Time to consider Premium


Jul 27, 2001
Metuchen, NJ
If you like recruiting news and more importantly, to me, insightful features on the team, the coaches, the program, etc., then sign up - it's worth it. Even if it were only for the "Ask the Staff" and the "FatCatFriday" features, that would be enough for me, but there's a ton more with lots of original content/stories and, of course, recruiting info (which I don't really follow, but I know many do).

I can also say this about Ash: I'm a born skeptic and I was cautiously optimistic with his hiring, but we're really starting to see a highly orchestrated and integrated "team" of coaches taking to recruiting and redefining the program with an energy level we haven't seen since Schiano. The excitement is almost palpable.
I had it for many years and after losing a credit card and getting a new one, I simply never felt like putting the information back in and forgot about it. Until now.

I don't really miss the content. I like being somewhat surprised with this recruiting stuff and it all changes so much that I am simply of the mind to wake me up in Feb.

However, the one thing making consider getting it again is to be able to stay off of this board. It's really the only reason for me. This board is filled with realllllly dumb people. I'm astounded at the idiocy I see posted here now. It wasn't always like that. I am guessing the board on the pay site, has some better posters. Like most things you pay to be a part of.
If you love Rutgers football and can afford it, premium is worth it. I will admit though that the 2 boards have very different flavors and I enjoy engaging in both.
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Totally agree.

I know people say "oh I can get all of my premium information for free from twitter or Hunt or whatever" and that is true probably 85% of the time, but you still never get the features mentioned above....imagine asking any question you wanted to know about the football or basketball program and an insider to the program tries to answer that, that is the ATS forum.....
The content is great, but I pay for the ability to read actual conversations about the team (95% of the time) compared to about 5% on this board.
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I'm premium on TOS, not sure if 2 Premium sites are necessary, but may give it a one month shot since LOI day is coming up soon. I hear the Fat Cat Friday is a nice feature on Friday mornings
TOS site had a chat for premium members that included 3 Analysts that covered NJ, Pa, Del, Ohio, and midwest, that was very good, but not done often. Does this site do Premium chats ?

I'm still not a twitter account holder, and know a lot of info is put out there as well, so that's another thought.
People send me emails. Most of them seem to be pretty accurate. It's free, and I have to read my email anyway.
In sure it's nice. Interesting though that the two biggest pieces of recent news (Russo and the new commit) broke here first.
No offense, but it's not worth it. This board however is worth exactly what is paid for it, maybe less.
Count down to NSD is when it is at its best. With the coaching change also comes a shift in recruiting direction, making this years content even more interesting. Well worth it to me.
If you don't find recruiting news interesting...and I don't care other than "is it generally going well or not?"...then it's really not worth it. If you are really into recruiting, then I'd say go for it. They do a very good job covering it.

I also only come here to talk RU at a very superficial level and BS with fellow fans, so "better" convo doesn't entice me to spend the money either. Plus, I actually love when things get out of control now and then on the board...trolls, high-post count fights, bannings, crazy OTs., etc.
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People send me emails. Most of them seem to be pretty accurate. It's free, and I have to read my email anyway.

If someone sent me free info I would definitely read it so I am not questioning that. However, I just find it curious that someone actually reads the pay board(s) as well as the free sites, gathers the info, compiles it and then send out an email. Do you pay for this service or is it just a way for the author to feel self important and connected? Weird.

BTW - You are not talking about TV's email are you?
I had it for many years and after losing a credit card and getting a new one, I simply never felt like putting the information back in and forgot about it. Until now.

I don't really miss the content. I like being somewhat surprised with this recruiting stuff and it all changes so much that I am simply of the mind to wake me up in Feb.

However, the one thing making consider getting it again is to be able to stay off of this board. It's really the only reason for me. This board is filled with realllllly dumb people. I'm astounded at the idiocy I see posted here now. It wasn't always like that. I am guessing the board on the pay site, has some better posters. Like most things you pay to be a part of.
Not sure when you dropped out, but the caliber of discussion on the RT has really taken a ding in recent years. Especially the last 3. Hopefully it was just the Flood Factor. As with the program, I'm hopeful to see it improve.

