Sterling Gibbs

That was a weird punch. Looked like a whack-a-mole hit.

Also Gibbs seemed to apologise sincerely for it, and Arch, to his credit, accepted the apology and brushed off the incident. I think a game suspension and get on with life.
Kid needs to be made an example of. That was a massive cheap shot completely out if the flow of the game. The rest of the year, minimum suspension.
Really odd punch. I've watched three different videos of this now, and it looks like three different events. In one, you can clearly see his fist coming down (but not clenched like for a hit) and bouncing off of his player's head first. In one it looks like he was raking for the ball, and in one it looks like his forearm hits the kid in the face on a kind of side move.

None of them look like an intentional punch to the face as in anger. Very odd.

But to me, you saw a real apology, accepted, and if the kid really is of good character, a minor penalty and move on.
After what happened with Pope who I don't think got suspended Gibbs needs at least three games.
To me this is different then the Pope instances. Pope's were off the ball, thought out and intentional. Gibbs seemed more in the heat of a scrum. I am not down playing this at all, in fact the Gibbs punch had a much larger chance of doing damage. When the head is near the floor and a punch like this is driving down, bad things could have happened to Archy. Luckily it doesn't appear to have been as bad as it could have been.

There has to be a punsihment given, will SHU impose it or will it have to come down from the NCAA? Gibbs seems genuinely sorry and appears that he is willing to accept the punsihment like a man, he knows he was very wrong.

Glad Archy was not hurt.
I'd be shocked beyond belief if SHU did not impose a punishment of at least three games. That is what you do in this situation. You come up with a disciplinary plan of action which you think is severe enough so that the higher level governing bodies (BE and NCAA) conclude that you've got it under control, and they don't need to get involved.
Originally posted by bac2therac:

looks like the implosion is not yet done

I wouldn't turn Gibbs away just because he threw this punch, seemed out of character for him, the frustration certainly has boiled over with him
I think you are correct is out of character for the kid and apologized right away. A lot of people make stupid mistakes when they are frustrated. And there certainly seems good reason for him to be frustrated.
That is clearly intentional and merits a suspension for the remainder of the season. Seton Hall should sit him down on their own initiative.
Gibbs problems seem to go far beyond Bball - he needs to figure that out and should not be playing right now. So today there is no way I would touch him - in 6 months if he can explain what in the world has been going on him and how he has resolved it that's a different story.
Originally posted by Doctor Worm:
I'd be shocked beyond belief if SHU did not impose a punishment of at least three games. That is what you do in this situation. You come up with a disciplinary plan of action which you think is severe enough so that the higher level governing bodies (BE and NCAA) conclude that you've got it under control, and they don't need to get involved.
Well he only got two, and the BE seems OK with two according to the ESPN report.
We live in an interesting day and age it seems. Sterling gibbs hits a player rather hard and get's a two game suspension. Next thing Carino writes is that we should "give him credit" for owning up quickly.

I get what Carino is saying, and i know the guy works very hard, but after a bad act we now have to give credit for someone fessing up? How about just don't do it in the first place?

Yeah, getting into a pushing match after a competitive rebound-that's fine.

Playing a basketball game and then turning into a boxer? That's unacceptable. I think four-five games probably would've been better.

I want to give Gibbs the benefit of the doubt too, but it's just interesting how things are said these days.
Two games is about right, although I think one game would have been better. There are three videos (at least) on this, and none of them show a traditional punch to the head with what Tyson would have called "evil intent."

One shows his fist bouncing off of the other guys head. And the fist isn't really a clenched fist. Hard to figure just what he was trying to do, but didn't look like his intent was to really punch the other guy in the head, unless he was trying to do something and have it not look like a punch.

At the end of the day, he sincerely apologised, apology accepted, and it was a heat of the moment move, not a sucker punch or a deliberate walk up to the guy and hit him punch. I would have gone with one game.
But for the grace of God (or whomever you wish to insert into the role), Sterling Gibbs is Philip Nelson.
He has been suspended. Don't know for how long. Would I take him at RU ? No. We don't need that kind of trouble.
Two games is appropriate. While it was certainly a cheap shot, it was merely a frustration-fueled drop of the hammer from close range at the tail end of a scramble for the ball.

He did not cock back his arm & slug the guy, which is what I was expecting to see when I read this thread before seeing the video. I was expecting a Legarette Blount-style full-blown punch (which I considered to be criminal). I have no love for SHU but a 2 game suspension is sufficient.

And by all accounts, Philip Nelson slugged a guy. Gibbs did not hit Arch at anywhere close to full force.
This kid is not a Pope, Branwell or whoever else we have seen at SHU -- he is by all accounts a good kid who acted badly for a split second. I think the required one game suspension for throwing a punch is all that is required and all that is appropriate.

I think back at the Toney-El incident, which was every bit as flagrant as a punch and far more dangerous than this punch, and his reaction of flipping the bird as opposed to Gibbs' immediate show of remorse and I wonder how the rules in college basketball are so badly written that Gibbs will most likely be more harshly punished that Toney-El was.
Originally posted by linzalonic:
Two games is appropriate. While it was certainly a cheap shot, it was merely a frustration-fueled drop of the hammer from close range at the tail end of a scramble for the ball.

He did not cock back his arm & slug the guy, which is what I was expecting to see when I read this thread before seeing the video. I was expecting a Legarette Blount-style full-blown punch (which I considered to be criminal). I have no love for SHU but a 2 game suspension is sufficient.

And by all accounts, Philip Nelson slugged a guy. Gibbs did not hit Arch at anywhere close to full force.
Not to derail the thread, but Philip Nelson did not slug anyone. He kicked Kolstad in the head after the first guy slugged him. My point is simply that Gibbs is fortunate where Nelson was unfortunate - Gibbs' action did no damage.
Originally posted by Doctor Worm:
But for the grace of God (or whomever you wish to insert into the role), Sterling Gibbs is Philip Nelson.
Nelson kicked a guy in the head with full force in a street fight. To compare that to the Gibbs play is crazy.

Classless and scummy for sure, but the kid from the Nelson fight will never make a full recovery. Its apples to oranges.
you're right, I forgot that Nelson kicked the guy in the head. but I think nelson's act was far more malicious & violent than Gibbs', which I think moots your point about the result of the transgression
A one game suspension would have been fine. It would also have been one game more than Herb Pope got for nut punching a Texas Tech player. Ditto his head butt of Eli Carter.

I would take Gibbs in a second if he wanted to come here. But I cant imagine why he would want to do that.
One blow to the head can cause permanent damage. It's not acceptable. It's stupid and should not be tolerated. He should be done for the season.
Pope never got suspended, Gonzo was fired and they never punished him right?
Whether it was intentional or not, I thought he hit him pretty hard and Arch was in a very vulnerable position. He is lucky that #15 did not get seriously hurt as I am sure that would have influenced the length of the suspension.
As of now it sounds like Gibbs will be staying at SHU for next season also.
What he did could have seriously injured the other kid. Two games is not enough.