Serious question about Kyle Flood

I'm in no way a Flood apologist, but most of you guys need to throttle down the faux righteousness. So, y'all are telling me that if offered a dream job @ 4x your current salary, you would politely decline...or accept and, as many have suggested, tender your resignation once you began to underperform? Hmm.
I'm in no way a Flood apologist, but most of you guys need to throttle down the faux righteousness. So, y'all are telling me that if offered a dream job @ 4x your current salary, you would politely decline or, as many have suggested, tender your resignation when your performance was declining? Hmm.
Nobody is saying Flood shouldn't have taken the job if offered. But Rutgers hired him because they were cheap
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That FAMILY poopie in his first year would have gotten any coach at any decent program laughed out the door. Rutgers gave him a raise and a contract extension. I blame everybody (except me).
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That FAMILY poopie in his first year would have gotten any coach at any decent program laughed out the door. Rutgers gave him a raise and a contract extension. I blame everybody (except me).
Pssst---that F.A.M.I.L.Y. "poopie," as you termed it was Greg Schiano's doing, and Flood continued it. You know, Greg Schiano, the savior of Rutgers football--perhaps Greg should have been shown the door in his first year. But carry on with the hatefest.
Maybe F.A.M.I.L.Y. should stand for: Fans Are Mighty Idiotic Loser Yentas
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He is a talk show host now, which is better suited for him than coaching.

Don't feel sorry for Flood, Rutgers made him millions while he was here.
He's a terrible person and he ruined the program. Good riddance.
Wow,what a terrible, low class thing to say.

He was not a great coach, but to say he is a terrible person is just so ridiculously false.
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Uh, no. You couldn't be more wrong. He is a terrible person.
Nope. I already had a long post about it once. I don't feel like rehashing it right now.
That's great, did not see it here, as it was probably on the Round Table. Don't really care what you"know or heard, as there is no need to air dirty laundry now anyway. Flood is GONE, and don't think there is a single fan that wishes he was here on this board. So, don't get the point of this thread, reviewing water under the bridge.

Ran into a casual fan this morning who I had not run into since last year, and he knows I am a season ticket holder.
He made some comments about the 55-3 blowouts (I pointed out they were 78-0, 58-0, 49-0 and 39-0), and said something to the effect of why did they get rid of Flood if the program got worse. This is how a lot of casual/average fans think. Did not have a lot of time to give details, but pointed out there were multiple off the field issues last year, an academic issue, and that recruiting had slipped pretty badly under Flood. The reply back was, "can this new guy coach, does not look like it." I told the guy we need time to get more recruits and to adopt a new system.

Outside of this board, my experience has been that this is a common perception of casual fans who don't follow all of the details of recruiting, etc. The see the scores, catch some games on TV and wonder WTF is going on when we RU is getting hammered on the field.

IMO, it is more productive to look forward to what is being built for RU's future rather than rehashing reconstituted vomit of the past. But whatever, bitching and moaning makes some folks feel better.
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That's great, did not see it here, as it was probably on the Round Table. Don't really care what you"know or heard, as there is no need to air dirty laundry now anyway. Flood is GONE, and don't think there is a single fan that wishes he was here on this board. So, don't get the point of this thread, reviewing water under the bridge.

It's just a *tad* personal, and I'm tired of seeing the 'Flood is a nice guy" comments. He's not a nice guy.
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Why? Because he met with Dance TA?

I don't like painting people with large cartoon like brushes (he is a bad or good person) because people make mistakes, etc. He did some good things like his work with the Special Olympics.

However, if you actually think that the Dance TA thing was the only bad thing he did then you really must have look the other way for his entire run here. Because there was a TON more than just that but that is all water under the bridge. He was fired and replaced.

Everyone is trying to move on now.
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Sorry, but you are simply wrong.
Tis guy has done a ton for Special Olympics, and still does to this day. If you had any idea how many wonderful people Kyle Flood has helped with support, both in his time and through donations, you wouldn't say he is a terrible person.

Give it a rest, Flood haters. He is gone, and we have moved on. You just look petty.
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Flood got put into a tough situation, did the best he could but failed. . . . .

He was handed one of the more talented rosters RU has ever had. Most new coaches beg for that kind of tough.

If he's a radio broadcaster, that sounds like the gig for him. He was always smooth at press conferences and public events. Maybe he can move on to become a college football color announcer. That sounds about right too.
He was handed one of the more talented rosters RU has ever had. Most new coaches beg for that kind of tough.

