HAA... Looks like I'm about to be banned on nj.com since I reposted my question that was taken down:
"Why so many anti-Rutgers articles on nj.com like the money spent on the stadium renovation or something like this drill in which is steps are taken on the collegiate level to not to take this drill to an extreme like it's done on the youth level. But yet no articles on why Essex County spend $30 million on anew unnecessary baseball stadium that is to be knocked down soon? Or an article on how BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars is spent on that monstrosity next to the Meadowlands Arena that has taken longer to build that One World Trade Center?
Would appreciate that this would not be taken off, if no actual reply for these questions since I didn't say anything disrespectful to anyone or about anyone."
And BTW, don't click on the link if you're boycotting nj . com . I don't know what to say if you can't see the name on the link since I didn't try to trick anyone with some funny name.