Shooting in CHattanooga- 4 marines killed

That is exactly what has happened in Chattanooga. The mosque cancelled their end-of-Ramadan celebration and instead suggested that their congregants attend local church services to honor the victims.

I don't think it's fair to place the responsibility for halting this violence on "good Muslims".
It's not only fair but necessary. That step by Imams will go a long way with the community. Similar, to black leaders in SC uniting with whites and and denouncing one mans actions rather than trying to fuel hatred. All you have to do is look at the leadership in Ferguson and Baltimore compared to SC. The outcomes were very predictable.
I'm a white guy. Do I have to put my foot down about Dylan Roof, the Aurora shooter, the Gabby Giffords shooter, the Newtown shooter, the Sikh temple shooter in Wisconsin, and unfortunately I have to add an etc. here because this happens on a monthly or so basis now. Should all of us white males endure extra scrutiny?

Looking at mass attacks in the US post 9-11 there are more unhinged white guys killing people than Muslims and the unhinged white guys are killing more people in their attacks than Muslims. The unhinged white guys have targeted now a church, Sikh temple, and Jewish centers. Yet there are no calls to profile white guys or demand white male leaders take stands on all these loony white males. I have to take off my shoes at the airport based on one failed attempt to use a shoe bomb, yet I could walk into a house of worship or a school and barely have an eyelash batted despite my appearance indicating I don't belong. Why is that?

Dylan Roof said he wanted to start a race war. He is a terrorist. He had a very specific goal versus say the Newtown or Aurora shooters who were just insane.

And there is another parallel between Roof and the Chattanooga shooter, which is they both acquired guns "over the counter" when both had a criminal history. Why is that happening, maybe we should look at that....

Also, from the Tsarnaevs to Adam Lanza to Roof to Aurora there were probably thousands of collective times where someone could have and should have contacted the authorities and didn't and no one is saying about that either. The parents also enabled in nearly all of these cases instead of getting their children the help they needed which could have saved lives.
I'm a white guy. Do I have to put my foot down about Dylan Roof, the Aurora shooter, the Gabby Giffords shooter, the Newtown shooter, the Sikh temple shooter in Wisconsin, and unfortunately I have to add an etc. here because this happens on a monthly or so basis now. Should all of us white males endure extra scrutiny?

Looking at mass attacks in the US post 9-11 there are more unhinged white guys killing people than Muslims and the unhinged white guys are killing more people in their attacks than Muslims. The unhinged white guys have targeted now a church, Sikh temple, and Jewish centers. Yet there are no calls to profile white guys or demand white male leaders take stands on all these loony white males. I have to take off my shoes at the airport based on one failed attempt to use a shoe bomb, yet I could walk into a house of worship or a school and barely have an eyelash batted despite my appearance indicating I don't belong. Why is that?

Dylan Roof said he wanted to start a race war. He is a terrorist. He had a very specific goal versus say the Newtown or Aurora shooters who were just insane.

And there is another parallel between Roof and the Chattanooga shooter, which is they both acquired guns "over the counter" when both had a criminal history. Why is that happening, maybe we should look at that....

Also, from the Tsarnaevs to Adam Lanza to Roof to Aurora there were probably thousands of collective times where someone could have and should have contacted the authorities and didn't and no one is saying about that either. The parents also enabled in nearly all of these cases instead of getting their children the help they needed which could have saved lives.
In most if not all of your "white" shooter examples it should be the psychiatric community who steps up. They knew these guys were dangerous but were prevented from notifying authorities. As for the guns, that falls on the federal government for not properly enforcing laws already on the books. Kinda like immigration.
The "psychiatric community" never came in contact with Roof or the Jewish center shooter in KS nor the Sikh shooter in Wisconsin. In Roof's case his family knew he was trying to get a gun.

The Tennessee shooter legally acquired guns. How is that on anyone except those who draft the gun laws (aka the NRA)...and Roof got a gun based on a failure in the system not the feds not enforcing the law.

Also the federal government in enforcing the law on immigration as well considering President Obama has deported more illegals than Bush and I believe Bush deported the second most. It is actually the states and municipalities who grant sanctuary or licenses or in state tuition. President Obama has attempted to allow certain law abiding persons to stay, but unlike when Bush 1 or Reagan did that, the states have sought and prevailed on an injunction, and unlike then, the flow is actually in favor of persons returning to Mexico versus coming to the US, and I only mention Mexico considering that no politician seems concerned with the huge amount of persons illegally in the country from countries other than Mexico and maybe a few Central American countries. In fact, the main exception to the feds enforcing immigration law seems to be Cuba- any Cuban who makes it to America gets to stay, but it's weird I never hear any politicians griping about that...
It's not only fair but necessary. That step by Imams will go a long way with the community. Similar, to black leaders in SC uniting with whites and and denouncing one mans actions rather than trying to fuel hatred. All you have to do is look at the leadership in Ferguson and Baltimore compared to SC. The outcomes were very predictable.
No comparison between Ferguson/Baltimore and SC. In the former case, it was not one man's actions that fueled the fire, it was the perception that the white-dominated justice system allowed that man to act with impunity. That triggered what you refer to as hatred, and what others would define as righteous anger.
No comparison between Ferguson/Baltimore and SC. In the former case, it was not one man's actions that fueled the fire, it was the perception that the white-dominated justice system allowed that man to act with impunity. That triggered what you refer to as hatred, and what others would define as righteous anger.
While ignoring facts and creating false outrage based on proper actions in Ferguson .Baltimore was simple the race baiting crowd as some of the cops were also black. All about driving agenda by the usual suspects and the Baltimore mayor and DA