Was Flood investigation limited to the Barnwell matter?


All Conference
Gold Member
May 12, 2005
Does anyone know whether Rutgers or the law firm are doing more extensive document and email review on whether Flood did anything else to warrant any sort of punishment?
Have wondered the same thing - for at least 2 reasons -

(1.) in the beginning of the publicity about this Flood did make some comment about having frequent interaction / communication with many different faculty members.

(2.) in the text of the investigation document there was a statement that " on May 28th - academic advisor #1 had discussed a number of students - and the situation of the particular student (Barnwell)" One would wonder if the investigators were requested to at least do a follow-up on some of this to verify that there were no other situations that would suddenly become major issues.

In the investigation document it does say that Flood stated that this was the only situation like this that he was every involved with - he had never before spoken to a professor about a player's grade.

So this matter pretty much seems like it is concluded - Flood comes back (humbled but not terminated) & his survival will virtually entirely depend upon his ability to produce a respectable season on the field.
goodness--read barchi's interview--its over--never ANY RU issue with flood and these arrests
There was another former player who was arrested...he was in and off the the team a few times....I think flood also made him an assistant on the team to preserve his scholarship status....his scholarship was eventual revolked by the seemed to me that Flood showed this athlete remarkable loyalty....I was thinking that Flood may have kept this person close to the program due to some refraction revelations that could be ecposed of he were cut from team....imho speculation
the report was specific to Barnwell. it said it was it was a unique situation

I think the assumption is, even if there were other minor issues of some sort of contact (as long as it wasn't secret meetings set up through private email), - then the punishment has been served, the message as been sent that the coach can't help and no further punishment would be given.

but, i think the OP touches on probably the worst part --- KF/ RU has no room for even minor infractions.... even the smallest mistake will get blown out of proportion..... In the end, this will probably be the ultimate end to KF not the W-L record.
The NCAA compliance review is not being conducted by the NCAA. It is being conducted by RU and its outside counsel, who will opine as to whether an NCAA violation has occurred. If they conclude that it has, they will no doubt self-report. As noted above, it is very much on.
Huge leap of faith here - but will suspect that the outside counsel that conducted this just-concluded investigation had formed at least some basic understanding of the degree to which all of this might be an NCAA violation .... and if there going to be really, really grave consequences, there would have been a stronger move on Flood.
Huge leap of faith here - but will suspect that the outside counsel that conducted this just-concluded investigation had formed at least some basic understanding of the degree to which all of this might be an NCAA violation .... and if there going to be really, really grave consequences, there would have been a stronger move on Flood.

It's much less of a leap of faith once you understand that NCAA investigators were in the room with RU's outside counsel for all interviews.
It's much less of a leap of faith once you understand that NCAA investigators were in the room with RU's outside counsel for all interviews.

Were the NCAA investigators in the room investigators from the NCAA or investigators from Rutgers' NCAA audit team?
Was this thread started by one of the Star Ledger DB's? If not why is it necessary to self-flagellate?
People keep mentioning UNC but I think since then the NCAA is attempting to be more vigilant. Listen, just because it didn't happen at one school doesn't mean another will be treated the same. Just assume the worst can happen and be happy when something less occurs. It's like NASCAR...the punishments are just kind of made on the fly.
Given the clusterf*ck at Penn State on Sat night, I implore the RU investigators not to give up and start researching other potential improprieties by Flood.