The Football Fieldhouse is the last piece of our puzzle

Oregon has a bang-on staff . . . . .

Get her in the recruiting office, the big recruits will come. 🤣 😉😎
Girl Spit GIF by Jess Stempel
NIL is just getting started, it will continue to get worse with bigger and bigger contracts like free agency in baseball. Juan Soto is about to earm half a billion dollars! Nil is like the blob, it will consume evertyhing including any future fieldhouse. I hope it gets built but I dont see it happening anytime soon. We will need the money just to retain our best players.
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NIL is just getting started, it will continue to get worse with bigger and bigger contracts like free agency in baseball. Juan Soto is about to earm half a billion dollars! Nil is like the blob, it will consume evertyhing including any future fieldhouse. I hope it gets built but I dont see it happening anytime soon. We will need the money just to retain our best players.

USC is building a brand new facility and simultaneously significantly funding NIL and we need to be able to do the same.

Players come and go, but this facility will be in place for at least 50 years. Which is why the priority should be on building the facility. Build this, and you can attract the best players possible, with any available NIL.
NIL is just getting started, it will continue to get worse with bigger and bigger contracts like free agency in baseball. Juan Soto is about to earm half a billion dollars! Nil is like the blob, it will consume evertyhing including any future fieldhouse. I hope it gets built but I dont see it happening anytime soon. We will need the money just to retain our best players.
We are not going to be able to retain players commanding $1M+. We are a developmental program. Have to provide the best facilities possible so players can develop.
He says a lot of things. 99% asinine and the other 1% also asinine. The most intelligent thing ever to come out of his mouth (had he spoken and not typed his thoughts) would be phlegm when he sneezes. Maybe we should feel bad for him in a Manti Te’o sort of way but Shelby isn’t there yet. For now, fun target practice.

He’s our own Quixote, Man of La Mancha, or rather, Man of La Fieldhouse. Or, HeisMann of La Wimsatt.
It isn’t as if the fieldhouse is a concept made up by RutgersAl. This is a project that has been approved subject to funding. I’m not sure why we’re belittling the efforts of a fan that is trying to help advance the program’s stated top priorities.
It isn’t as if the fieldhouse is a concept made up by RutgersAl. This is a project that has been approved subject to funding. I’m not sure why we’re belittling the efforts of a fan that is trying to help advance the program’s stated top priorities.
How exactly does a fan on this forum advance anything about the state of Rutgers football?!? 🤭
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It isn’t as if the fieldhouse is a concept made up by RutgersAl. This is a project that has been approved subject to funding. I’m not sure why we’re belittling the efforts of a fan that is trying to help advance the program’s stated top priorities.
Fieldhouse Al of La Mancha endlessly harps on his fantasy that lacking such a facility is the only thing separating RU from national championship possibilities and annual Heismann contenders.

He’s not merely trying to help. He’s fixated on this and exaggerates its importance in multiple orders of magnitude. Calling him asinine actually understates it and falls well short of describing his utter logic incompetence.
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It’s a small time fanbase when it shits on something as important as a field house. The diehards know it won’t be built without fundraising and we don’t do fundraising so they rather shit on it and whoever wants it.
Its a small time program when something as important and permanent as a fieldhouse isn't built the right way, in the right location, with first class amenities, and thought and consideration for impacts to surrounding areas and functions - just because our AD says so without any real evidence as to why and because we apparently can't fund raise enough to actually do it right.

