Transitive property


Heisman Winner
Aug 2, 2001
I know it doesn't really work, but after watching two teams that simply destroyed us get themselves destroyed yesterday, one just has to wonder.
The void between the #1 & 2 teams and the 3 & 4 is huge.
No - tOSU's freshman will be sophomores next year - that team is so stacked and they will only get better.
It's all match ups. OSU will be back there next year too many young guns in the lineup to handle the Big Stage
At first glance, I though you said transvestite property. lol. just my dyslexia kicking in:flushed:o_O:joy:
We lost to Iowa 14-7. Iowa beat Michigan. Therefore we were pretty even with Michigan. Too bad we didn't play them this year.

Iowa also lost to NDSU, who lost to (among others), SDSU, who lost to Cal Poly and Weber. I guess we're even with them too.
RU beat New Mexico,who beat Wyoming,who beat Boise St.,who beat Wash St.,who beat Stanford,who beat USC.So I guess,we've finally fulfilled Al's dream of being the USC of the East.
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RU beat New Mexico,who beat Wyoming,who beat Boise St.,who beat Wash St.,who beat Stanford,who beat USC.So I guess,we've finally fulfilled Al's dream of being the USC of the East.
And USC beat Washington, so clearly we are better than Washington.
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RU beat New Mexico,who beat Wyoming,who beat Boise St.,who beat Wash St.,who beat Stanford,who beat USC.So I guess,we've finally fulfilled Al's dream of being the USC of the East.

Al will be doing cartwheels down his street right now. Dreamers Lane.