Would not mind if if Laviano or Rettig is our starter next season


Mar 7, 2015
I really don't mind which quarterback will be the QB for our Rutgers football team next season.

This is a good thing considering I could see it going either way. I really would not be surprised if Laviano ends up being the starter this season only because he has so much more experience being the back-up last season and experiencing and seeing what it was like to be on the 1's and 2's and be coached by Flood and Freidgen and McDaniels and all the coaches while Rettig was on the Scout team getting much less time with the coaches. This makes a huge difference ESPECIALLY considering Rettig's last time being the #1 QB in a practice was in HS.

Also, I wonder how much time Rettig put into studying the playbook. I hope it was a lot because he has the physical tools (from what I hear... I haven't seen him throw in person yet I am excited to on April 24th though at the Spring Game) but obviously as the QB he needs to know a TON of information and be able to analyze that information properly even if he can rifle it with the best of them.

The only reason I say this is because Rutgers has plenty of very beautiful girls and if I was a big-time quarterback who is tall and in shape.... I think it would be very hard for me to focus on studying my playbook while I know I can't do any better than the scout team. I would probably say alright I will enjoy my 1 YEAR where I can let loose and have fun and then once I can compete for the QB job I will go hard and study and workout like a mad man and get myself ready for a great RU career and hopefully a great NFL career. So I am just wondering how much work he was doing on his own because if his physical tool are really THAT incredible then he would have to be pretty far behind on the mental side to not be getting the most QB reps at practice by now.
Flood has shown that he will push the better players rather than give them something on talent alone. He makes players earn their playing time.

If I remember correctly we didn't hear much about Martin and Hicks in camp last summer. Then we all saw how good they were when they hit the field. Also we didn't know anything about how good Kemoko was. Either our coaches can't see talent in practice or it was somewhat intentional in these cases. There are other examples like mentioned in the other thread where RJ Dill wasn't named the starter till 2 weeks before the season began. And there's no doubt about how good he actually was.

I don't care either which QB is the starter. But from what we saw from Laviano last year doesn't give me much hope in our chances early in the season. We're gonna need a stud to make plays to keep the defense honest. Otherwise teams will just put 9 guys in the box and destroy our inexperienced line.

If there is really a QB battle then so be it. Hopefully if Laviano wins it he is improving over last year. If Laviano is being given first chance because of more time in the program and Rettig wins the job. Then we will have a more than capable backup.
Originally posted by Knight Shift:
Would not mind if you replied to existing threads on the same topic instead of being a thread starter.
wouldn't mind if yer bobble head fell off either, night shift must be wearin on ya
Originally posted by Knight Shift:
Would not mind if you replied to existing threads on the same topic instead of being a thread starter.
Yes, we need that room for those critical mail order bride and vinyl siding threads.
Originally posted by Bagarocks:
Originally posted by Knight Shift:
Would not mind if you replied to existing threads on the same topic instead of being a thread starter.
wouldn't mind if yer bobble head fell off either, night shift must be wearin on ya
Already lost one bobblehead.

This guy has a habit of starting new threads to answer existing threads--see the worried about offense thread with people have the same discussion in 2 threads. Sorry, just clogs up the forum, imo. Carry on . . . .
I would assume that Laviano will not be the same quarterback on September 1st that he was in the middle of last season. He is almost certain to improve. The question is, "How much?"

My biggest worry is that the guy who wins the competition turns out to be one of those guys who plays totally different "when the lights go on." Nova struggled mightily in that regard. At least we seem to have a decent back-up who might come in and right the ship.
In my opinion the offense will be a heavy dose of the run game with high % pass plays called in between to keep the defense honest. The starting qb will be asked to be a game manager and to stay within himself. In some respects it won't matter who the starting qb is at the beginning of the season. Neither qb will be asked to win a game on his own. I think fans will quickly realize that not having an experienced starting qb will necessitate a simplified offense that relies heavy on the run game. It will be a transition year for the qb position.


No matter who wins the starting job, he will not be filling the air with passes. Inexperienced QB's make a ton of mistakes anyway, you certainly do not want to have him getting picked off on a regular basis. We have a established running game and with even a less than great OL, we should be able to move the ball. I fully expect to see a very heavy run game plan with very safe short passing to keep them honest. Anything going long may well be very long to just loosen up their D.
I am rooting for Rettig because he probably has the higher ceiling, but who knows? If Laviano turns out to be the next Cody Kessler (beat out the more highly touted Max Wittek), I'd be happy for the kid.
Why do you believe Rettig has the higher ceiling. At this point who knows. We have seen Laviano for only a few short periods and Rettig hasn't taken a snap in a college game yet.
How dare you call me a "Thread Starter!"

Haha I am only kidding KnightShift.

But I am no sure what you mean. I just looked through the entire first page and did not see any similar thread to the one I just posted.

Of course if you are talking about and older thread that is not on Page 1, then my apologies but I work all day long I can't be searching around any further than the top 25 or so threads.

P.S I agree with the other poster. I assume you have already went on the "Mail Order Bride" thread and yelled at him for being a "Thread Starter" that is clogging up the board b/c his thread doesn't even pertain to football and definitely not RUTGERS football.
Oh and the "Mac vs PC" thread as well as the "Need a First Date Spot in Woodbridge" thread.

I am not calling those people out I am just making sure Officer Knight Shift is enforcing the new "Thread Starter" law fairly across the entire board.
Originally posted by MikeRU1766:
How dare you call me a "Thread Starter!"

Haha I am only kidding KnightShift.

But I am no sure what you mean. I just looked through the entire first page and did not see any similar thread to the one I just posted.

Of course if you are talking about and older thread that is not on Page 1, then my apologies but I work all day long I can't be searching around any further than the top 25 or so threads.

P.S I agree with the other poster. I assume you have already went on the "Mail Order Bride" thread and yelled at him for being a "Thread Starter" that is clogging up the board b/c his thread doesn't even pertain to football and definitely not RUTGERS football.
Oh, sorry for calling you out, but why did you post on the other thread about Laviano, and start one here on basically the same topic. IMO its a PIA to follow two threads on the same topic? It's a free country, and I give you credit for starting threads about RUTGERS FOOTBALL on the FOOTBALL MESSAGE BOARD. I agree with you wholeheartedly on the overabundance of OT threads, but this is the way it is in the off season. Peace.
I don't know how you can make an evaluation on Laviano based on the very limited time he played last year. Also, many seem to be rooting for Rettig because of some of the hype. Don't evaluate anything based on hype. I don't care who wins the starting job but the QB is going to have to make some plays on the field in 2015 if RU wants to have any kind of season. They just are not going to be able to lineup and run the ball down everyone's throat...based on the teams they play.