Three things.The only law schools in New Jersey are Rutgers and Seton Hall. There are other Big Ten universities with law schools in satellite locations -- like here, it doesn't work well.
I don't know anything about what Holloway thinks. It would cost well over $100 million-- maybe $200 million or more -- to build a law school building. I don't know where the money would come from. There is now a single dean for both Camden and Newark, but I know of nothing that indicates that she would want a New Brunswick law school instead. Nor do I know if political considerations would let Holloway, in effect, kill the Newark and Camden law schools. Holloway is not a lawyer and his background makes me think he considered law school and rejected it,and so legal education may not be something he cares about. But at least he is not a medical doctor like Barchi, and we know what doctors think of lawyers -- and vice versa!
One, I don't know why it has to be a question of if-or. There are multiple schools at Rutgers that are cross-campus. There is no reason that a New Brunswick addition to the school couldn't be opened with enough investment and *without* killing off the Newark\Camden. It would just be similar to the Business School, and could theoretically increase the school's profile without harming the other two.
Two, there's already a perfect space on campus for it, behind the livi apartments next to the yellow lot. Giant, undeveloped plot next to an underutilized parking lot.
Three, the bar exam is a test of minimum competency. Seems reasonable.