We have a Quarterback.

Phenomenal is a stretch but I get it. Gio when healthy was doing good things.
And now he's healthy. And Gio to Lewis is an easier transition than Bolin to Lewis. I didn't like much how when asked about Lewis during the week Ash didn't say " you know we do have another QB."
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And now he's healthy. And Gio to Lewis is an easier transition than Bolin to Lewis. I didn't like much how when asked about Lewis during the week Ash didn't say " you know we do have another QB."
Exactly.. it's like he's been written off all of the sudden.. but a few weeks ago, the big QB battle was between Gio and Bolin. The program has ZERO loyalty to this kid, and if I were in his shoes, I'd transfer.
Bolin has been mediocre at best thus far, we may have a QB controversy brewing.
He's a one dimensional pocket passer who never runs, so the D sits back and covers . Hoping Lewis or Gio get some PT next week.
And now he's healthy. And Gio to Lewis is an easier transition than Bolin to Lewis. I didn't like much how when asked about Lewis during the week Ash didn't say " you know we do have another QB."
I disagree. Playing Bolin allows for Lewis to get some snaps this season to get his feet wet, maybe gets some mop up duty, and then Bolin's gone and Lewis steps in.

If Gio were to play pretty good ball, he could block Lewis next year. I fear that may have played into the decision.
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I disagree. Playing Bolin allows for Lewis to get some snaps this season to get his feet wet, maybe gets some mop up duty, and then Bolin's gone and Lewis steps in.

If Gio were to play pretty good ball, he could block Lewis next year. I fear that may have played into the decision.
Shouldn't the 'decision' be about playing the best player?? Gio goes in, we win games, and Lewis gets groomed. That's the way this should've gone down.
Shouldn't the 'decision' be about playing the best player?? Gio goes in, we win games, and Lewis gets groomed. That's the way this should've gone down.
I agree. My plan had Lewis redshirting this year, getting his feet wet next year.

But Ash is once again looking desperate trying to get a kid QB into the game. And then compounds the problem by not letting the kid QB throw the ball.
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Bolin is our efficient, ball protecting, minimize mistakes, get us in the right play, line is up correctly QB
CODE for: we lose again!

Ash keeps playing guys who can't run or throw, go figure
I agree. My plan had Lewis redshirting this year, getting his feet wet next year.

But Ash is once again looking desperate trying to get a kid QB into the game. And then compounds the problem by not letting the kid QB throw the ball.
Because Ash is severely under qualified for his position. It's as simple as that. I'm appalled that they burned Lewis's redshirt without any strategic consideration. They knew Bolin couldn't run, and really can't throw, so that leads me to believe that this was all political and a way to bait the fans into thinking they found an new savior. How about being loyal to the kids who have bled out on the field for you and developing the obvious talent they have. Again, a shortsighted and under qualified coach.
Bolin is our efficient, ball protecting, minimize mistakes, get us in the right play, line is up correctly QB
CODE for: we lose again!

Ash keeps playing guys who can't run or throw, go figure
If Bolin actually protected the ball and minimized mistakes I could maybe see it.

And that 4 yard throw with 29 seconds left? Why?
I disagree. Playing Bolin allows for Lewis to get some snaps this season to get his feet wet, maybe gets some mop up duty, and then Bolin's gone and Lewis steps in.

If Gio were to play pretty good ball, he could block Lewis next year. I fear that may have played into the decision.
So kind of what you're saying is it's more important to play Lewis than to win games.
Gio had exactly one good game against Minn.
I'm not one to declare the Gio is the answer.

But, he clearly has more physical tools then Brolin.

Overall story, playing Laviano AND Allen over Gio last year. Forced Oden into games he had no business getting into. Looking desperate again with Lewis this season. And the guy he picked to be QB this year just threw zero td's and 2 int's vs emu.

Forgive us if we question Ash on his QB decisions.
I'm not one to declare the Gio is the answer.

But, he clearly has more physical tools then Brolin.

