Student section

I sit in 131 right next to it and the student section looked fine by the end of the first quarter. The problem is that they sell out but the kids still jam into the middle seats. What they need to do is overbook it or make the seats smaller.
The seats are benches. How would they make them smaller?
Well what did you expect? This picture voids this thread:


Nuts, we've had our differences but thanks for posting. Students were awesome and don't deserve this slander thread.
Your students were fine.. while they lasted.

Are you in the habit of staying when your team is down 43-0 at halftime? I mean I'm married with kids and hanging out at a fb game is about as exciting as it gets for me most of the time. But they have other things they can be doing. Its college.
An hour before KO fans seats were about1/3 full. At 1/2 hour about 50%.
15 minutes before 2/3 and maybe 3/4 by KO. Student section directly behind end zone was full to the top at KO and started to spread out during the 1st qtr. North end zone filled in quicker, maybe 80%. At KO I would rate the stripe experiment as moderately successful. Part of the problem was the rain gear colors and I don't blame people for wearing what they had. I was on the West sideline and it looked mostly full and a lot of Mich fans. Can't blame fans for unstripping the birthplace after the 50/50 was posted. Forget the score, the no 1st downs was more embarrassing. I think some people stayed to see if we would get one.
The rest of the season is even more seriously in jeopardy.