With this fieldhouse as its proposed, we're throwing good money after bad for a subpar result - just as Rutgers has done for decades. The fact that some of our biggest fans are so adamant that it "must be done this way" without seeing the larger picture is truly disheartening.
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Build it right (Hale center lot and tennis courts) or don't build it at all. Our facility planning (this included) has been:

Honestly, forget sports facility planning. Rutgers' infrastructure planning in general is just god awful. Why does Beck Hall even exist? 🤢
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I'm really concerned DJ McClary is gonna learn we don't have a fieldhouse!
And with that, many of us will be out. No need for that plan and to hose the fans like that. Rutgers gonna Rutgers.
We don't win enough to piss off fans. Michigan, OSU and USC can say fvck you, walk 10 miles and we're not giving you any tailgate areas. But when you win as rarely as Rutgers does, you'll need more than a fvcking carnival to attract fans.
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I can tell you this, you're barking up the wrong tree with @Knight Shift. You know how you're always pissing all over those for not donating to athletics? Well, you just pissed on the wrong guy, dumbass.
Right? He is pretty much the worst spokesman for raising money I've seen. And I've seen a lot.

Pissing on potential donors is the opposite of a successful strategy for fund-raising. Far more likely to turn away donors than attract them. Rutgers and the RU NIL collective should get a judge to issue an injunction ordering him to stop "helping". 🙂

And in this case, it's pissing on an existing donor. Brilliant! LOL
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I can tell you this, you're barking up the wrong tree with @Knight Shift. You know how you're always pissing all over those for not donating to athletics? Well, you just pissed on the wrong guy, dumbass.
Doubt that according to him he has been done for a while. He has never donated squat to NIL and conveniently stopped donating to Rutgers R when NIL became what really matters. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Right? He is pretty much the worst spokesman for raising money I've seen. And I've seen a lot.

Pissing on potential donors is the opposite of a successful strategy for fund-raising. Far more likely to turn away donors than attract them. Rutgers and the RU NIL collective should get a judge to issue an injunction ordering him to stop "helping". 🙂

And in this case, it's pissing on an existing donor. Brilliant! LOL
If an anonymous poster can turn you off from helping your school and your every day obsession and one of your main forms of entertainment I don’t know what to tell. I hold that much power? Really? Wow that’s pretty weak. It’s just more BS excuses as to why some never will give. “I would have donated to the cause but that anonymous poster really pissed me off so I’m not donating anymore” This fanbase has never donated squat.
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Doubt that according to him he has been done for a while. He has never donated squat to NIL and conveniently stopped donating to Rutgers R when NIL became what really matters. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Well strike two, my God you're not very good at this, I know him from outside of this forum.
If an anonymous poster can turn you off from helping your school and your every day obsession and one of your main forms of entertainment I don’t know what to tell. I hold that much power? Really? Wow that’s pretty weak. It’s just more BS excuses as to why some never will give. “I would have donated to the cause but that anonymous poster really pissed me off so I’m not donating anymore” This fanbase has never donated squat.
It's not my school. Watching sports has never been an obsession for me and isn't one of my main forms of entertainment. Got any other flawed assumptions?

You're obviously not a spokesman for fundraising; it was a hypothetical used to humorously illustrate a point. A point that flew over your head, as I knew it would. If you actually care about helping to raise money for RU athletics, you should probably go back and read it again until you get it. But you won't.

There is no chance whatsoever that I would ever seriously discuss my finances or my spending habits with some anonymous person in an internet forum, let alone a blowhard with the persuasion skills of a two-year old throwing a temper tantrum.

So go ahead and make some more flawed assumptions and stumble around aggressively alienating as many people as possible. Because that is, if not a main form of entertainment for me, certainly something enjoyable to watch. 😉
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It's not my school. Watching sports has never been an obsession for me and isn't one of my main forms of entertainment. Got any other flawed assumptions?

You're obviously not a spokesman for fundraising; it was a hypothetical used to humorously illustrate a point. A point that flew over your head, as I knew it would. If you actually care about helping to raise money for RU athletics, you should probably go back and read it again until you get it. But you won't.

There is no chance whatsoever that I would ever seriously discuss my finances or my spending habits with some anonymous person in an internet forum, let alone a blowhard with the persuasion skills of a two-year old throwing a temper tantrum.

