People here wondered how team docs would approve a kid with a virulent flu ‘strand’ (Pike’s term LOL) taking flights. The flu is very contagious. Tip: they wouldn’t. The two week duration was also questioned.
Why you ask ? Did you ever hear a coach say a player was out because of an STD, which of course no one else will catch on a flight to or from Indiana ? Two week flu Shelby’s arse.
Pike made it up on the fly to protect the player. Strand ha ha ha. No doctor told him ‘strand’ and he didn’t even bother to google it.
So unlucky for RUs two best players to get the flu.
Not sure what Ace’s deal was yesterday but Pike would have noticed flu symptoms in advance were there any. Did he sneeze or cough even just one time ?
Out of the blue in the middle of the game Ace tells Pike he can’t play anymore because he has the flu ?
The whole flu business doesn’t add up. Williams, ok. Saw it firsthand. The other two, not buying it.
Something ailing them, sure. But not the flu.