World's biggest Football Player

I recently saw a Yonkers HS game with such a small player I had to take a pic. The player was below 5 ft tall. It turned out the player was a girl. She could barely run and stayed on edges of play area. The same people complaining about football being "dangerous for boys" are promoting this kind of nonsense.

I recently saw a Yonkers HS game with such a small player I had to take a pic. The player was below 5 ft tall. It turned out the player was a girl. She could barely run and stayed on edges of play area. The same people complaining about football being "dangerous for boys" are promoting this kind of nonsense.

Please dont crush this child's dream with your silly realism...
Within the last 15 years or so, Roxbury HS in Morris County had a player of similar massive proportions - might have been 6'10"/380. He was largely immobile and barely able to trot across the field to the sideline and did not see action at the game I watched. I remember thinking he'd be a "sitting duck" if he played on the DL, at the same time appreciating his effort to be on the team.
I recently saw a Yonkers HS game with such a small player I had to take a pic. The player was below 5 ft tall. It turned out the player was a girl. She could barely run and stayed on edges of play area. The same people complaining about football being "dangerous for boys" are promoting this kind of nonsense.


kid should concentrate of basketball and dropping weight. Much more money........