who is dumb enough to put this in an email??


A lot of the things Flood does is head scratching. And that's not even including the QB situation under his watch...
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"I am sending it from my personal email to ensure there will be no public vetting of the correspondence"

what a moron. who puts ther intent to violate a rule in writing?
THAT is the single biggest indictment of the entire situation. What an unbelievable foolish thing to do. No wonder he was an OLINE coach...Coach BLOCKhead. (I am breaking my own rule about not calling names but I have to make an exception here)
I was appalled at the 3 game suspension. Then I read the report. Unfortunately, sounds about right.

He basically admitted in the email that he was violating policy, knowingly met with the teacher after being told not to, and then admitted to editing Barnwell's paper.

WTF is he thinking??? There are people for all of this. Why is the HC sticking his neck out on this??? I retract a lot of shit I said on this topic. I can't believe he was this dumb.
Jeez!?! What a dumpster fire.

He told the prof he didn't wear his RU gear so as not to be recognized!?

I'll only give him a pass if he dressed up as a big penis and told the professor to tell anyone that asked that he was being interviewed by the SL.
Another dumbass who intended on breaking the rules and should have employed a "fall guy". What other head football coach would do this?
In my opinion, he probably should -- and almost certainly will -- be fired at the end of the year, if for nothing else than for his abject stupidity, as evidenced by the report, which is devastating. And that's giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was merely secretive and clueless here, as opposed to consciously intimidating and nefarious.
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The stupidity of that statement should be enough on its own to justify a for cause firing. It is pretty obvious at this point to any objective observer that he is a nice guy who is just in over his head. If there is such a thing as a mercy firing, I think this situation screams for its use. Going forward, I wish only the best for him and his family, but not as an employee of Rutgers.
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The cluelessness exhibited by KF in this email is a clear indictment of his qualifications to organize and lead a girl scout cookie drive let alone an organization of 100+ players and employees generating tens of millions of dollars a year in revenue.
It reminds me of watergate, yes I'm old enough to remember that, and the missing tapes. How sad that KF got caught up in all this. The pressure to win was just too much I guess. But I do blame these players, maybe brought in unqualified to attend Rutgers, but the body slamming and breaking and entering is not on KF, except for the fact we are bringing in the wrong kinds of student athletes. In my opinion.
And the clandestine meeting at Princeton, and not wearing Rutgers apparel, so they wouldn't be noticed, Yikes! Maybe Flood should go, and I've been a big fan of KF. But it sounds like he may have lost it.
He did all this with knowledge Barnwell was involved in a fight that was being investigated.
I'm not saying he knew Barnwell's roll in the fight or even if he will be found guilty, but he knew, he reported the fight himself
He did all this with knowledge Barnwell was involved in a fight that was being investigated.
I'm not saying he knew Barnwell's roll in the fight or even if he will be found guilty, but he knew, he reported the fight himself

Flood did? Really?
A man of integrity though, right? RIGHT?!!! .............. {rolls eyes}
It conjures up the image of KF sitting on a park bench in Princeton with a sweatshirt that has a Block R in the middle of a circle with a line through it!
Lol, if it wasn't so pitiful it would be funny. I'm a playwright, I think there's a play here, lol. Can't wait to start writing it.
Towers and his propaganda machine have been backed into a corner, but I'm sure they're conjuring something. Don't disappoint us guys!!!
He did all this with knowledge Barnwell was involved in a fight that was being investigated.
I'm not saying he knew Barnwell's roll in the fight or even if he will be found guilty, but he knew, he reported the fight himself

He was told something happened and reported up the chain but he was not told who was involved.
He'd have to have his head in the sand to not have found out which current players could be affected

I agree. What major college football coach would not have had some type of connections and received at least some general heads-up to the legal issues? So either Flood knew something was up with Barnwell and still went through all the nonsense for him, or he has absolutely no juice at all and looks clueless on top of being an idiot.

Through all of this all I really want to know is if Flood borrowed his disguise from Fred Hill Jr?
I agree. What major college football coach would not have had some type of connections and received at least some general heads-up to the legal issues? So either Flood knew something was up with Barnwell and still went through all the nonsense for him, or he has absolutely no juice at all and looks clueless on top of being an idiot.

Through all of this all I really want to know is if Flood borrowed his disguise from Fred Hill Jr?
He could have found out from his own players, they might have said they did nothing wrong but he certainly could have found out. I find it impossible to believe he didn't know.
Jeez!?! What a dumpster fire.

He told the prof he didn't wear his RU gear so as not to be recognized!?

I'll only give him a pass if he dressed up as a big penis and told the professor to tell anyone that asked that he was being interviewed by the SL.

I know it's State Penn game week but no need to bring up their coach in this....Franklin has the market cornered on looking like a big penis head.
How the hell does he have time to do the kids homework? Editing papers, are you kidding me. He should be analyzing Defenses that use press corners in his spare time and see if he could use it on his team. Does he do the homework for the other 105 kids? It is kind of mind blowing when you think about it. The guy has to manage a muli million dollar operation and he is in the nuts and bolts of writing and reviewing papers.
Also, as a manager (football or business) you have to get rid of people that cause you problems time after time. They will always bring you down.
"I am sending it from my personal email to ensure there will be no public vetting of the correspondence"

what a moron. who puts ther intent to violate a rule in writing?

Did anyone release the full text of the email Flood sent ??
You never know what the clowns at the NCAA might do about this. Or even Big 10. Seriously. You never know.
"I am sending it from my personal email to ensure there will be no public vetting of the correspondence"

what a moron. who puts ther intent to violate a rule in writing?
I know you all don't care what I think but...

You have just cause to fire him, I would, but start with getting a new ad first. Rooting for you against psu
How the hell does he have time to do the kids homework? Editing papers, are you kidding me. He should be analyzing Defenses that use press corners in his spare time and see if he could use it on his team. Does he do the homework for the other 105 kids? It is kind of mind blowing when you think about it. The guy has to manage a muli million dollar operation and he is in the nuts and bolts of writing and reviewing papers.
Also, as a manager (football or business) you have to get rid of people that cause you problems time after time. They will always bring you down.

Scary part is he did the paper and the kid still didn't pass.
He should be fired just for being this stupid.. Breaking the rules are just icing on the cake.
The stupidity of that statement should be enough on its own to justify a for cause firing////////////

Hard to argue with. Incognito meeting?

How do you hold out a hc as a shaper of young men when they knowingly violate academic rules.

The more I think on this I reflect on whether I would allow one of my employees to continue after this willful act.
The stupidity of that statement should be enough on its own to justify a for cause firing////////////

Hard to argue with. Incognito meeting?

How do you hold out a hc as a shaper of young men when they knowingly violate academic rules.

The more I think on this I reflect on whether I would allow one of my employees to continue after this willful act.
I have seen some stupid and sinister things in my life and career but this one takes the prize. Just show how amateur his idiot is. First rule when you are doing things you don't want people to find out is to remove any audit trail. This idiot put an electronic time stamp and directions to the rendezvous. This comes from Flood that grew up in Howard Beach (Gottis neighborhood) has family in NYPD. Man he didn't pay attention to the good and the not so good from his neighborhood
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