Plus, it seems we have more rival fans on the RT than in the past. Usually not a problem, in fact most of the time it's a bonus. But there was a psu contingent that was particularly obnoxious, esp. for an RU paid board. I think JO put the kibosh on that - it's been quiet for a while.
I have had premium for years and I love the content the mods provide!

Now, with Ash and Co, there have been a number of surprises recruiting-wise, and the mods have been updating us on all the new news

Also, it keeps me off the free board most of the time, so that helps me keep what little sanity I have as a Rutgers fan
It has nothing to with how "successful" a person is financially. Like any other purchase (like satellite radio or cable TV), it is a value choice. For some, they see the value of Premium, and they gladly pay for it. For others, they are content with the free board and other sources of information or don't care enough to pay for the content on Premium. No need to cast stones at the folks who don't opt for Premium.
If you love Rutgers football and can afford it, premium is worth it. I will admit though that the 2 boards have very different flavors and I enjoy engaging in both.

If you love Rutgers football you could donate the money you pay for your subscription right to the football program. You can get the same news on Twitter immediately or at and other papers/websites a day later sometimes sooner.

Premium is only good for telling you the stars are aligning when in reality the sky fell a few days later.
It has nothing to with how "successful" a person is financially. Like any other purchase (like satellite radio or cable TV), it is a value choice. For some, they see the value of Premium, and they gladly pay for it. For others, they are content with the free board and other sources of information or don't care enough to pay for the content on Premium. No need to cast stones at the folks who don't opt for Premium.

I'm not casting stones at them for that but fair enough.
You can get the same news on Twitter immediately or at and other papers/websites a day later sometimes sooner.

I don't want to sound like a sycophant for premium but that's not really close to being true. Longtime board members would agree. And this is coming from someone who has been banned by John O. and other mods (never Bobby,Shawn or Matt Hladik, though) from posting here for weeks at at time on multiple occasions in the past 15 years.
I don't want to sound like a sycophant for premium but that's not really close to being true. Longtime board members would agree. And this is coming from someone who had been banned from posting here for weeks at at time multiple times in the last 15 years.

Can we trust advice from someone so emotionally erratic that they have to be banned from an Internet message board multiple times?

I kid.

I think many people who have premium now are more inclined to keep it just to support the mods; who do a very good job by the way.

A simple Twitter list can organize recruiting news nearly as effective imo. No hard feelings.

I don't regret dropping premium sometime in 2013. But, premium was a much more pleasant place to post. I think switching to this board impacted my level of civility. My bad lol
The value of premium has nothing to do with breaking the news of commits/decommits etc first. The weekly ask-the-staff threads and "fat cat" posts are worth the $10 a month alone. Not to mention the messageboard is actually somewhat civilized.
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The value of premium has nothing to do with breaking the news of commits/decommits etc first. The weekly ask-the-staff threads and "fat cat" posts are worth the $10 a month alone. Not to mention the messageboard is actually somewhat civilized.

How many premium users are there a little over 1,000? ~$100 a year each give or take? That's $100K a year for Rutgers Football if donated. I'd contribute to that "Scarlet Nation Fund" even as freeboard user now.
Not sure when you dropped out, but the caliber of discussion on the RT has really taken a ding in recent years. Especially the last 3. Hopefully it was just the Flood Factor. As with the program, I'm hopeful to see it improve.

Plus, it seems we have more rival fans on the RT than in the past. Usually not a problem, in fact most of the time it's a bonus. But there was a psu contingent that was particularly obnoxious, esp. for an RU paid board. I think JO put the kibosh on that - it's been quiet for a while.

