Rutgers Volleyball Drops Contest With Indiana

Tango curious as to your thoughts on CJ? Time for a change in leadership or stay the course. I don’t take firing people lightly and I don't know that it would be the right move. Been following RU volleyball during his tenure and the transition to the Big 10 has been rough.
Tango curious as to your thoughts on CJ? Time for a change in leadership or stay the course. I don’t take firing people lightly and I don't know that it would be the right move. Been following RU volleyball during his tenure and the transition to the Big 10 has been rough.
I don't see CJ back next year.
I am not sure about his recruiting strategy. He has 14 players which is low normally 18 is a college roster. 9 of the players are not from US and none of the remaining are from New Jersey. It would seem the state university should have some Jersey players on it. Bergen county alone is very strong in woman’s volleyball. But there are other areas nearby that are strong.
Tango curious as to your thoughts on CJ? Time for a change in leadership or stay the course. I don’t take firing people lightly and I don't know that it would be the right move. Been following RU volleyball during his tenure and the transition to the Big 10 has been rough.

Recruiting doesn't seem to be the best but they are getting better and the loses are not as bad as they use to be.
Does anyone know why #9 Nastya K. from Russia isn't playing recently? Thanks. $$$$