Unwanted magazine subs


All American
Gold Member
Dec 17, 2008
Aliso Viejo, CA
I literally received about 10 different new mags over the last 2 weeks. I did not order any of these... Any suggestions on what to do or what is going on? If they were at least XXX there would be something to look at lol.
TP? that's what they used to use in the old out houses before commercial toilet paper.
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I filled out a handful of those magazine subscription cards and selected "bill me later" after you called me a name during the MSU game [cheers] I deserved it lol
When I go to expo shows, ie boat show, golf show, etc... I fill out the forms with my buddies name, number, & email.

He gets bombarded with calls & solicitations. He has no idea its me...
One year I filled out a dating form with my brother-in-law's name. Didn't go over too well when they called and my sister-in-law answered the phone. :chairshot: