Same Ole Rutgers?


Gold Member
Jul 30, 2001
Belle Mead NJ
15 days after one of my most optimistic and positive posts on the board, it pains me to have to say yet again we might be SAME OLE RUTGERS afterall. The futility against schools named Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, Iowa and Wisconsin continues.The latter two are always considered the schools within reach for Rutgers to beat and yet the more things stay appear to change, the more they stay the same. Rutgers is now 0-6 vs Wisconsin....the 3 worst losses are all at home, 37-0, 52-3, 48-10, 31-17, a relatively close 24-13 last year and now the 42-7 beat down today. Amd today was not close folks. Rutgers was housed. Wisconsin dominated right from the get go. Rutgers was never in the game. So disheartening to once again see Rutgers come out with zero urgency or purpose on offense in their first few drives, content to run plays and punt and then watch Wisconsin carve up the RU defense. It easily could have been 28-0 at half but the D came up with a couple stops and turnovers to give the offense a shot. Alas the offense continue its dreadful ineffective plays. Stop on 4th and 1 and then an easy blocked punt on a kick that I was not too confident Patel would make anyhow.

But the worse was yet to come. The bottom dropped out in the 2nd half. The defense was finished and the Rutgers offensive reverted back to the Shea era. A harsh reality check for the fanbase. We are always get ahead of ourselves when we see steps forward like the Washington win. The Nebraska loss wasnt terrible on its own but the way it was lost scoring just 1 of 9 times within the Nebraska. There were disturbing moments against Akron and Howard where the offense struggled to find its footing or where the line play was dreadful in short yardage, Those kind of things cropped up today making believe that maybe those kind of things are a deeper issue. The play calling and mentality is absurd. GS still wants to win 8-7. I have never seen a program with an aversion to have a gameplan to score a touchdown every single time they have the ball. I get it. Sometimes it works...ala Va Tech albeit with a sloppy finish. More often than not, it just leaves you scratching your head.

Rutgers pulled a no show today. Pretty solid but not great crowd never was able to get into the game. Thats what happens when you do not try to score and your offense consists of throwing 3 yard passes or throwing balls short of first down marker time after time or dropping easy catches or when you get called for a couple penalties on the first play after a kickoff. Yes a bunch of injuries but no one is going to give you breaks. Thats not an excuse why you cannot finish off drives. Its not an excuse why the lack of aggressiveness by the OC just kills drives. its not an excuse why the defense gets beat time and time again.

Just abysmal abysmal abysmal. Yet RU is right where I thought they would be 4-2. Splitting some games against similar competition and losing to Wisconsin. The knock on Rutgers is the same. Their inability to ever knock off a tradtional Big 10 program worth its salt, So yeah its fair to say same ole Rutgers. Sorry Washington is a middling school this might be more of a Michigan 2014 win in retrospect. To take a next level step you have to knock off top 25 type teams and Wisconsin is one of those...a very good team but should they be a 42-7 better than Rutgers. I say no. Have to strive for better. This smelled exactly like the Flood no show 37-0 back in 2014. Get a decent win and then fall back. The bad news is the level of play is concerning the last 10 quarters with just 3 tds scored. Will not win any games doing that. UCLA blows and cannot score a lick but I expect a dogfight next week and its an absolute must win to position RU for a bowl better than awful Detroit. The schedule after that is not murders row... a likely loss at USC but then 4 tossup games against very beatables. 7-5 has to happen here but will it. I fear RU is going backwards rather than forward and that has been a trend under GS. Its time for him to step it up because you saw the fans bail quickly today at 28-0 and they will bail for games vs Ill/Minny if they do not think the brand of football is worth it
Even before quarterback, we must recruit and develop linemen! Jay Butler should be replaced at seasons end.
I have said earlier this season and was mocked.
The last 2 years we have probably led the B1G in Starters not playing due to injuries. Add in the fact our OL and DL are continually manhandled easily every year in the B1G. Find a NEW S&C Coach now ! Friendships only go so far…
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15 days after one of my most optimistic and positive posts on the board, it pains me to have to say yet again we might be SAME OLE RUTGERS afterall. The futility against schools named Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, Iowa and Wisconsin continues.The latter two are always considered the schools within reach for Rutgers to beat and yet the more things stay appear to change, the more they stay the same. Rutgers is now 0-6 vs Wisconsin....the 3 worst losses are all at home, 37-0, 52-3, 48-10, 31-17, a relatively close 24-13 last year and now the 42-7 beat down today. Amd today was not close folks. Rutgers was housed. Wisconsin dominated right from the get go. Rutgers was never in the game. So disheartening to once again see Rutgers come out with zero urgency or purpose on offense in their first few drives, content to run plays and punt and then watch Wisconsin carve up the RU defense. It easily could have been 28-0 at half but the D came up with a couple stops and turnovers to give the offense a shot. Alas the offense continue its dreadful ineffective plays. Stop on 4th and 1 and then an easy blocked punt on a kick that I was not too confident Patel would make anyhow.

