I'm a white guy. Do I have to put my foot down about Dylan Roof, the Aurora shooter, the Gabby Giffords shooter, the Newtown shooter, the Sikh temple shooter in Wisconsin, and unfortunately I have to add an etc. here because this happens on a monthly or so basis now. Should all of us white males endure extra scrutiny?
Looking at mass attacks in the US post 9-11 there are more unhinged white guys killing people than Muslims and the unhinged white guys are killing more people in their attacks than Muslims. The unhinged white guys have targeted now a church, Sikh temple, and Jewish centers. Yet there are no calls to profile white guys or demand white male leaders take stands on all these loony white males. I have to take off my shoes at the airport based on one failed attempt to use a shoe bomb, yet I could walk into a house of worship or a school and barely have an eyelash batted despite my appearance indicating I don't belong. Why is that?
Dylan Roof said he wanted to start a race war. He is a terrorist. He had a very specific goal versus say the Newtown or Aurora shooters who were just insane.
And there is another parallel between Roof and the Chattanooga shooter, which is they both acquired guns "over the counter" when both had a criminal history. Why is that happening, maybe we should look at that....
Also, from the Tsarnaevs to Adam Lanza to Roof to Aurora there were probably thousands of collective times where someone could have and should have contacted the authorities and didn't and no one is saying about that either. The parents also enabled in nearly all of these cases instead of getting their children the help they needed which could have saved lives.