The Yogi-Jackie Robinson play at the plate in the 1955 WS.


Oct 19, 2003
When I'm rehabbing my knee on a elliptical machine at a sports medicine center,this picture is in front of me 3 times a week. Robinson sure looks safe to me,lol. What a iconic baseball picture that is, and what a great time in baseball history that must have been to grow up around. It was the year I was born, so I kinda missed out on that era.Grew up and still am a die hard Mets fan. I remember watching a documentary about the Giants, Dodgers and Stankees all playing in NYC, and how you could walk down the street in Brooklyn and never miss a pitch being board cast on radio, since everybody sat on their front stoops with a transistor radio listening to the games.
Sorry, here's the picture.
Originally posted by Exit117:
Sorry, here's the picture.
How does that "look safe" to you? the plate is behind Yogi and Robinson's leading foot is in the air. It also looks like Yogi has the ball already.

Still... quite the ballsy move... stealing home. So ballsy that a "tie" should go to the runner.
Two of Baseball's greatest players. Love them both. That IS an O U T !!
Originally posted by GoodOl'Rutgers:

Originally posted by Exit117:
Sorry, here's the picture.
How does that "look safe" to you? the plate is behind Yogi and Robinson's leading foot is in the air. It also looks like Yogi has the ball already.

Still... quite the ballsy move... stealing home. So ballsy that a "tie" should go to the runner.
He looks safe to you? Are you kidding me? When is the last time you had your eyes checked? I grew up in Queens and loved the NY Giants. I was 8 when they moved to SF and I cried like a baby. Converted to NY Yankees eventually. Always disliked the Dodgers and still do to this day. Love Jackie Robinson though, one of the greatest moments and stories in sports.
"...He looks safe to you? Are you kidding me? When is the last time you had your eyes checked? I grew up in Queens and loved the NY Giants. I was 8 when they moved to SF and I cried like a baby. Converted to NY Yankees eventually. Always disliked the Dodgers and still do to this day. Love Jackie Robinson though, one of the greatest moments and stories in sports."

Dem bums.... wait 'til next year!
He was safe. If you see that play in vidio from the first base side you see that Jackie's foot is on the plate before Yogi get's the tag down. Watched that shot with a buddy who had never seen it & had always assumed that Jackie was out & he yelled "he was safe". They showed it again & he said the same thing.

Watched the play in real time in Brooklyn & always knew Jackie was safe. As for always knowing the score of a game as you walked the avenue & the blocks, it is true, especially during the world series. Every beer garden, store, market, house, & person on a stoop had it on. You had a running play by play until you got home from school.
Those were the glory days of baseball. Fewer teams led to some of the most intense rivalries ever. i remember so well exactly what you describe above. My first transistor radio was a toshiba and it was always on during baseball season. After the giants moved to SF, a NYC radio station would recreate the play-by-play on the air with a time lag of several hours. They didn't have the live broadcast from the west coast so they recreated the game from the box score, sound effects and all.
Originally posted by cRURah:
Those were the glory days of baseball. Fewer teams led to some of the most intense rivalries ever. i remember so well exactly what you describe above. My first transistor radio was a toshiba and it was always on during baseball season. After the giants moved to SF, a NYC radio station would recreate the play-by-play on the air with a time lag of several hours. They didn't have the live broadcast from the west coast so they recreated the game from the box score, sound effects and all.
Dodgers - Giants rivalry almost indescribable. Every series was like WW111, no matter where each club was in the standings. And as you say with only 8 clubs in each league,they played each other a great many times over the course of the season, which was 154 games back then.
Originally posted by rudad02:

He was safe. If you see that play in video from the first base side you see that Jackie's foot is on the plate before Yogi get's the tag down. Watched that shot with a buddy who had never seen it & had always assumed that Jackie was out & he yelled "he was safe". They showed it again & he said the same thing.

Watched the play in real time in Brooklyn & always knew Jackie was safe. As for always knowing the score of a game as you walked the avenue & the blocks, it is true, especially during the world series. Every beer garden, store, market, house, & person on a stoop had it on. You had a running play by play until you got home from school.
rudad02 is right.

I used to agree with Yogi until I saw that video.
This never gets old. Of course the umpire didn't have the advantage of reviewing photographic or video evidence when he made the call, nor did he have a side view, but what intrigues me about the play is the fact that the ball clearly beat him to the plate. I think many umps would have relied on that to make an out call.
Originally posted by Skull83:
This never gets old. Of course the umpire didn't have the advantage of reviewing photographic or video evidence when he made the call, nor did he have a side view, but what intrigues me about the play is the fact that the ball clearly beat him to the plate. I think many umps would have relied on that to make an out call.
Stole home several times in college & semi-pro ball. Oftentimes you beat the tag. In those days the ump would more often than not call the tag. Today they have a tendenancy to call it on the ball being there. Today's game is pretty delicate. In my day there was pleanty of contact on steals of any bag, the hard tag, & and guys getting tangled up.
Yogi put the tag down over the plate, not in front of it. And so Robinson was safe. Can't look at that 1st base side view and conclude otherwise.
Originally posted by willisneverrana43:
Yogi put the tag down over the plate, not in front of it. And so Robinson was safe. Can't look at that 1st base side view and conclude otherwise.
Tough play for a catcher. Often not enough time to move the feet forward & get the tag out in front & difficult & unnatural to bend forward far enough from out of the crouch.
This post was edited on 4/16 6:03 PM by rudad02
Originally posted by RUReadyD:
I agree with yogi looks out to me
+1 - both the picture and the video clearly shows that JR was out. Yogi's glove was in front of the plate and JR slide right into it. Pretty easy call.
It's a hard thing to do watching the video and rapid clicking on the pause button at the :04 mark until you get it just so but it looked to me that Yogi got the foot with the glove just as it was getting to home plate. Of course the umpire was in the worst possible position to make the call either way.

