Stadium Rules for Tomorrow

Is it impermissible under the rules to remind our PSU "friends" that yes in fact Joe knew?
it is frowned upon. Especially after consuming alcohol. nothing good can come of it.
I appreciate that. But seeing the horror and vexation on their faces is too tempting to resist. I will however bring puppies and coloring books for their college age fans to help them recover from my micro aggression.
I appreciate that. But seeing the horror and vexation on their faces is too tempting to resist. I will however bring puppies and coloring books for their college age fans to help them recover from my micro aggression.

our AD has written a very eloquent letter to all of us to stay classy and stay above the fray. it's good advice.
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Not going to the game, I sold my tickets in early October and then made a donation with the proceeds, but, I will wear my Joe Knew cap out and about tomorrow.

Tonight I will wear a RU hat to the state playoffs game either in Pequanock or Wayne.
Though, I do wonder if the PSU AD wrote a letter to their fans asking them to be classy when they are here...
Can I wear my Pedobear costume?
Due to heightened security, no bottles or beverage containers and outside food of any kind will be permitted into the stadium.
One can never be too careful, one has to watch out for exploding Snickers bars of poison laden gummi bears.
I'm not sure but I can say that they were nothing but nice to us when we went there last year. We decided the NJ psu fans were jerks but the Pa fans were hospitable.

I knew one of you had gone as part of a group because I remember you saying this last year after your return. I figured both you and your husband were there but he said I was incorrect.
I knew one of you had gone as part of a group because I remember you saying this last year after your return. I figured both you and your husband were there but he said I was incorrect.

Hubby was sick & couldn't make the trip. 21 of us took a party bus. Except for the guy who ran thru the tailgate & stole our R flag everyone was pretty nice.
Have to agree. Everyone was incredibly nice
We were not to happy about the PSU game last year. I have issues walking and have a handicapped permit. We had to park over by a hospital in a lot without lighting and full of holes. It was a long walk to the stadium and we had problems getting back to our car. We couldn't see the way on the footpath and tried to walk on the road but were yelled at by a guy in a golf cart, who could of offered us a ride. We also were not able to find our car in the dark field. Eventually, we flagged down a young women who drove us around the field and helped us find our car.