"We snuck into a Rutgers football game without tickets or student IDs"

Tango Two

Aug 21, 2001
North Brunswick, New Jersey
Everyone told us it couldn’t be done

When we told people we couldn’t get tickets to a Rutgers game, and that we’d show up and just see what happens, they said that we were crazy to even think of trying. But within two minutes of coming up with a game plan we were past the gates of the Highpoint Solutions stadium celebrating our free and unnoticed entry into a Scarlet Knights game.
A Texas fan I know snuck on the field when we played them awhile back. Pretty funny story how it went down. He has the helmet of a Texas player to prove it.
Snuck into BB games all the time in the mid 70s. Watched the first half on channel 52 then drove to the Barn and walked in with all the smokers who had a smoke by the entrance during halftme.
True story?
Have you seen the Sammy Hagar show on AXS TV where he interviews and jams with Mickey Hart and Bob Weir? Pretty good stuff. Did not realize Mickey Hart was such a student of percussion.

Yes true. Don't gets AXS anymore on my local cable. As a guitarist I really enjoyed their programming
The guy that blows up peoples posts when it was made before by posting a link to the original thread.... starts a post about something already talked about a while ago.... classic.
Well the jokes on him because for $6 he could of had pretty good seats. To see the catastrophe up close.
Big deal. The Michigan game was such a blowout you could waltz in during the 2nd half and security wouldn't care.
Hey, Eleni and Josh, let us know when you bang strippers while doing blow off their asses in the men's room.

Freakin' rookies.
Working for a sports team, these stories never surprise me. I enjoy seeing the stories of the college kids dressing up and sneaking down to court/field level that seem to come out once or twice a year. Kind of scary just how bad security at sporting events can be at times.