Something Fishy with


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 4, 2003
I read the article with the head of the teachers union in it written by Kelly Heyboer. Clearly the union head stated he didn't know if there was a policy about coaches talking to professors. At the same time Seargants article referencing Rutgers supposedly iron clad policy was posted. However his article claims make no sense if the head of the Union states he has no clue if there is a formal policy. (He states coaches should not email professors and his opinion is still in the current article). Wouldn't you know it the article has been edited to remove the info that directly contradicts Seargant.

These guys fabricate info.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Star Liar edits material that go against what one of their so called journalist report .
I still remember how they had Josh and Ted act like they found a secret clause in Schiano's contract , even though
that clause was part of Mathew Futterman ( when he was a Star Ledger reporter) article about boosters a year before.
Josh and Ted never credited him for writing about it and tried to get their readers think it was something they just uncovered.

Yellow journalism is part of the discussion, when you talk Star Liar
What's their motivation? Why the constant, constant anti-Rutgers football attacks? What's behind it all? It's doesn't make sense. Why would a local paper constantly attack, attack, attack?
What's their motivation? Why the constant, constant anti-Rutgers football attacks? What's behind it all? It's doesn't make sense. Why would a local paper constantly attack, attack, attack?

As Bob Mulcahey and Tom Kean have both said, "in NJ we like to eat our own". And as someone else pointed out in this or another thread, it's the editor that may have a vendetta against RU.
As Bob Mulcahey and Tom Kean have both said, "in NJ we like to eat our own". And as someone else pointed out in this or another thread, it's the editor that may have a vendetta against RU.
Why? Why would newspaper attack, attack, attack Rutgers? It's not some crazy editor with some petty axe to grind. And, it's not about some cultural bias against ourselves. It's about money!

It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh.
Clicks, they do it for clicks. And they know there are plenty of people who want to bash RU...and plenty who will defend RU. It all adds up to more clicks.
Why? Why would newspaper attack, attack, attack Rutgers? It's not some crazy editor with some petty axe to grind. And, it's not about some cultural bias against ourselves. It's about money!

It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh.

Because internet traffic is what will drive business. Creating a conspiracy is probably the best way to attract more clicks. And quite frankly, you're falling for the mouse trap just by checking out what they have to say.... Or repeat... A lot.
They're hacks that want to be the first to break any story that they think has the remote possibility to be scandalous or controversial - It's the twitter world that we live in. And then Rutgers is such an easy target because of the self loathers in the state and the past incompetence of our leaders.

What's pathetic is that anything factual or well thought out that they actually write they get from fans on here.
I know I am stating the obvious but, There is definitely something going on with the ledger and It's headline after headline yet nothing really new has come out in a few days. They have an ax to grind for something.
The Star Liar has been attacking Rutgers for a long time. Remember when Pernetti blew his nose into a copy of the paper during one of our bowl game pep rallies? You have to really hate your local paper to do that.

The newspaper industry is drying up, and they will do almost anything to create a scandal and stir the pot so that they can get more clicks and sell more copies. The best "research" their reporters can do is from Internet message boards. Remember when Politi posted requests for info on the message boards of other Big Ten schools?

On top of that, they allow people to post comments to articles, which stirs the pot even more. Finally, people are too lazy, or don't have time, do to research on their own. That's why they rely on tweets, sound bites, rankings and "top" lists, news story comments, and the crap they get from local TV news.

-Scarlet Jerry
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Can the op clarify? I read the story this morning and the union president quotes had nothing about not knowing the rule. Are you saying the story was different yesterday?
The best part is that those hacks post on this board as well but hide behind a screen name like cowards.. Trolling at is best... Chris Carlin on the other hand clearly identifies himself
Imagine how these manufactured $^!+storms could even get worse if 1) the Big Ten doesn't renew with ESPN in a favorable way come contract time (yes, I'm a moderate conspiracy theorist that is convinced that with the ACC and Syracuse in their pocket, keeping us down or discrediting us in the NYC market is important; remember, ESPN made it national news, not the SL/ and 2) Newhouse Communications, owner of the SL and chief benefactor of Orange U., continue to see easily overblown, non-issue instances like this as chances to revive the corpse that is Syracuse football.