But the worse was yet to come. The bottom dropped out in the 2nd half. The defense was finished and the Rutgers offensive reverted back to the Shea era. A harsh reality check for the fanbase. We are always get ahead of ourselves when we see steps forward like the Washington win. The Nebraska loss wasnt terrible on its own but the way it was lost scoring just 1 of 9 times within the Nebraska. There were disturbing moments against Akron and Howard where the offense struggled to find its footing or where the line play was dreadful in short yardage, Those kind of things cropped up today making believe that maybe those kind of things are a deeper issue. The play calling and mentality is absurd. GS still wants to win 8-7. I have never seen a program with an aversion to have a gameplan to score a touchdown every single time they have the ball. I get it. Sometimes it works...ala Va Tech albeit with a sloppy finish. More often than not, it just leaves you scratching your head.

Rutgers pulled a no show today. Pretty solid but not great crowd never was able to get into the game. Thats what happens when you do not try to score and your offense consists of throwing 3 yard passes or throwing balls short of first down marker time after time or dropping easy catches or when you get called for a couple penalties on the first play after a kickoff. Yes a bunch of injuries but no one is going to give you breaks. Thats not an excuse why you cannot finish off drives. Its not an excuse why the lack of aggressiveness by the OC just kills drives. its not an excuse why the defense gets beat time and time again.

