Two B1G Teams In Playoff-Rutgers small role

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore
Looking pretty good, provided Wisconsin wins out and gets to the B1G championship.
Path 1:
Ohio State has a path if they beat MIchigan even if Penn State Wins Out and goes to B1G championship.

From the West, Wisconsin has a path if they win out (they have Purdue and Minnesota left), and they win the B1G championship. That would put tOSU and Wisconsin in the CFP.

Path 2:
Ohio State beats Michigan.
Penn State wins out, goes to the championship and wins--they should be in. That would likely exclude the B1G West team, which would have 3 losses.
That SHOULD get Penn State and tOSU in.

Path 3:
Michigan beats Ohio State. Michigan goes to the B1G championship and loses to Wisconsin.
Likely puts tOSU and Michigan in the CFP?

All of this assumes that Penn State, tOSU and Michigan don't pull a Louisville and choke.

RU has an odd role in somewhat keeping Washington out of the picture because we are part of their very week out of conference schedule.

We can further help the B1G by knocking off Penn State tonight and clearing the path for tOSU and Michigan, provided they don't choke in their games today.