Terrence Shannon will likely play Sunday

Question: What is title IX due process? I thought title IX was where there had to be equal scholarships for men and women.
It’s more. It’s gender discrimination broadly: if there were majors open only to women, etc

All universities have policies on this. It seems the judge rejected this angle because his being in a bar in Kansas wasn’t a uIllinois-related activity.
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Truly unbelievable, as how many times has this happened to Rutgers in football and mens basketball. Players and coaches literally come back from the dead to play against us. First Harbo Michigan suspension reduced from 4 to 3 games so he can play us. Then he gets suspended 3 more games later.
Then, Michigan bball player gets suspended for the most random number of games ever, “6 away games” making him miraculously available just in time for RU game.

Now, Shannon destroys us, gets suspended so ILL can lose to putrid maryland and destroy their NET, drop their poll ranking, just to come back and destroy us again. Actually unbelievable at this point.
This is actually the RU Screw that we all know and "love" at work. And unbelievable in its uncanny ability to strike at just the right (read: wrong) time.
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This is actually the RU Screw that we all know and "love" at work. And unbelievable in its uncanny ability to strike at just the right (read: wrong) time.
We were up against it tomorrow with or without him playing
I don't necessarily disagree. Especially being on the road, it'll be a tall order. Fingers crossed that their chemistry will be off with Shannon back and/or maybe he's a bit rusty, as others have mentioned.
Fingers crossed for sure. They just have better players, so we'll need to be almost perfect
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I wonder how the fans in Champaign will react to him if he plays. It is quite an awkward situation to say the least.

Do they cheer him like he’s a vindicated guy who was wrongly accused?

Or is there awkward grumbling that a guy with a pending sexual assault charge is on the court representing my university?

Different situations obviously, but I can’t help but remember the outrage many Rutgers fans felt with Mike Rice being raked over the coals and then fired as a result of videogate and Eric Murdock blowing the whistle on his behavior.
When he scores, they will cheer . It’s sports . Pretty simple.
Truly unbelievable, as how many times has this happened to Rutgers in football and mens basketball. Players and coaches literally come back from the dead to play against us. First Harbo Michigan suspension reduced from 4 to 3 games so he can play us. Then he gets suspended 3 more games later.
Then, Michigan bball player gets suspended for the most random number of games ever, “6 away games” making him miraculously available just in time for RU game.

Now, Shannon destroys us, gets suspended so ILL can lose to putrid maryland and destroy their NET, drop their poll ranking, just to come back and destroy us again. Actually unbelievable at this point.
And the Zavier Simpson nonsense too
It is certainly a complicated look for the University. I know many will say I am biased, and that's fine ... but I have seen players on plenty of teams I cheer for be charged with crimes over the years and favored their dismissal (or at least suspension) well before a guilty verdict.
Leonte Caroo says Hi.

Innocent until proven guilty. Period. If Guilty then put his a$$ in jail. I know it sucks for us but that's how I would want to be treated.
In theory, for what benefits RU, this is a good thing.

A) You'd always want to have a game with an opponent having a full roster. This way, the results are accounted for without any doubts or question marks.

B) Playing at Illinois in this scenario, reduces any expectations on RU. If the game was at RU and Illinois had to travel here with Shannon, it would be the Illinois vs the world mindset.....any little thing Shannon did well during the game, would be considered an energy boost to a team in the road.......with the game at Illinois, it places all of the focus on what Illinois does or doesn't many minutes does he play in the 1st half or 2nd half?? Underwood has to answer 99 questions now about a player who hasn't played in a couple of weeks, instead of doing or talking about other things with his roster.

C) if Purdue arrives in a week and somehow Zach Edey didn't play, I would be one wants to defeat a ranked team, with an asterisk attached to it, even a Top 5 or potentially #1 Purdue. Same concept applies here, Shannon is clearly a B1G player of the Year candidate in any other season that doesn't have this version if Zach Edey in the conference......if I am RU, I want a 2nd shot at Illinois, with a full roster.

In terms of matching up, RU just has to play and defend the Illinois offense and do all of the same things they've been improving upon. You can't expect to get breaks to fluff up the resume or season results, you play through them, good or bad. There's enough excuse making or phantom reasons why something did or didn't happen and it's not a RU Screw thing.

This is an Illinois problem anyway and RU gets to benefit from it. Any results surrounding the Illinois program has a cloud of uncertainty hanging over it. Will it eventually become a big enough distraction later in the season?? Illinois apparently knew about this since the incident involving Shannon way back in September. Let them deal with it and let's play Illinois at full strength, Michigan with Dug McDaniel on the court etc.....

