What i Dont get about Ash


All Conference
Gold Member
Sep 21, 2013
It happened in the Washington game and i feel like it made a statement - punting from THEIR side of the 40 yard line on 4th and 1. Ash has done it a few times since then, maybe not in as obvious situations, but it shows zero faith in the O-Line and puts the defense on the field more time than necessary if you make the first down

Now, down 27-0, with nothing to lose , we have 4th and 1 from our 30 yard line and Ash is punting. He is basically conceding the game and hoping to keep it from becoming a 50-0 blowout?? What good does that do?? has to be even more demoralizing for the team if the coach is quitting on the game, why should the players continue to play hard. And just like Washington, Indy will probably march down the field for a TD and make the call even more head-scratching

I am all for giving Ash more time to build the program, but decisions like this make it really hard to root for him on Saturdays
i would think if Ash can lose only 34-0 he should tall the officials to call the game so it doesnt get to 50-0

sometimes being TOO CONSERVATIVE can be risky
Rain Delay has been our best offensive play of the day !!!!
What has the offense showed Ash that he should have faith in them?

Our best player is our punter. So Ash is going to put him out there when he can.
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This season was about a few wins and no PTSD routs. Going ok imo
It happened in the Washington game and i feel like it made a statement - punting from THEIR side of the 40 yard line on 4th and 1. Ash has done it a few times since then, maybe not in as obvious situations, but it shows zero faith in the O-Line and puts the defense on the field more time than necessary if you make the first down

Now, down 27-0, with nothing to lose , we have 4th and 1 from our 30 yard line and Ash is punting. He is basically conceding the game and hoping to keep it from becoming a 50-0 blowout?? What good does that do?? has to be even more demoralizing for the team if the coach is quitting on the game, why should the players continue to play hard. And just like Washington, Indy will probably march down the field for a TD and make the call even more head-scratching

I am all for giving Ash more time to build the program, but decisions like this make it really hard to root for him on Saturdays
Unless the game is on the line and this is your last chance to win the game...I don't see a situation where you aren't punting on 4th down from your own 30
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The game WAS on the line, they needed a yard. They were playing for a potential bowl. What is the risk/reward of going for it on 4th and 1 Midway in the 3rd quarter down 27-0

How can the players want to put themselves out there when the Coach has already given up
It's old school meathead conservative thinking.

Despite the massive amount of evidence that it is usually a better risk to go for it on 4th Down, in general, your are going to be shouted down around here.

One of my main critisms of Ash - this line of conservative thinking.
People kill me for saying it, but Ash coaches scared. He's so worried about the offense making a mistake, he doesn't allow them to do anything that would put his team in a better position. He would legitimately be happy running the ball every single play if he could.

Chris Ash should go coach Army or Navy if he wants to run and never pass.
I said it in a other thread - going from DM to Kill is proof positive Ash is scared.

He wanted "an exciting offense that will score points". Then he (and the fanbase) got scared and weak after it doesnt immediately work and hire a slow conservative run first offensive coordinator.

He should have stuck to his plan and said "these kids were not recruited for this offense. It is going to take time to to get kids who fit and get the players in shape to run up tempo and learn the new concepts and terminology. We expected to be bad in year one. Trust me. In year 2-3-4 we are going to be rolling."

Sadly, he and the fans got scared and panicked and for some reason declared "winning in 2017 is all that matters.
We need an offense that only runs because we that's all we can do currently."
People kill me for saying it, but Ash coaches scared. He's so worried about the offense making a mistake, he doesn't allow them to do anything that would put his team in a better position. He would legitimately be happy running the ball every single play if he could.

Chris Ash should go coach Army or Navy if he wants to run and never pass.
This season was about a few wins and no PTSD routs. Going ok imo

I'm surprised you say that. To me, this was a rout. Whatever else might happen next week,I don't want the season to end with three lopsided losses and we have two already no matter what happens in the resumed game.
I'm surprised you say that. To me, this was a rout. Whatever else might happen next week,I don't want the season to end with three lopsided losses and we have two already no matter what happens in the resumed game.

Oh no doubt its a rout. Its just not a PTSD rout like 78-0 where national media is making fun of RU like they were last year. People will remember 78-0 years and years after this game is forgotten
True enough, the players gave up on the game after Ash refused to go for it

Teams take the identity of their Head Coach - when your Coach quits on you, it comes right back at ya
I was very irritated by the decision to punt, 4th and 3 on their 40 when it was 20-0. You need POINTS there!

