Watch out for a sick coyote tonight

All kidding aside , I saw the damn coyote about half hour after Drexel game ended in Rac Parking lot after game. Luckily I was in my car but the coyote seemed rabid as it was moving Psychotically. Half a minute later when I wasnt in car it could have spotted me and bit me. I initially thought it was a fox
Most likely distemper and not rabies. Still a bite would hurt and its best avoided
All kidding aside , I saw the damn coyote about half hour after Drexel game ended in Rac Parking lot after game. Luckily I was in my car but the coyote seemed rabid as it was moving Psychotically. Half a minute later when I wasnt in car it could have spotted me and bit me. I initially thought it was a fox

Hope you don't have rabies Phil :)
If you are near the coyote and you see anything with an ACME label on it RUN THE OTHER WAY!!! Beep Beep
One coyote? A pack of 6 strutted down our street here last night. I see one or more all the time on the golf courses here. Families are warned not to let pets run free. Rabbits are in abundance so coyotes pose no threats to humans, just the bunnies.
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