SIAP: article on Coach Ash Bull In Ring Drills

So I guess this basically confirms that their main source is now Snapchat. Nice.
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HAA... Looks like I'm about to be banned on since I reposted my question that was taken down:

"Why so many anti-Rutgers articles on like the money spent on the stadium renovation or something like this drill in which is steps are taken on the collegiate level to not to take this drill to an extreme like it's done on the youth level. But yet no articles on why Essex County spend $30 million on anew unnecessary baseball stadium that is to be knocked down soon? Or an article on how BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars is spent on that monstrosity next to the Meadowlands Arena that has taken longer to build that One World Trade Center?

Would appreciate that this would not be taken off, if no actual reply for these questions since I didn't say anything disrespectful to anyone or about anyone."

And BTW, don't click on the link if you're boycotting nj . com . I don't know what to say if you can't see the name on the link since I didn't try to trick anyone with some funny name.
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Well now we know who asked the stupid question about this in the press conference yesterday. Now we just have to find out who asked about the difference between OSU getting 100k at a spring game and us
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I am n active boycotter. Can anyone give us a synopsis? Or a lengthy block quote excerpt?
Basically theres a chance that someone may get hurt during football drills. And the question was asked because theres some concerns about these types of drills.
Ok , I defended Sargent in another thread . But cmon Keith this is an asinine article ! It's a basic football drill . Anyone that played pop warner knows this . Next story: Rutgers does dangerous blocking and tackling drills in practice !
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It is not a negative article, it is about the NCAA implementing rules to minimizing concussions. It says that Rutgers adheres to the rules and that Coach Ash would never put his players in an unsafe drill.

It IS a "negative" article as there is no reason whatsoever to bring it up in the 1st place. Keith should just go to work for The National Enquirer.
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It's a negative article. It's like printing "Trump doesn't need to prove he's an American citizen because of A, B, & C." Suddenly there is doubt where there once was none.