If he's a radio broadcaster, that sounds like the gig for him. He was always smooth at press conferences and public events. Maybe he can move on to become a college football color announcer. That sounds about right too.
Don't you have to know something about football to be a color analyst? Just saying.
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It's just a *tad* personal, and I'm tired of seeing the 'Flood is a nice guy" comments. He's not a nice guy.
Then keep it personal. There are two sides to every story, and gray areas in between. Been through too many situations where at first glance, when you hear X's story, Y is a jerk, and everyone in the room thinks Y is a jerk. Later on, you hear X's story, which is determined to be the correct version, that Y is just a troublemaker and a bigger jerk. These types of issues are not going to get meted out cleanly on an internet forum, nor should they. We learned that last year with Carroo's incident. Aside from that, sometimes good people get put into bad situations and make bad decisions. I am not aware of any perfect human being that has never done anything wrong, except of course, Knight Shift. Peace out.
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That's great, did not see it here, as it was probably on the Round Table. Don't really care what you"know or heard, as there is no need to air dirty laundry now anyway. Flood is GONE, and don't think there is a single fan that wishes he was here on this board. So, don't get the point of this thread, reviewing water under the bridge.

Ran into a casual fan this morning who I had not run into since last year, and he knows I am a season ticket holder.
He made some comments about the 55-3 blowouts (I pointed out they were 78-0, 58-0, 49-0 and 39-0), and said something to the effect of why did they get rid of Flood if the program got worse. This is how a lot of casual/average fans think. Did not have a lot of time to give details, but pointed out there were multiple off the field issues last year, an academic issue, and that recruiting had slipped pretty badly under Flood. The reply back was, "can this new guy coach, does not look like it." I told the guy we need time to get more recruits and to adopt a new system.

Outside of this board, my experience has been that this is a common perception of casual fans who don't follow all of the details of recruiting, etc. The see the scores, catch some games on TV and wonder WTF is going on when we RU is getting hammered on the field.

IMO, it is more productive to look forward to what is being built for RU's future rather than rehashing reconstituted vomit of the past. But whatever, bitching and moaning makes some folks feel better.
Great post Knight!! Those of us who follow the program understand why the change was necessary but casual fans think this was one of the most asinine move in RU history. My neighbor (67) thinks we regressed back to late 1980's stature. Our Treasurer (BC graduate) verbally sprinkles salt in the wounds after every defeat. But he too says we made a big mistake getting rid of Flood. For crying out loud he thinks Ash is a plant to shut down the football program. Was this year really that bad?? WTF!!
Great post Knight!! Those of us who follow the program understand why the change was necessary but casual fans think this was one of the most asinine move in RU history. My neighbor (67) thinks we regressed back to late 1980's stature. Our Treasurer (BC graduate) verbally sprinkles salt in the wounds after every defeat. But he too says we made a big mistake getting rid of Flood. For crying out loud he thinks Ash is a plant to shut down the football program. Was this year really that bad?? WTF!!
We have a duty to be clear with our underinformed and misinformed neighbors, friends and colleagues. Kyle Flood needed to and deserved to be fired, without any doubt or hesitation. We will be light years ahead in 2-3 year where we would have been had he stayed. Good riddance.
How about this:
He is a real person. He made some mistakes. Overall he was not the right guy for the job.
He still bleeds Rutgers Scarlet on the radio. He's not the evil person some here say.

Was he a jerk to someone's wife? who cares. glass houses and all.
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How about this:
He is a real person. He made some mistakes. Overall he was not the right guy for the job.
He still bleeds Rutgers Scarlet on the radio. He's not the evil person some here say.

Was he a jerk to someone's wife? who cares. glass houses and all.
He was a terrible person to the people that were there to support the players academic efforts. Fought with them constantly and he had no business getting involved in the first place.
I don't understand why anyone would defend him.
It's not like he made one mistake but was pleasant through it all.
He should have been fired for cause before the beginning of last season.
Great post Knight!! Those of us who follow the program understand why the change was necessary but casual fans think this was one of the most asinine move in RU history. My neighbor (67) thinks we regressed back to late 1980's stature. Our Treasurer (BC graduate) verbally sprinkles salt in the wounds after every defeat. But he too says we made a big mistake getting rid of Flood. For crying out loud he thinks Ash is a plant to shut down the football program. Was this year really that bad?? WTF!!

Anyone with the slightest semblance of a clue doesn't think this at all. I have friends who went to, literally, EVERY Big Ten school and most SEC schools and not a single one of them thinks we made the wrong move. These are huge, huge college football fans. They make my level of insanity look minor-leage lol! Most not only have season tix, for their school, but travel to 3-4 stadiums/yearly and are degenerate college-football gamblers. Like they won't miss a Tuesday night MAC-Tion action type degenerates. Some of them played, some coached, some worked in athletic departments, like I did, and to a man not a single person thinks that this was the wrong move at the wrong time...

...Now they ripped on me, and us, all year long, don't get me wrong, but they all thin the exact opposite of what your BC buddy has to say. His off-field antics, the disaster the program turned into off the field, and his coaching/recruiting issues, ALL warranted the moved to be made last year. Really, IMHO, it should have been done at the end of 2013 but that's another story.
He was handed one of the more talented rosters RU has ever had. Most new coaches beg for that kind of tough.
The ironically funny thing about that is if the talent had better hands who knows what would have happened around here.
Planet X will destroy the planet this month and you guys are worried about what Flood is doing? Seriously? I could understand concern about the mayor of Poon Tang, but Flood?
Planet X will destroy the planet this month and you guys are worried about what Flood is doing? Seriously? I could understand concern about the mayor of Poon Tang, but Flood?
OP got what he wanted.
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It's funny how the Floodies always talk about "moving on" because they were finally embarrassed about the truth about Kyle Flood. Not a nice man, horrible recruiter, bad coach. A complete disaster.
However, the Floodies were so full of themselves for years and defended him blindly as the rest of us, truly smart people knew this man had to go.
But still even to this day people make excuses for him. Unreal
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Anyone with the slightest semblance of a clue doesn't think this at all. I have friends who went to, literally, EVERY Big Ten school and most SEC schools and not a single one of them thinks we made the wrong move. These are huge, huge college football fans. They make my level of insanity look minor-leage lol! Most not only have season tix, for their school, but travel to 3-4 stadiums/yearly and are degenerate college-football gamblers. Like they won't miss a Tuesday night MAC-Tion action type degenerates. Some of them played, some coached, some worked in athletic departments, like I did, and to a man not a single person thinks that this was the wrong move at the wrong time...

...Now they ripped on me, and us, all year long, don't get me wrong, but they all thin the exact opposite of what your BC buddy has to say. His off-field antics, the disaster the program turned into off the field, and his coaching/recruiting issues, ALL warranted the moved to be made last year. Really, IMHO, it should have been done at the end of 2013 but that's another story.

You missed the sentence before the one you bolded. He's talking about the casual fans. The guys who don't know shit, see a couple scores, and think they need to tell you about it.

Basically all my neighbors. They've already forgotten about mr. magoos clandestine trip to Princeton and are just seeing scores in the paper or on the ticker.
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Great post Knight!! Those of us who follow the program understand why the change was necessary but casual fans think this was one of the most asinine move in RU history. My neighbor (67) thinks we regressed back to late 1980's stature. Our Treasurer (BC graduate) verbally sprinkles salt in the wounds after every defeat. But he too says we made a big mistake getting rid of Flood. For crying out loud he thinks Ash is a plant to shut down the football program. Was this year really that bad?? WTF!!

Sounds like your neighbors are even nuttier than you. Do you guys all share a kitchen and line up at the same window for meds?

JK ... but an answer would go a long way.
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GSGS: I respectfully disagree. The Big East was a very weak conference. we would play 4 cup cakes, 1 decent team and 7 BE teams and still finish 7-5.
This is absolutely untrue. 2005 BE champ WVU beat SEC champ Georgia in the Sugar Bowl. 2006 BE Champ Louisville beat AC champ Wake Forest in the Orange Bowl.
In 2009 or so, Pete Fiutak on College Football News did a piece that looked at the perceived strength of the Power Six conferences (at the time) versus their actual records. He took all games played by all teams in all six conferences (B10, SEC, ACC, BE, B12, Pac 10) against all teams from the other five over the previous four years. Strictly bowl games and regular season OOC games. The Pac 10 had the best out of conference record, followed by the Big East. The records don't lie.
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This is absolutely untrue. 2005 BE champ WVU beat SEC champ Georgia in the Sugar Bowl. 2006 BE Champ Louisville beat AC champ Wake Forest in the Orange Bowl.
In 2009 or so, Pete Fiutak on College Football News did a piece that looked at the perceived strength of the Power Six conferences (at the time) versus their actual records. He took all games played by all teams in all six conferences (B10, SEC, ACC, BE, B12, Pac 10) against all teams from the other five over the previous four years. Strictly bowl games and regular season OOC games. The Pac 10 had the best out of conference record, followed by the Big East. The records don't lie.
Well those records kind of did lie. IIRC, one argument was the the second place Big East team would play the 6th place SEC team etc etc.
Pssst---that F.A.M.I.L.Y. "poopie," as you termed it was Greg Schiano's doing, and Flood continued it. You know, Greg Schiano, the savior of Rutgers football--perhaps Greg should have been shown the door in his first year. But carry on with the hatefest.
Maybe F.A.M.I.L.Y. should stand for: Fans Are Mighty Idiotic Loser Yentas

Wtf? I wrote crap not poopie. That is creepy. I don't use dirty words like "poopie".

Anyway Schiano never had the team wear F.A.M.I.L.Y on their Jerseys. That was a national embarrassment.

I'm laughing and really creeped out that crap was changed to poopie. who edits this site? Bronies?
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