Alot of it was the Flood factor, it was really bad as the two sides of the fanbases couldn't get along with each other, such a divisive era that even the paid administrators just didn't think he could get it done.
10 friggin bucks another example of why we are last in donations in the BIG. Some team boards are all premium and they have a boatload of people on it. We are so cheap as a fanbase it took us this long to get over 1 billion on our endowment. The difference between the big boys and us is not just in the football field and in the trophy case it's in $$$$ also. I'm not talking about TV money.
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If someone sent me free info I would definitely read it so I am not questioning that. However, I just find it curious that someone actually reads the pay board(s) as well as the free sites, gathers the info, compiles it and then send out an email. Do you pay for this service or is it just a way for the author to feel self important and connected? Weird.

BTW - You are not talking about TV's email are you?

It's not an "info gathering exercise". The emails contain direct information.
10 friggin bucks another example of why we are last in donations in the BIG. Some team boards are all premium and they have a boatload of people on it. We are so cheap as a fanbase it took us this long to get over 1 billion on our endowment. The difference between the big boys and us is not just in the football field and in the trophy case it's in $$$$ also. I'm not talking about TV money.

One has nothing to do with the other. I donate to RU and I've had 4 season tix on the lower sideline for over ten years now, yet find 0 value in a subscription (I had one a long time ago).

I just plain don't give a crap that Ricky Recruit had a great time on his OV lol.
"What do you want for your birthday/Christmas/Father's Day, etc.?"

"I'd really love a premium subscription...."

Bada bing....
Serious question. Could/would this Free Board exist if the Premium Board folded.Is JO a philanthropist?
No it would not.

If you get premium one month a year, this would be the month to get it. New names every day on the trail. And you can hear about how the mods really felt about Flood.
Serious question. Could/would this Free Board exist if the Premium Board folded.Is JO a philanthropist?

The free board preceded the premium board. There was undoubtedly a change in the economics of running the board after the Rivals / Yahoo takeover, but the free board is largely monetized by Yahoo's advertising. Without the Premium board, what would go away would be the paid writers. Once upon a time, there were no paid writers, we did it for free.

The reality is that the dynamics are ever-changing in the world of internet media. In spite of what some might think or claim, there's just as much information to be gleaned from following all the relevant people on social media as there is from reading a premium recruiting site. Sometimes the scoop breaks on the paid sites, sometimes the scoop breaks on Twitter. It's a toss up, but it's tilting in the general direction of the latter. And eventually, something else will come along, some other dynamic, some shift in the paradigm, that changes everything all over again.

For my part, I don't spend the money because I don't see the value. There's plenty of free information out there. At the end of the day, the reliability of any of it is questionable, anyway, because you're still talking about an effort to track and decipher the decision-making processes of children - and sometimes their overly greedy and intrusive parents. It's a crapshoot, no matter how you go about it.
10 friggin bucks another example of why we are last in donations in the BIG. Some team boards are all premium and they have a boatload of people on it. We are so cheap as a fanbase it took us this long to get over 1 billion on our endowment. The difference between the big boys and us is not just in the football field and in the trophy case it's in $$$$ also. I'm not talking about TV money.

But not making that big TV money for the last 20 years didnt help either
In sure it's nice. Interesting though that the two biggest pieces of recent news (Russo and the new commit) broke here first.

I touched on this yesterday. Unlike some others, I understand John O's policy does not allow a commit or decommit to be posted by the writers until it's verified. That can take some time but it's in the recruits and to a much lesser degree subscribers best interest. Given the choice between waiting an extra hour or two or getting the post commit content Bobby and Shawn provide, I'll take the later.

I'd never tell someone how to spend their money. What I will say is things like ATS, FatCat Friday, Throwback Thursday, articles, and feedback from the writers are well worth the $10 to me.
I touched on this yesterday. Unlike some others, I understand John O's policy does not allow a commit or decommit to be posted by the writers until it's verified. That can take some time but it's in the recruits and to a much lesser degree subscribers best interest. Given the choice between waiting an extra hour or two or getting the post commit content Bobby and Shawn provide, I'll take the later.

I'd never tell someone how to spend their money. What I will say is things like ATS, FatCat Friday, Throwback Thursday, articles, and feedback from the writers are well worth the $10 to me.
Another really cool feature that you can't find elsewhere - Ask The Staff: Guest Edition.

Usually former players. Always interesting.

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