RU fans have to stop looking for the easy path or way around's better off for RU to face everyone at full-speed.
I agree with you BUT I don't recall seeing TOO much about Wisky missing their star center when we beat them as a top team at the RAC. It was noticed but doesn't carry a * next to it.
A) Underwood wants to play him
B) The ruling found the UI policy was causing TSJ irreparable harm by not allowing him to play via the suspension and lack of due process. Harming his current (NIL) and future (NBA) earnings. By not playing him and essentially "suspending" him indirectly would go directly against that ruling. Ain't gonna happen.
I don't disagree with the ruling but just think know what this does to a player's thought process know about the potential repercussions of committing a crime while still in school/season. Play now, deal with it later.
When he scores, they will cheer . It’s sports . Pretty simple.
This is correct. The crowd does not care when he scores a bucket, they will cheer just like all the other made buckets. Would be the same at the RAC, sports fans are sports fans.
This is correct. The crowd does not care when he scores a bucket, they will cheer just like all the other made buckets. Would be the same at the RAC, sports fans are sports fans.
True. Alabama basketball fans didn’t give a rat’s ass about their star player’s involvement in the murder last year, his pregame gestures the next game, Oats’ comments, etc.
When we win today, people will not be able to say it was because Shannon wasn’t available.
I think you’re overstating things here.

The judge was presented with an application for a preliminary injunction, in which Shannon’s lawyers argued that there is a likelihood of success in the merits of a claim of denial of due process, plus the danger of irreparable harm. Shannon was suspended BY A STATE ENTITY without any due process or finding of guilt — but rather solely based on an accusation — and the judge found that being deprived of an entire season of games in his final year of eligibility created irreparable harm since he can’t get back his senior year and is threatened with loss of NIL and plummeting draft prospects.

Those are two very reasonable legal findings, and it’s not “activism,” but rather simply the application of facts to law that judges perform every day of the week.

We may think the decision is stupid or outrageous since it allows an accused sexual assaulter back on the court (just in time for the Rutgers game LOL), but it actually SOUNDS like a reasonable decision since Shannon was merely “accused” and NOT found guilty. Is it fair to suspend the guy without any finding of guilt, based solely on an accusation?

Now, the **optics** of the University of Illinois and Brad Underwood allowing Shannon to play in the face of a female victim accusing him of fondling her, that’s a different issue. But the legal process is not about optics, it’s about legal rights, and the court has held that Shannon could not be suspended without additional due process of law.

I don’t see this as a judge being “activist” but rather simply performing his/her job as a legal arbiter of a claim presented in court.

The third part is that this is weighted against any possible harm to the University.
Of which there is minimal harm.
If Shannon was considered a threat to the Universtiy or the public he would have been kicked off campus. Because he hasn't, the University is saying there is no threat.
The third part is that this is weighted against any possible harm to the University.
Of which there is minimal harm.
If Shannon was considered a threat to the Universtiy or the public he would have been kicked off campus. Because he hasn't, the University is saying there is no threat.
If Shannon was a real student, would he still be allowed to attend classes and live on campus ?
If Shannon was a real student, would he still be allowed to attend classes and live on campus ?

This. He doesn’t live on campus. He’s getting a huge bag and probably lives in a fancy apt. And while I believe in due process, it’s crazy that a school would allow someone indicted on rape charges to come and go on campus.
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If Shannon was a real student, would he still be allowed to attend classes and live on campus ?

If he was a real student would the university even be involved or know about it?

The incident occurred off campus in another state.
If Shannon was a real student, would he still be allowed to attend classes and live on campus ?
Maybe yes . maybe no.
But would the school have gone through the procedures that all students are entitled to before making that decision , if he wasn't on the MBB team.
He was denied that as member of the Basketball team when they suspended him and that's why the judge granted his request for a temporary restraining order.
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I like this "what if he was a regular student" line of questioning.

Whats the procedure?
Does the police department contact a person's employer or school when they are arrested?
When they are charged?

Do employers or schools run monthly checks of pending court cases nationally for their students names?

This occurred in a separate state.
Is it on the alleged victim to notify the school? And if so, does the school validate all "claims" prior to initiating action?
The ruling made sense. What was reported in the media evidence-wise looked like 50/50 at best. Esp based on a defense witness claiming nothing happened. You are innocent until proven guilty in this country, but in certain motions judges can weigh the strength of the case. Here, it looks like the harm to Shannon outweighed the possibility of him ultimately being found guilty. If he winds up guilty, he will be in prison anyway. But if he's eventually exonerated or acquitted, this would do extreme damage to him.

If all someone has to do in order to ruin your life, career, and reputation is make an accusation without evidence, we are going back to Salem.
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Is Shannon the type of basketball player that Dylan Harper is expected to be, maybe minus being a plus defender on day 1?