Does anyone know whether Rutgers or the law firm are doing more extensive document and email review on whether Flood did anything else to warrant any sort of punishment?
Investigation has concluded.Does anyone know whether Rutgers or the law firm are doing more extensive document and email review on whether Flood did anything else to warrant any sort of punishment?
Investigation has concluded.
Investigation has concluded.
Except for the NCAA compliance review.
They'll look into it right after investigating the 20 years academic/athletic fraud at UNC
Huge leap of faith here - but will suspect that the outside counsel that conducted this just-concluded investigation had formed at least some basic understanding of the degree to which all of this might be an NCAA violation .... and if there going to be really, really grave consequences, there would have been a stronger move on Flood.
It's much less of a leap of faith once you understand that NCAA investigators were in the room with RU's outside counsel for all interviews.
Were the NCAA investigators in the room investigators from the NCAA or investigators from Rutgers' NCAA audit team?
They were NCAA personnel.
"Does anyone know whether Rutgers or the law firm are doing more extensive document and email review ..."Except for the NCAA compliance review.