who is dumb enough to put this in an email??

Yeah, it really is hard to believe. There must be enormous pressure on coaches to win or get out, and I am sure the temptations are all around to cut a corner or take a shortcut. The human mind has a PhD in it's ability to rationalize things.
You knew he was in over his head when this story first broke about contact with a professor and he basically responded that he speaks with professors all the time. I assume there may be contractual issues why we did not cut the chord today. He seems like burnt toast to me so not sure what we gain by having him walk the sidelines for the final 7 games.
It absolutely pains me that once again RU will be in rebuilding mode, but Flood is beyond stupid. If only we cut bait in 2013 and put up some $$ for a big name coach. Unreal....
Having read the full report I'm even more amazed at Flood's lack of sophistication and the implied finding that Flood lied about the conversation where the academic advisor told him not to contact the professor.

The "statement" that flood felt he needed to make, was not made to the administration, but to a lawyer interviewing him. It's unnecessary, but shows that between the first and second meeting he was counseled that he was in error and not to dig in further,

While things may go on at schools far worse, what I've seen in this report is not something I want for RU. We had been sold a bill of goods that we did it the right way and were different from others. Time to get back to striving for that.