerns. And it's a private school, so the same laws don't apply.

You obviously are over your skiis here. Maybe stick to WW3 predictions (hopes?) on the CEsspool.
Dodging what? Scroll up. Numerous posters have provided you with these. To the point you debated if they were enforceable. You have the answer.

It’s more events than the two you listed. Many of the events have been listed in this thread. And together they represent a pattern of targeting and harassing a certain group of students.

I am sure USC and Vanderbilt receive some public funding. Private doesn’t matter here.

Hoping for WW3? Me? No idea what this is in reference to. Also has nothing to do with the antisemitism problem at Rutgers with the students and faculty.
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Man, the fat angry dude sure loves him some racism. Why does he hate Jews so much?

After getting fired last time he couldn't afford Premium. Too bad, he's quite the topic of conversation there.

Thanks for the laughs Chunk!
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It’s more events than the two you listed. Many of the events have been listed in this thread. And together they represent a pattern of targeting and harassing a certain group of students.

Always trying to move the goal posts or take it off on a tangent.
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Dodging what? Scroll up. Numerous posters have provided you with these. To the point you debated if they were enforceable. You have the answer.

It’s more events than the two you listed. Many of the events have been listed in this thread. And together they represent a pattern of targeting and harassing a certain group of students.

I am sure USC and Vanderbilt receive some public funding. Private doesn’t matter here.

Hoping for WW3? Me? No idea what this is in reference to. Also has nothing to do with the antisemitism problem at Rutgers with the students and faculty.

No they didn't. They didn't show their was any disruption that met the 1A bar.

I already provided a list of incidents and proved they weren't targeting.

Public funds isn't a public university. And, USC cancelled because of threat of violence from pro-Israel groups. Quite the example.

Oh and everyone can see what you posted on the CEsspool. "Premium" lol
LOL, the lax dropout hasn't had bigoted melt down like this since he was outed. He blames the entire Jewish and Rutgers community, sad.

After it was proven he never graduated and can't get a job, all he has left is the CEsspool.

Glad he admits he gossips about dudes with fellow men of his persuasion. I'm glad that paying each month allows him to admit his lust for men. Nothing to be ashamed of on that count! Proud of you, Valet!
No they didn't. They didn't show their was any disruption that met the 1A bar.

I already provided a list of incidents and proved they weren't targeting.

Public funds isn't a public university. And, USC cancelled because of threat of violence from pro-Israel groups. Quite the example.

Oh and everyone can see what you posted on the CEsspool. "Premium" lol
You have been provided with numerous events that demonstrate a pattern. Together, the pattern creates an antisemitic culture at Rutgers. And it’s coming from the students and faculty at Rutgers. There are a number of examples throughout this thread. I understand you are challenging each and every event as permissible under 1A. There are a few that are rather easy to argue against given laws and the code of conduct. Regardless, Jewish students are a protected class and Rutgers has a duty to ensure that are not targeted and harassed even if that includes an overall culture of antisemitism. Look no further than Columbia on their campus today and in DC. It’s no accident that they are under investigation and today numerous Columbia reps testified these “protests” are antisemitic. Even the president testified to specific antisemitic actions as the protests. The president also testified five professors have been fired due to social media posts or speeches deemed antisemitic. She even explained she is in the process of demoting a tenured department chair due to his speech. Last I heard, on campus, the police were pulling in busses to arrest protestors on campus today. These are all the exact issues Rutgers has. Today, Columbia took action against some of these issues. I would imagine the Columbia legal team made these decisions with a superior grasp of 1A law than you. I also imagine there will be challenges and we will get to see how this plays out.

I have no idea what you’re referencing about hoping for WW3 and the CE premium board. You can cite if you want. But it has nothing to do with the antisemitism problem on Rutgers from the students and faculty.
You have been provided with numerous events that demonstrate a pattern. Together, the pattern creates an antisemitic culture at Rutgers. And it’s coming from the students and faculty at Rutgers. There are a number of examples throughout this thread. I understand you are challenging each and every event as permissible under 1A. There are a few that are rather easy to argue against given laws and the code of conduct. Regardless, Jewish students are a protected class and Rutgers has a duty to ensure that are not targeted and harassed even if that includes an overall culture of antisemitism. Look no further than Columbia on their campus today and in DC. It’s no accident that they are under investigation and today numerous Columbia reps testified these “protests” are antisemitic. Even the president testified to specific antisemitic actions as the protests. The president also testified five professors have been fired due to social media posts or speeches deemed antisemitic. She even explained she is in the process of demoting a tenured department chair due to his speech. Last I heard, on campus, the police were pulling in busses to arrest protestors on campus today. These are all the exact issues Rutgers has. Today, Columbia took action against some of these issues. I would imagine the Columbia legal team made these decisions with a superior grasp of 1A law than you. I also imagine there will be challenges and we will get to see how this plays out.

I have no idea what you’re referencing about hoping for WW3 and the CE premium board. You can cite if you want. But it has nothing to do with the antisemitism problem on Rutgers from the students and faculty.

You haven't shown Jewish students being targeted. You have shown random events like egg throwing all over campus, and attempted cancellation for views on Israel.

You have provided not even one incident where anyone was targeted for being Jewish.

Columbia is a private school. You can ignore that until you're blue in the face, won't change it.

It also won't change the Columbia incidents involved praising Hamas by employees, not shouting "intifada" by a student.

You really think people can't see the thread you started there?

Oh well. I'm off on vacation. Please be sure to share all the upset the 1A causes you in the interim, while your CEsspool pals say I'm banned lol.
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These Rutgers students are citing a vote where only about 8,000 of the 36,000 undergraduates participated.