I cannot disagree with any of these comments, and I often compare the team to Bill Murray's squadron in Stripes -- "Are these my men?" "No, THESE are your men" (with John Candy running into the woods and the other guy falling on the log right on his nuts). But, consider the following:
Bill Murray's guys ended up getting the great gig, and the girls, and
These guys have only known playing on lousy teams -- they have to bust their butt, constantly, just to get the crappy results they've been getting. Nothing has been handed to them, nor are they full of themselves. They will do anything they can to get better, and they are entirely coachable. That's why Belichick loves RU guys, and why the guys that do make it to the NFL are generally decent players, and those that don't often end up making strong leaders in the community.
It SUCKS, now -- this team is dreadful at competing with other teams. They are good guys, though, and I'm not going to pile it on. I'll continue to support them and to be patient.