Just abysmal abysmal abysmal. Yet RU is right where I thought they would be 4-2. Splitting some games against similar competition and losing to Wisconsin. The knock on Rutgers is the same. Their inability to ever knock off a tradtional Big 10 program worth its salt, So yeah its fair to say same ole Rutgers. Sorry Washington is a middling school this might be more of a Michigan 2014 win in retrospect. To take a next level step you have to knock off top 25 type teams and Wisconsin is one of those...a very good team but should they be a 42-7 better than Rutgers. I say no. Have to strive for better. This smelled exactly like the Flood no show 37-0 back in 2014. Get a decent win and then fall back. The bad news is the level of play is concerning the last 10 quarters with just 3 tds scored. Will not win any games doing that. UCLA blows and cannot score a lick but I expect a dogfight next week and its an absolute must win to position RU for a bowl better than awful Detroit. The schedule after that is not murders row... a likely loss at USC but then 4 tossup games against very beatables. 7-5 has to happen here but will it. I fear RU is going backwards rather than forward and that has been a trend under GS. Its time for him to step it up because you saw the fans bail quickly today at 28-0 and they will bail for games vs Ill/Minny if they do not think the brand of football is worth it
Great post. My post is a lot milder. I screed up 37 years ago when I first moved down here to Fl. Thought I would become a a Csnes fan. But that was not to happen. I am just going to back off being enthusiastic for RU and just accept the bad with. The really bad. Got to see a bunch of other games while RU was doing whatever they thought was passing for FB. Hard to figure out what the problem is. Is it coaching. recruiting. R U. _Screw or me not wearing my Red cap for the game? Whatever it is. It ain't funny. That is what FibberMcGee wife would say to him. ""Ain't funny McGee" but y'all to young to know what I' m. Talking about. Please enjoy the rest of your weekend as I will enjoy mine RU FB to the contrary not withstanding
Even before quarterback, we must recruit and develop linemen! Jay Butler should be replaced at seasons end.
Last year’s team made Butler look good. The OC lost our identity because he wants to show everyone what he can do with his guy. Now we know.
I have said earlier this season and was mocked.
The last 2 years we have probably led the B1G in Starters not playing due to injuries. Add in the fact our OL and DL are continually manhandled easily every year in the B1G. Find a NEW S&C Coach now ! Friendships only go so far…
100%. BTW don't feel too bad, I spoke truth about how bad we looked against Akron and got a lot of hate. This board wants happy talk, not reality. The warning signs have been apparent since Howard.
Last year’s team made Butler look good. The OC lost our identity because he wants to show everyone what he can do with his guy. Now we know.
Just like that annoying Miller Lite commercial, it is both. Both lines of scrimmage have been won consistently by our opponents. To make matters worse, KC looks lost out there.
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One day our fans will wake up and finally realize that Greg is not the savior they thought he was.
not a savior when it comes to being an elite program, but one that can build a pretty good program from a terrible one.
When RU is willing to pay what it takes to be elite, Schiano won't be needed.
Until then he's as good as it gets , if the previous 2 HCs are an example of Rutgers doing what it takes to be among the best.
One day our fans will wake up and finally realize that Greg is not the savior they thought he was.
He has saved us from what Flood and Ash left him. This game is a reminder of how bad things were.. an unwelcome reminder.. and, yes, unacceptable and could easily mark a step back.

We still have no idea what the long term effects of NIL will be for us and everyone else. I suspected it was to provide advantage for the big-name moneyed programs and that it would harm us in the long run. I think that will be the case. We are back to the day when teh big programs stack their benches with players that could be helping make other teams competitive. But we shall see. We have no depth... it seems.
Just look at the pay for play model in professional sports to see the future, small market and/or cash strap teams do not win. The only acception that comes to mind is the Marlins in MLB. Their ownership created a one year wonder a couple of times and they won. However the good times don't last, the year after the team gets sold off and they lose badly for several years.

One thing I really hope is a prerequisite to our AD position, the applicant must have a sizable rolodex of very rich soon to be donors. If not we will not have more of a chance than a 1-year wonder where everything falls into place, before we lose the key players to big deep pocketed programs.
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RU has flawed offensive scheme and coaching for years.
RU's red zone offense usually sucks every year - big problem!.
Politi article highlighted the same problem this year with RU's inability to get a couple yards at Nebraska

"Rutgers was down 14-0 when its special teams blocked its second punt of the game. ..The Scarlet Knights had the break they needed to get back into a game that, overall, was even despite the score...

Then came the series from hell.

"This stat is almost unbelievable: Rutgers crossed midfield on eight of its first nine drives and didn’t score a single point... on a day when the defense held its opponent to 14 points on the road in the Big Ten and the special teams blocked two punts, this supposedly upgraded Rutgers offense couldn’t get out of its own way. It couldn’t get two measly yards on six tries with a chance to steal its biggest win in years."

Brutal Rutgers offense flushes golden chance at Nebraska upset​

Specific personnel aside - I don't get where RU wanted to upgrade its passing from 127th and so moved to get the QB from 126th passing team with same janky offensive scheme as RU. All of that after promising a "third year of mastery" from the current failed QB experiment.

GS is a good football coach but stubborn about offensive failures.
Geez the handwriting has been on the wall so long about the same problems over and over

Now SU is 5-1 and with a QB with 1800 yds, 17 TDs/6 INTs and 64% completion.
Obviously Fran Brown didn't learn the offensive safetyism practiced by former boss

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