Overall story, playing Laviano AND Allen over Gio last year. Forced Oden into games he had no business getting into. Looking desperate again with Lewis this season. And the guy he picked to be QB this year just threw zero td's and 2 int's vs emu.

Forgive us if we question Ash on his QB decisions.

Nah it's all good. You're right. Might as well try Gio. Maybe give them each a half next week.
I disagree. Playing Bolin allows for Lewis to get some snaps this season to get his feet wet, maybe gets some mop up duty, and then Bolin's gone and Lewis steps in.

If Gio were to play pretty good ball, he could block Lewis next year. I fear that may have played into the decision.
Exactly my thoughts
Remember his first play? Not buying the 'one good game' bit. Imagine if he had Grant to throw to.

During the game I did have the thought our best qb is going to sit on the bench until the season is lost again. Bolin is OK but the lack of running is killing us, and he seems to lock onto receivers. One play he faked the keep on a handoff and was all alone. Defenses don't even account for him running. The near pick six was telegraphed. On a quick out a qb should be able to look the other way, maybe even pump fake, and then turn to throw where he knows the receiver will be. Lewis does not look ready, if we want a change of pace it should be Gio.
Keep in mind, Bolin won over coaches AND his teammates. He was voted captain by the players after just a few months. What does that say for both Bolin/Gio?

I like a healthy Gio, but he didn't win over his peers as the incumbent either. So maybe we don't see everything the team does....
Keep in mind, Bolin won over coaches AND his teammates. He was voted captain by the players after just a few months. What does that say for both Bolin/Gio?

I like a healthy Gio, but he didn't win over his peers as the incumbent either. So maybe we don't see everything the team does....
And what leads you to believe that he didn't win over his peers?
Bolin and Gio are both good talents. It's on the coaching staff to put them in situations where they can succeed.
Bolin has been mediocre at best thus far, we may have a QB controversy brewing.
He's a one dimensional pocket passer who never runs, so the D sits back and covers . Hoping Lewis or Gio get some PT next week.

Bolin isn't playing any better than Laviano. If you think otherwise, you're lying to yourself. Bolin is on pace to throw 20 interceptions. He had a crappy completion percentage at Louisville and has a crappy completion percentage now.
Bolin and Gio are both good talents. It's on the coaching staff to put them in situations where they can succeed.
After watching Bolin the past 2 games, I disagree. He lacks the minimum talent, decision making skills to be a college level QB. And yes, the coaching staff should have Bolin on the bench and Gio winning games while working in Lewis.
Keep in mind, Bolin won over coaches AND his teammates. He was voted captain by the players after just a few months. What does that say for both Bolin/Gio?

I like a healthy Gio, but he didn't win over his peers as the incumbent either. So maybe we don't see everything the team does....
It is a good question. Did the players see the writing on the wall? So while bolin had not yet been named starter, it was obvious which way the coaching staff was heading?

Or maybe like Laviano, Bolin just has that personality? The ability to walk in and act the role of starter, be the leader, he did all his homework, knew the playbook back and front?

From what I have seen though, is that Gio clearly has more physical tools. Stronger physically, bigger arm, better runner.
Bolin isn't playing any better than Laviano. If you think otherwise, you're lying to yourself. Bolin is on pace to throw 20 interceptions. He had a crappy completion percentage at Louisville and has a crappy completion percentage now.
And what leads you to believe that he didn't win over his peers?
Bolin was voted a team captain by the team, not the coaches. QBs are generally leaders of teams, so if Gio did more during practice, workouts etc. Why didn't his teammates vote him for captain over a new transfer? If Gio was better;teammates could have voiced their opinion by naming him captain regardless of coaches choice of starter.
the staff the staff fell in love with Bolens pedigree I said last year that at least we have our quarterback for next year and people laughed at me. Go is good and will only get better

I think at least with Gio we have a chance. People forget we came close to beating a few good teams last year with Gio.

Start Gio and start working Lewis into the game..........Or else get used to playing in front of an empty stadium.