Or maybe they are concerned for our institutional well-being. It's widely known that emails to profs are a "gateway offense" to then creating entire fake classes like at Politi's alma mater.
This wouldn't shock me. There are a lot of stupid people who hate Rutgers for some reason and they understand that those idiots eat this stuff up.
I know I am stating the obvious but, There is definitely something going on with the ledger and It's headline after headline yet nothing really new has come out in a few days. They have an ax to grind for something.
I think they just see blood in the water and with that blood they see clicks and money. It's that simple
...and, yet again, the national sports media picked up and ran with an hit piece that turned out to be overblown b.s. At some point you'd hope the ESPN's of the world start looking at the source before swallowing it hook line and sinker. It doesn't absolve you to say, "so and so is reporting". They have to start doing some checking and give it a little thought.
What's their motivation? Why the constant, constant anti-Rutgers football attacks? What's behind it all? It's doesn't make sense. Why would a local paper constantly attack, attack, attack?

I know I am stating the obvious but, There is definitely something going on with the ledger and It's headline after headline yet nothing really new has come out in a few days. They have an ax to grind for something.

I think they just see blood in the water and with that blood they see clicks and money. It's that simple

It's very simple. Rutgers fans care about Rutgers in a way that is different from the way people care about pro sports teams. Any manufactured controversy gets all the Rutgers people to click and comment. Then they post it here, and drive hordes of Rutgers fans to the site to see what the problem is. It happens because we care. Get your news somewhere else, and it will stop.

Its like voting, in the sense that while it is tempting to think your vote doesn't count, the answer is that of course it does. All of our votes count. So every Rutgers fan thinks, well it won't make a difference if I read the article. But it does, and it drives this coverage. Yesterday, 3 of the 5 most read stories were Rutgers related. 75% of the comments are Rutgers fans defending Rutgers. Stop going there.
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...and, yet again, the national sports media picked up and ran with an hit piece that turned out to be overblown b.s. At some point you'd hope the ESPN's of the world start looking at the source before swallowing it hook line and sinker. It doesn't absolve you to say, "so and so is reporting". They have to start doing some checking and give it a little thought.

ESPN is the lowest common denominator, their daily coverage is how many times Tebow goes to the bathroom, don't assume they have any standards. If it were Saban or Les Miles calling the teacher nobody outside of their state would ever know.
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What's their motivation? Why the constant, constant anti-Rutgers football attacks? What's behind it all? It's doesn't make sense. Why would a local paper constantly attack, attack, attack?
Because as stated, in NJ we eat our own, and people love scandal more than feel-good articles.

Oh, and I'm sure being run by Syracuse alums doesn't help.
ESPN is the lowest common denominator, their daily coverage is how many times Tebow goes to the bathroom, don't don't them any benefit.
Do we know yet what he had for breakfast today?
Can the op clarify? I read the story this morning and the union president quotes had nothing about not knowing the rule. Are you saying the story was different yesterday?
I am absolutely saying the story was changed. There was a direct quote from the Union Head, who is a RU professor, stating he had no clue if there was a formal policy or not.

This direct quote made Srrgeants article look real stupid because he is making a big deal about the RU policy. If the head of the teachers union doesn't know it exists, I guess most people don't either.

The direct quote has been removed from Kelly Heyboer's article. I sent her a direct tweet yesterday asking her what happened and she has not replied.
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I am absolutely saying the story was changed. There was a direct quote from the Union Head, who is a RU professor, stating he had no clue if there was a formal policy or not.

This direct quote made Srrgeants article look real stupid because he is making a big deal about the RU policy. If the head of the teachers union doesn't know it exists, I guess most people don't either.

