I don’t think anyone is saying non-clear bags should be allowed. The issue is ticket-holders who bring clear bags (that Rutgers sold them) are being told their wallet, which is in their clear bag, can’t come in. And that’s after they have to wait on a specific bag line for an hour. Will the line be 90 minutes when we play Washington? Two hours? Sure, people can try to carry everything in their pockets, but that's impossible for some fans (as many have explained in this thread).
Why can I bring my seat cushion in, but people in the bag line are told to trash their everyday wallets? My seat cushion is passed around the metal detector and no one checks it. It's easier for me, but that's another example of how this is just security theater. Why not have all the bags go through the metal detectors we added? That's what other stadiums do.
What changed between last season and this season that made Rutgers decide clear bags are still allowed but only at two gates? Why is Rutgers so different from MetLife, Citizens Bank Park, Yankee Stadium, and Citifield? Maybe we are trying to fall in line with the Big Ten?
Let's see:
Michigan State- clear bags allowed, one 20-oz water bottle allowed. No separate lines for bags
Penn State- Clear bags allowed, gate entrance not limited. Ticket holders without bags can bypass the bag check stations at each gate
Maryland-clear bags allowed. "No Bag Lines" exist at each Gate.
Ilinois- clear bags allowed, no separate lines noted
Indiana- clear bags allowed, no separate lines other than for diaper bags/non-clear medically necessary bags
Iowa- clear bags allowed, no separate lines noted
Michigan- no bags at all. Special permission forms are filled out ahead of time for expedited entrance with medically necessary bags.
Minnesota- clear bags allowed, no separate lines
Nebraska- clear bags allowed, empty water bottles allowed. No separate bag lines.
Northwestern- clear bags allowed, no separate bag lines
OSU- no bags. Non-clear wallets and wristlets no larger than 5”x8”x1” are permitted.
Oregon- clear bags allowed, no separate lines
Purdue- clear bags allowed, no separate lines
UCLA- clear bags allowed. A 32-oz sealed water bottle OR an empty reusable water bottle is allowed. No separate lines.
USC- clear bags allowed, no separate lines
Washington- clear bags allowed, no separate lines
Wisconsin- clear bags allowed, no separate lines
The only schools with policies more prohibitive/less fan-friendly than Rutgers are OSU and Michigan. Until we have a product like them I don't think a poor gameday experience is what we should be aiming for.