I'll always agree with Yogi on this one.
Let me tell you a story. There was a game that had a play at the plate. One manager came out screaming "he's out, he's out" the other manager came out screaming "he's safe, he's safe." The umpire said "he ain't nothing until I say what he is. Y'all sound like it was a sandlot game without an umpire and there should be a do-over. The umpire said he was safe. Therefore he was safe.

If there was instant replay in those days with the usual guideline of today that the call could be reversed only if there was conclusive evidence, then the call would have stood, as shown by the wide difference of opinion on this call.

He was safe.
Originally posted by T2Kplus10:

Originally posted by RUReadyD:
I agree with yogi looks out to me
+1 - both the picture and the video clearly shows that JR was out. Yogi's glove was in front of the plate and JR slide right into it. Pretty easy call.

Yogi's glove was over the plate. It wasn't in front of the plate at all. He didn't get it in front or all the way down & Robinson beat the tag.
If JR was wearing a Rutgers uniform he would have been called out. If he was wearing ND, FSU or any SEC uniform (except Vandy) he would have been called safe.
Originally posted by rudad02:
Originally posted by T2Kplus10:

Originally posted by RUReadyD:
I agree with yogi looks out to me
+1 - both the picture and the video clearly shows that JR was out. Yogi's glove was in front of the plate and JR slide right into it. Pretty easy call.

Yogi's glove was over the plate. It wasn't in front of the plate at all. He didn't get it in front or all the way down & Robinson beat the tag.
Crystal clear, Yogi's glove was in front of the plate. JR was out. Not even close.
Originally posted by GoodOl'Rutgers:

Originally posted by Exit117:
Sorry, here's the picture.
How does that "look safe" to you? the plate is behind Yogi and Robinson's leading foot is in the air. It also looks like Yogi has the ball already.

Still... quite the ballsy move... stealing home. So ballsy that a "tie" should go to the runner.
Christ, did you look at the video from the 1st base side? Home plate is IN FRONT of Yogi, not BEHIND him.
Yogi has been adament about him being out for 50+ years. I know one thing about Yogi. He wouldn't be lying about this for so long if it wasn't true. No one was closer to the play than he was. O.U.T.
Looks to me like Yogi's glove is just behind the front corner of the plate at the :04 mark. It's close, but Jackie sneaks his toe in. Safe.
OK, changed my mine after watching the video and stopping it several times. Looks like first contact with yogi's mitt was to the left of and slightly in front of the plate. Gotta go with out.

Watching the full speed video a couple times and it looked like he slid in before yogi could get the tag on.

Its funny after all these years and watching the video, there is still no 100% agreement!
This post was edited on 4/17 12:46 PM by JPhoboken
Originally posted by willisneverrana43:
Yogi put the tag down over the plate, not in front of it. And so Robinson was safe. Can't look at that 1st base side view and conclude otherwise.
I do conclude otherwise. That is the best restored film that I've ever seen...I don't know why they wouldn't loop in a slo-mo or stop-action piece. I manipulated the stop start to get to Berra blocking the plate....AND the Ump's view. I'm the biggest Yankee-hater on the planet but Jackie was out. I don't know if the HP Ump went to the FB Ump to confirm but no way Jackie could be in there. I don't blame Berra when his head explodes.
Originally posted by willisneverrana43:
Yogi put the tag down over the plate, not in front of it. And so Robinson was safe. Can't look at that 1st base side view and conclude otherwise.
I thought so at first too. stop/start it, and there was a frame where the mitt looked slightly to the left of the plate( view from behind plate) and in front. I changed my mind to out.
RUich posted on 4/17/2015...

Nothing from ZAPPA?________________________________________________________________

We all know where Zappa stands on this one.
There is another shot from the first base side or it may be this one from a little more depth. There is no doubt when watching it that Jackie was in there. IMO the view on this thread has him safe also.
was game one of that series. Robby's steal came with two outs in eighth inning brought Dodgers to within 6-5. Not a bad strategic move, though BKN never got tying run in
Originally posted by WhiteBus:
Yogi has been adament about him being out for 50+ years. I know one thing about Yogi. He wouldn't be lying about this for so long if it wasn't true. No one was closer to the play than he was. O.U.T.
And what did Jackie always say about the play? Do you know?
Originally posted by WhiteBus:
Yogi has been adamant about him being out for 50+ years. I know one thing about Yogi. He wouldn't be lying about this for so long if it wasn't true. No one was closer to the play than he was. O.U.T.

The guy who made the tag says the other guy was out, so therefore he was out.

I take the umpire's word for it.
There was also a similar play in the same Series where Billy Martin attempted a steal of Home and was called Out, a play where the popular belief was that he was Safe. In the play with JR, the Ump was out of position to make the call as he needed a side view.