Not to mention there were only 36 seconds on the clock. You have to figure even if you don't convert on 4th and turn it over on downs, Indiana is perhaps going to just sit on it with fewer than 30 seconds left and be content going into halftime with a 20 point lead. They probably don't want to risk a turnover such as a pick 6 to give Rutgers any momentum going in.
What I don't understand is why Indiana could complete passes underneath and have their guys run for first downs in space while we apparently can't do that They had a drive on which I swear they converted two or maybe three third-and-long situations with those short passes.
watching the Navy/ND game...... in the short time I viewed I saw Navy go for fourth down at least 3 times...... I think one of the tries was an 8 yarder or so....and they converted

at least they did not use the, Oh Notre Dame is so good, pin them back, line of we did against Washington ourselves.....

possibly this comes from Navy playing ND just about every year and thus having less respect for them, despite any ND ranking., in the third quarter, they chickened out, tried a field goal, and failed....probably because it is getting late in the game where 3 pts might be big.
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watching the Navy/ND game...... in the short time I viewed I saw Navy go for fourth down at least 3 times...... I think one of the tries was an 8 yarder or so....and they converted

at least they did not use the, Oh Notre Dame is so good, pin them back, line of we did against Washington ourselves.....

possibly this comes from Navy playing ND just about every year and thus having less respect for them, despite any ND ranking., in the third quarter, they chickened out, tried a field goal, and failed....probably because it is getting late in the game where 3 pts might be big.
I think they've consistently done that since Paul Johson's time at least. I think it's a percentages thing to which I'm guessing the article above alludes. Mike Leach is similar in that line of thinking IIRC.
Say what you want about his off-field issues, but I would take Kyle Flood as a GAME DAY coach over both Ash or Schiano any day. You can say all you want about winning with Greg's players, but Greg never won with Greg's players

Flood put a decent product on the field both in 2012 and 2014 and I would have to think long and hard to remember any head scratching decisions he made during games. He was always an advocate of going for it on 4th downs, because he was a players coach who was confident in his players and that permeated thru to his team. Ash and Nieman have done a decent job with the defense, especially with the injuries, but playing Not to Make Mistakes is no way to win going forward and wikll only result in the players being too tight

There was an old adage that Rutgers usually performed poorly in its first games of the season under Schiano because he ran such a brutal pre-season camp that players were both exhausted and petrified to make mistakes. With Flood, players would run thru a wall for him. I know that Ash doesnt have Greg's micro-manager personality style, but he needs to start permeating some of that confidence into the offense
He’s an ok recruiter and an average coach. There’s nothing to get. That’s it.
I'll give you OK recruiter. Not even an average coach. The absolute worst thing you can say about any coach is that his kids quit on him. THOSE KIDS QUIT ON HIM TODAY.
I could swear I read right here -- or maybe it was the Rutgers Football Facebook page? -- that we were going to waltz into Indiana and not only cover the insulting 11-point spread but win outright.

Look, I totally understood playing too close to the vest against any of the four teams that combined to beat us 224-0 last year. 35-6 is a lot less demoralizing for the players and less difficult for the fans to digest. But this is Indiana, and you are in position to qualify for a bowl. You can't send that message to your players. You just can't.
I don't get how Ash can't motivate this team for this game. They looked completely unprepared and uninspired today. Indiana looked like Alabama against us. INDIANA!

When we entered this league, I never thought Indiana would be blowing us out. What the hell happened?
We have a garbage QB, and you guys are criticizing the coaching staff for being too conservative lol.

This board, I swear, is filled with some of the lowest IQ fans I've ever seen on a message board.
We have a garbage QB, and you guys are criticizing the coaching staff for being too conservative lol.

This board, I swear, is filled with some of the lowest IQ fans I've ever seen on a message board.

When you are in plus territory with a 4th and short scenario, down by multiple scores, it's not the worst idea to take a shot and go for it.

Ash on if/when he decides to go for it on 4th down has been questionable all season long.
This is what happens when you hire an inexperienced defensive guy. As with Schiano, once all the good teams leave the conference we will improve to ‘average.’

HCCA doesnt seem to know that you can’t score if you dont try.