What improved the most last night


Mar 7, 2022
Everyone will have different takes, but in my opinion two things rose to the forefront. On one of Underwood’s early timeouts when they fell down double digits my friend in the seat next to me leaned in and asked “what do you tell your team in this chaos”. I said look where Rutgers is hurting you, if I’m Underwood they’re killing you with offensive movement so remind your team of their base defense (ie switch screens vs not, who has who, communication etc) and tell your team to take care of the basketball cause they were turning it over too much.

Then it occurred to me, like @fluoxetine said, we have offensive sets it’s just do we execute them. Last night, especially early, we executed offensively. And as for d that was the most connected I’ve seen them for long stretches defensively all year. Created turnovers and Def led to offense led to the RAC magic being back. Nice win RU! Keep it up.