Rutgers vs Eastern Michigan / Game Thread

Being 1-58 in something never felt so great. First P5 win!!

Good luck rest of the way. Enjoyed this even more thoroughly with the complete disrespect the majority of your forum had for our team.

Could you be anymore backhanded? I defended you before saying you had every right to gloat. Now you're just being an ass clown. You can F off now.
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So many issues all around... but Ash set the tone not going for it on 4th and 5 at the 35.. or kicking the long FG with the wind. He showed no faith in his team. All the criticism last week about being too conservative proved true.

I don't know if the problem is Bolin or the plays called for him at times.. but whatever it is is not working.
Being 1-58 in something never felt so great. First P5 win!!

Good luck rest of the way. Enjoyed this even more thoroughly with the complete disrespect the majority of your forum had for our team.
I think your team is viewed that same way by everybody... Your football program is a joke. That said, so is ours.
Being 1-58 in something never felt so great. First P5 win!!

Good luck rest of the way. Enjoyed this even more thoroughly with the complete disrespect the majority of your forum had for our team.

I agree. Much of our fanbase is full of themselves and very arrogant when we haven't really shown anything (and have no cause to be). It's actually quite sad. Hopefully this will humble them a little (I doubt it).

Congrats on your win. EMU played tougher and had the better QB.

Good luck the rest of the season! [thumb2]
Being 1-58 in something never felt so great. First P5 win!!

Good luck rest of the way. Enjoyed this even more thoroughly with the complete disrespect the majority of your forum had for our team.
Congrats in your win, but disrespecting the opponent is something RU fans receive more than they give.
I think you just seen why that is.
Heck some of RU's biggest bashers are its own fans and after this game probably gained support
Teams can turn it around but I'm not sure I've ever been more depressed about the state of the program. Even in Flood's crap seasons we were better than this.
Glad I gave up my tickets a couple years ago. Schiano showed some progress even in the dark years. This guy is a joke.
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I think I'm laughing to keep from crying or breaking that normal?

trASH can needs to go! I'm done...
One of the worst decisions was the one Lewis play.
Driving down the field and cost us a few yards and a play and all momentum.
We settle for a field goal. Needed a TD there.

Press coverage by the corners when the opposing QB throws an excellent
back shoulder ball was stupid. Cornerback then trails the receiver and interferes. How many of those were there today?

And our special teams suck.
Dont look for much of a home crowd next week vs Morgan State.

Very disappointing loss by RU.
One of the worst decisions was the one Lewis play.
Driving down the field and cost us a few yards and a play and all momentum.
We settle for a field goal. Needed a TD there.

Press coverage by the corners when the opposing QB throws an excellent
back shoulder ball was stupid. Cornerback then trails the receiver and interferes. How many of those were there today?

And our special teams suck.
AGREE: >One of the worst decisions was the one Lewis play.<
I remember New Hampshire after Michigan State.
Over the years there have been so many games that utterly disappointed me, like this one, I've lost count and hate feeling there will be more like this under Ash.
Hopefully I'm overreacting because of being utterly disappointed on how Rutgers lost to a program it should be superior to
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I wasn't that worried at the end of the 3rd Q. I thought we had figured out how to move the ball -- run counters and have pulling guards. We scored a touchdown riding Martin and Edwards. I figured we'd do that, and win 27-16. But for some reason we went away from what was working. Yes, we fell behind by 3, but had plenty of time to move the ball on the ground.
When RU took a step back in 2002, I was forgiving because we were coming off Terry Shea. We can't pin this on Flood. For all his faults, I don't think Flood, or maybe even Schiano, would constantly punt inside the 40.

t this point I would take am offensive guru who doesn't car a lick about defense. It's much more fun losing 55-48 than 16-13.
you guys are all cry babies.

EMU will be a bowl team this year. We'll probably be a 1 or 2 win team this year. Give it another year. 2018 or 2019 we should be back to bowling imo. We have definitely improved but we still need more consistent QB and WR play.

We also need more talented depth. That won't happen if we play coaching roulette and keep firing and hiring coaches. We need to be patient.
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Not going for the FG on the 3rd down and two games in a row of not going for it on 4th and whatever with a good chunk of yardage behind you is a worrisome indicator on Ash's game management abilities. When does the HCJK watch begin?
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