The direct quote has been removed from Kelly Heyboer's article. I sent her a direct tweet yesterday asking her what happened and she has not replied.

Isn't there a way to see how a specific web address looked at a certain point in time?
I am absolutely saying the story was changed. There was a direct quote from the Union Head, who is a RU professor, stating he had no clue if there was a formal policy or not.

I think its fair to assume that most RU Profs (or Profs anywhere) and/or Coaches do not know every single policy, procedures, standards, codes of conduct/ethics etc...which probably number in the hundreds at their own Univ.

This could be the case that this prof and/or Flood did not know about this specific policy/procedure, which supposedly reads/includes:

Per the terms of the policy regarding contact between athletics staff members and academic staff/faculty members, "coach-initiated contact of any type (e.g., oral, written, etc.) is not permitted between any member of the coaching staff and any Rutgers faculty member or associated instructional staff (teaching assistant, co-adjutant, part-time lecturer, etc.) with respect to any student-athlete.''

The policy dictates: "All contact with faculty members or instructional staff, if necessary, should be handled by the Academic Support staff.''

The policy permits professors to initiate contact with coaches, but states: "If this contact includes discussion of a student-athlete's performance in a course, performance on a particular assignment (including quizzes, tests and exams) or a student-athlete's grade in a course, such contact must be referred to the team's academic advisor immediately.''

Remember, know one knows if any and/or all of those policies/procedures have been breached in this case.
it seems to me that the twisted logic of the SL / mutation is that a weak RU program is a more desirable target - and if they can stealthily prod it along - they will.
- they perceive that their greatest click yield will come from "piss & moan" respondents to "piss & moan" articles about a piss-poor program - it stirs up the bile of the Luddites the are indigenous to NJ ...
- they know that if the proverbial 'Giant' awakens & RU starts to be a powerhouse & desired recruit destination - it does not make for good time for the SL / mutation
.... because the intense spotlights of the major sports media outlets would totally dwarf the piddling little flashlight of SL/
.... because there will be more of a general desire to read about the latest victory than 17 redundant, semi-substantiated / speculative articles on a vaguely defined minor incident
..... because if things are going well - readers will want article on football, on basketball - and the SL / mutation writers have limited/poor skills in that area
.... the tone & tenor of coverage shifting to positive coverage of great success would not give them clicks - and past tradition of trashing RU - readers would be stand-offish
( think about certain writers who made viscously trashing the Knicks, Mets, Jets their bread & butter - if the teams get hot & start winning - these guys will have to reinvent themselves to survive)

So it does seem like there is a deep seated desire to subvert the success of the programs at RU - and there are various supportive factions with in RU willing to lend a hand in undermining.
- it also seems like this is not random - it comes in waves - almost like there was some sense of when it might do the most damage - There was a load of crap thrown around the time of the move to the Big Ten - as though there might have been a last minute reversal of the move / a dis-invite... and there have been pumped-up / distorted "scandals" in the midst of prime recruit season - nothing delights these clowns more than to be able to write about a de-commit - or to fantasize that they were personally responsible for prodding it into happening.
Often painfully slow to report positive news - and lightening fast with ridiculous redundancy on any possible negative - for example - last June / July they went 40 + days without a single article on the basketball program - and during that time other media covered commits - interactions with / observations of key recruit targets .... it was so unprofessional it was laughable ... but you know that if Eddie Jordan had dropped a cheeseburger wrapper on the ground - within 2 hours there would have been 3 different (but essentially identical) articles on the outrage of littering.
Isn't there a way to see how a specific web address looked at a certain point in time?
Have seen them do a couple of different things -
(1.) simply go back in & make edit/correction - and on the line where you see the date & time of publication - you can also see if & when they updated the article (but what was changed is hard to determine)
(2.) if they really had a bunch of stuff messed up - they simply do a tweak here & there - give it a new headline & make the original article virtually disappear -
This board proves on a daily basis that negative news gets more clicks and views than positive news- and that is amongst our fan base. No surprise that plays to that theme.