The fact that RU does not give more weight/priority points to long time season ticket holders is complete crap. We supported the team through the lean years and there's no appreciation. We told them they can keep their tickets this year. More fans should do the same.
Oh joy. This thread again.
So here is how it works, for Richie Rutgers, and others who are bad at math.
Thank you; you supported Rutgers in the lean years. By "lean years", I assume you mean prior to 2005. By "support", I assume that you mean you bought season tickets and made donations.
In 2004, the most expensive season ticket was $140. In 2001, the most expensive season ticket was $133 for the season. In 1997, the most expensive season ticket was $99. If you bought a season ticket for $99 (or even if you bought a $50 end-zone season ticket) in 1997, then you have had season tickets for 19 years. Rutgers gives you 1 priority point for every consecutive year you've had season tickets. So you get 19 points for having tickets for 19 years. You get 1 point for your 1997 tickets, 1 point for your 1998 ticket, 1 point for your 1999 ticket, etc.
Each priority point is worth $100 (since it costs a $100 donation to buy 1 point). So for your $99 season ticket purchased in 1997, you get $100 worth of priority points this year. You also got $100 worth of priority last year, and $100 worth of priority points the year before. In the 10 seasons since 2006, Rutgers has given you $1000 worth of priority points for your $99 season ticket purchase in 1997. I think that's a pretty damn generous thank you.
But obviously, if you supported the team, you did more than just buy dirt cheap season tickets and get 10x your purchase price back in priority points. As a supporter, you also made donations to the team. So let's say you also gave a modest donation of $500 per year. First you got your tax deduction each year you made your donation. And you also increased your lifetime giving total by $500 each year you made a $500 donation. Each $500 in your lifetime giving total is worth 1/2 priority point (with a value of $50). So just like with season ticket purchases, for your 1997 donation of $500, Rutgers is giving you $50 worth of priority points last year, and $50 the year before, etc. So in the 10 seasons since 2006, you have received $500 worth of priority points for your 1997 donation of $500. And you received another $500 worth of priority points for your 1998 donation of $500. And all of this is on top of the tax deduction you received the year you made the donation.
So in total, if you were a season ticket holder during the lean years from 1997 to 2004, you spent less than $1000 total for season tickets, and if you also gave $500 each of those years, you made a total of $4000 in donations. For that total "investment" $5000, you have received back $1200 worth of priority points each and every year since 2006. That's a total of $12,000 worth of priority points for your less than $1000 purchase of season tickets plus your $4000 tax deductible donation.