The "I Can't Be Depressed Like Last Year" Thread


Gold Member
Aug 1, 2001
Remember "Buffa-Nova"? Year 2 of the GS regime? No, I'm NOT comparing the 2 "eras," at all but nonetheless there is soooo much out there that reminds me of "then," in particular, Ash's undeniable stubbornness. Will this work in the long run? God, I hope so, but who knows. Anyhow.... Last week we were all happy. Today, we're not. You guys can ask Patrick, Shack, and Sir Scarlet as my text messages - the 573 I sent to them in our chat today - were loud and clear, I was NOT happy with a lot of things...but nonetheless...I digress because I STILL feel better than I did at this point last season. No joke. I knew last season was coming and never expected much this season, either, pretty sure a few people here clobbered me in the off-season for saying this game was a clear "T" that I wasn't sure we could win. Yes, I picked us to win 34-17 earlier today because, well, I was feeling optimistic after last week. Obviously, too optimistic LOL Anyway, this was coming, many of us saw it, knew it, but it STILL SUCKS ass!!!!! On that noe....

....Have some fun with me guys:

Nuts, I have not a clue how you feel better at this point in the season than the same point last year. This is year 2 of this regime. They have to get better. Staying the same is a losing proposition.
I took the news of today's loss with a shoulder shrug. When you have had a summer like I had, stuff like this is the least of my concerns.
Getting numb to it. Only good news is that after next week we can only have pleasant surprises.
So tired of this crap. I don't even care as much anymore. I had nearly no expectations so it's hard to be too disappointed.
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The way RU played today contradicts any improvement I felt was there after the Washington game.
There's no reason to expect anyone to accept the offensive performance RU had today .
Rutgers D was a plus, but this RU team should not have an offense that looked as bad as it did most of the game against a team like Eastern Michigan.

Flood might have brought down the talent level from what he inherited from Schiano and recruited poorly , but it isn't as bad as Ash has made the players he has ( inherited or his recruits ) look .
Seems like Ash is living up to low expectations and might make us lower them from what we thought of Flood's leadership.
Last year's [poor record might have been expected because of the way Flood ran the program , but I wonder if Ash is a better HC ( feel recruiting wise he is) when gameday comes.
Hopefully I'm being so negative about him now because of how disappointed I am about how the offense looked today
Nuts, I have not a clue how you feel better at this point in the season than the same point last year. This is year 2 of this regime. They have to get better. Staying the same is a losing proposition.

Please don't get me wrong, I don't feel good right now - AT ALL - I just feel different. I'll try to explain it Monday. Gonna drink for a day or two. Shit...I've got clients tomorrow afternoon...this is what happens when the Giants play on Sunday night LOL!
The relationship between Rutgers fans and Rutgers football.. too often

But Rutgers players and recruits.. have faith.. it will get better.. you will make it so. It happened before and it will happen again.
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I was dreading this year. Last year, we lost the senior class that was Schianos last class and our best class on paper. We are deep into Floods recruits now and Ash knows it. Its why hes playing 10 or 11 freshman.

This is the test year for Ash. Can he sell the program to new recruits while getting some legit game experience for the young guys.

Its a good sign that the new recruits are beating out upper classman for playing time. I recall a lot freshman getting playing time in the buffanova season.
I thought this year might be as ugly as last. Washington gave hope, but even at that, you could see the chinks in Ash's in game coaching armor. This can't be part of any calculus that has us getting better over the next couple of years. Not going for it when he clearly should have if he is trying to win comes to mind. He made the same exact mistakes today. He isn't learning. I'm sure the team notices that their coach looks like he is very confused on how to close out quarters and games. Made an obvious error in the Washington game on the missed fg, and he made similar errors today.

He is a rookie. And looks like it. The concerning thing is his team, after playing a decent game, goes backwards, and looks terrible doing it. Combine all the penalties and questionable decisions, and Ash has a long way to go to become a competent head coach, if he even can.

These assistant's from big programs are such crapshoots at schools like Rutgers.
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I bet Mr. Hand and Lyle Lovett didn't think they'd lose to Liberty and UTSA, weeks 1 and 2, when they left South Jersey for Waco...WACO...Texas. :eyes:,

..yes, I know, I shouldn't make fun of anybody today, but that's what this thread is for - to lighten up a bit - and no, I'm not comparing the 2 programs...BUT....and I've been saying this since Rhule went there: Baylor is "yesterday's hero." Watch. All sports soon enough.
The "I Can't Be Depressed Like Last Year" Thread

...until PSU wins the National Championship
In the good news department our field-goal kicker went 2-for-2 today....shit I just depressed myself again he should've had a third shot. I'm sorry!
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I thought this year might be as ugly as last. Washington gave hope, but even at that, you could see the chinks in Ash's in game coaching armor. This can't be part of any calculus that has us getting better over the next couple of years. Not going for it when he clearly should have if he is trying to win comes to mind. He made the same exact mistakes today. He isn't learning. I'm sure the team notices that their coach looks like he is very confused on how to close out quarters and games. Made an obvious error in the Washington game on the missed fg, and he made similar errors today.

He is a rookie. And looks like it. The concerning thing is his team, after playing a decent game, goes backwards, and looks terrible doing it. Combine all the penalties and questionable decisions, and Ash has a long way to go to become a competent head coach, if he even can.

These assistant's from big programs are such crapshoots at schools like Rutgers.
I was hoping Kill's HC experience would help him adjust from assistant to HC
a lot faster and learn from last year's mistakes while having Kill mentor him this year to help him run the program better then it was run last year.