I've worked with organizations doing relocatons in the past for major teams and stadiumshere is my position
they school should have a good indication what the seat I am sitting in, is worth on the open market
Before they say I cannot sit there, tell me what I have to donate to keep it.
I think this is the way to go...... you don't HAVE to kick out a long time season ticket holder, if he is willing to
pay what is necessary
I have played this scene out in my mind.....when I get the dreaded call by my rep that I no longer have my seat, I will ask the money question....and hope that I do get the opportunity to keep my seats
I think this makes the most sense.
In every situaiton, the ticket holder has the right of first refusal, unless the seats themselves are eliminated (if you're in row A of 113, and the proposed 5 rows of students actually happen, you'll be offered essentially row F, which is the new row A)