Thread for your Schadenfreude viewing pleasure


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Gold Member
Aug 1, 2001
Los Angeles, CA


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I don't get it......a pic of Franklin's daughter consoling her dad makes this...a viewing pleasure?

you're a pretty good dude, Knight Shift. i'm sure your Rutgers' buddies are all proud of ya on this one.
Are you serious? RU fans should feel sorry for Franklin? I had no idea that was his daughter, but who cares, it is a sad James Franklin, who has been a douche to Rutgers since he came in, and allowed his players to act like classless jerks during our most recent game.
Are you serious? RU fans should feel sorry for Franklin? I had no idea that was his daughter, but who cares, it is a sad James Franklin, who has been a douche to Rutgers since he came in, and allowed his players to act like classless jerks during our most recent game.

nobody's asking you to feel sorry for anyone, and i don't understand the relevance of your hashtag....not sure who's claiming to be a victim here.....ya kinda just threw that in there for fun, i suppose.

at the risk of beating a dead're poking fun at Coach Franklin for getting consoled by his daughter?....correct?....this is something that is "viewing pleasure" for you?....right?....ok great.

like i're a good dude.
nobody's asking you to feel sorry for anyone, and i don't understand the relevance of your hashtag....not sure who's claiming to be a victim here.....ya kinda just threw that in there for fun, i suppose.

at the risk of beating a dead're poking fun at Coach Franklin for getting consoled by his daughter?....correct?....this is something that is "viewing pleasure" for you?....right?....ok great.

like i're a good dude.
You are more than a little dense. I had no idea who was consoling him. I was just saw a sad James Franklin, which was a nice contrast with the boisterous, arrogant d-bag Jim, got it? Get over yourself already with the faux outrage and trying to link his daughter.
You are more than a little dense. I had no idea who was consoling him. I was just saw a sad James Franklin, which was a nice contrast with the boisterous, arrogant d-bag Jim, got it? Get over yourself already with the faux outrage and trying to link his daughter. you didn't know it was his daughter. fine.....but maybe a "my bad" would've been appropriate.

outrage? i'm not outraged.....just simply surprised one would take pleasure in this picture. disagree
Dude remember what board you are on. There is no smpathy here. So again, if you don't like GTFO.

I'm on the Rutgers board.....and your opinion on this matter (assuming you're succumbed by immense joy over this photo) would be in the minority.
my goodness...... i mean...what's not to like, right? ...grown men making fun of man being consoled by his own daughter?
OK. You are totally dense. Can't reason with you.
I apologize for not recognizing Franklin's daughter by the left hand draped over his right shoulder. Next time, I will do more research before posting such an insensitive picture. I do not know how I will sleep tonight or the rest of this week.
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OK. You are totally dense. Can't reason with you.
I apologize for not recognizing Franklin's daughter by the left hand draped over his right shoulder. Next time, I will do more research before posting such an insensitive picture. I do not know how I will sleep tonight or the rest of this week.

apology accepted:)
Personally, I much rather celebrate my team's victory than the defeat of other teams. But that's me. That said, you PSU guys shouldn't expect much sympathy from ScarletNation stalwarts. To visit here and engage is just itchin' for a tustle. Here's to a very very good year for your program. RU longs for that type year. So congrats. Now... shooo. Kidding. Mostly.
Personally, I much rather celebrate my team's victory than the defeat of other teams. But that's me. That said, you PSU guys shouldn't expect much sympathy from ScarletNation stalwarts. To visit here and engage is just itchin' for a tustle. Here's to a very very good year for your program. RU longs for that type year. So congrats. Now... shooo. Kidding. Mostly.

i expect zero sympathy for losing the Rose Bowl from Rutgers fans......but obviously that's not why i engaged this thread. plenty of other congenial threads celebrating PSU's demise last nigh (don't blame you guys) that i'm choosing to omit.

i think Pat Narduzzi is a complete ass-hat (as you guys feel for Franklin...and that's fine)....but if Pitt lost that same game (which I'd take much pleasure in), but there was a picture of a sad Narduzzi hugging his child after the game....yeah, i'd take zero pleasure in you personally wouldn't either.

can i shoo in a bit?....i feel I got a little bit more left in you didn't know it was his daughter. fine.....but maybe a "my bad" would've been appropriate.

outrage? i'm not outraged.....just simply surprised one would take pleasure in this picture. disagree
get lost dude if you dont like it..dont need you here.
hey hey hey....RUchip called me dude

what's wrong with dude?

The "'dude' play" in internet dialogue has been studied extensively in the professional literature. Based on analysis of thousands of transcripts and an international survey of college sophomores, one refers to one's dialogical nemesis as "dude" in an attempt to accomplish three objectives:

1. Feign collegiality with the nemesis. By calling someone dude in writing, you employ the gambit of letting multiple inferences to be drawn. "Dude" could be analogous to the UK term "mate," while at the same time imply "you flaming a**hole." Hence, the writer suggests the latter while being able to protest that he mean the former.

2. Garner support from third parties. This aspect of the "dude play" was most succinctly summarized by a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania: "When I call a guy, "dude," I am basically saying to everybody else reading, "We all know this guy is some kind of a *********, but I am trying my best not to say that directly."

3. Set up the knockout punch that the writer believes he is about to deliver. The "dude play" is, in this respect, much like a left jab. It puts the nemesis slightly off guard and makes the knockout blow all that more effective.

You can't make this stuff up.
The "'dude' play" in internet dialogue has been studied extensively in the professional literature. Based on analysis of thousands of transcripts and an international survey of college sophomores, one refers to one's dialogical nemesis as "dude" in an attempt to accomplish three objectives:

1. Feign collegiality with the nemesis. By calling someone dude in writing, you employ the gambit of letting multiple inferences to be drawn. "Dude" could be analogous to the UK term "mate," while at the same time imply "you flaming a**hole." Hence, the writer suggests the latter while being able to protest that he mean the former.

2. Garner support from third parties. This aspect of the "dude play" was most succinctly summarized by a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania: "When I call a guy, "dude," I am basically saying to everybody else reading, "We all know this guy is some kind of a *********, but I am trying my best not to say that directly."

3. Set up the knockout punch that the writer believes he is about to deliver. The "dude play" is, in this respect, much like a left jab. It puts the nemesis slightly off guard and makes the knockout blow all that more effective.

You can't make this stuff up.

haha...ain't gonna lie....i laughed.
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- maybe if Gisecki didn't run halfway around the Rose Bowl acting like a douche bag, following his GREAT TD catch, this thread wouldn't be necessary

- maybe if Franklin wasn't acting like an asshole who already won the game, following the quick 7, 14, then 21-point outburst that saw the clock with 10-minutes IN THE 3RD QUARTER still remaining, this thread wouldn't be necessary

- maybe if Trace McSorley didn't have to act like a douche following each of his TD passes this thread would be unnecessary

- maybe if my PSU friends weren't whining all over FB with "the refs screwed us" - LOLOLOLOL!!! - and "the field was slippery" this thread wouldn't be necessary

That being said, uhm yeah, this thread IS necessary so THANK YOU Patrick! Oh and in case the above reasons aren't good enough there's always this:


and this special banner:

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