So go ahead and make some more flawed assumptions and stumble around aggressively alienating as many people as possible. Because that is, if not a main form of entertainment for me, certainly something enjoyable to watch. 😉
If this is not your main form of entertainment I don’t know what is. To be so heavily invested in a sports program but do nothing to help them is pathetic. Only the Cat man is worse.
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Well strike two, my God you're not very good at this, I know him from outside of this forum.
LOL. First of all, what kind of loser fruit loop has this as an avatar?


WTAF is that thing?
Second, we just wrote another large annual check to Athletics as part of a long term commitment. Our names are on a plaque on a new Athletics building. We have likely given more to Rutgers than this twat has given in his lifetime. Who exactly is this little weirdo pussy surfer boy to be hurling insults? And the grandpa insults are hilarious. More than likely could run circles around pussy surfer boy in anything related to fitness. There's a reason so many have "it" on ignore. "It" is probably "it's" appropriate and preferred pronoun.
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LOL. First of all, what kind of loser fruit loop has this as an avatar?


WTAF is that thing?
Second, we just wrote another large annual check to Athletics as part of a long term commitment. Our names are on a plaque on a new Athletics building. We have likely given more to Rutgers than this twat has given in his lifetime. Who exactly is this little weirdo pussy surfer boy to be hurling insults? And the grandpa insults are hilarious. More than likely could run circles around pussy surfer boy in anything related to fitness. There's a reason so many have "it" on ignore. "It" is probably "it's" appropriate and preferred pronoun.
While anything is possible this November I will be running my 7th NYC Marathon but I highly doubt you can do that. You would be done before we left Brooklyn and def not a sub 4 Hour pace. Anyways gramps the avatar is a tribute to the 2 biggest losers on this board. You’re probably a fan of them. I also park in the Scarlet lot and have seats in the 100’s section. Why stop helping the teams when now you can do so much more than ever before? It doesn’t add up Gramps.
If this is not your main form of entertainment I don’t know what is. To be so heavily invested in a sports program but do nothing to help them is pathetic. Only the Cat man is worse.
Internet forums are idle time fun, to be enjoyed while killing time between more serious stuff or other fun stuff. Or when pooping. Some of my best posts were conceived while catering to the back half of my alimentary system.
Internet forums are idle time fun, to be enjoyed while killing time between more serious stuff or other fun stuff. Or when pooping. Some of my best posts were conceived while catering to the back half of my alimentary system.
Alimentary…wow…in a forum world filled with brain-reducing “prollys” and “tryna” an “bcos” and other non-words, alimentary just stands out!👏👏👏
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We'd create infinitely more donors if we build a consistent winning program. If building a field house in the yellow lot helps with it I'm all for it.
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We'd create infinitely more donors if we build a consistent winning program. If building a field house in the yellow lot helps with it I'm all for it.
But building the field house in a prime lot where many donors park may not help create more donors. The catty weirdo may disagree, but those are conversations that have been had by many yellow lot pass holders. There are other options, but for some reason, they are choosing the Yellow lot option.
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But building the field house in a prime lot where many donor may not help create more donors. The catty weirdo may disagree, but those are conversations that have been had by many yellow lot pass holders. There are other options, but for some reason, they are choosing the Yellow lot option.
And sometimes people need to understand that in order to get things done some things have to change instead of pouting about it.
And sometimes people need to understand that in order to get things done some things have to change instead of pouting about it.
Who's pouting? Seems the catty weirdo pouts and browbeats the non-donors. Get things done. Is there only way to get the fieldhouse done? No, there is not. There is space where the tennis courts are and the Brown lot is located. This was discussed at length. There is other space too. But go ahead and build over the Yellow Lot. Maybe if Rutgers becomes a consistent winner, donors from the Yellow lot will stay. Maybe some will leave.
I’ll agree with Al hear that a Fieldhouse is needed, every Elite program has one and you need to keep up with the Joneses in that sense

A bubble is adequate for a high school program, but for major d1 program in the big teb
So in 3 years Texas will no longer be a High School level program but I guess ASU will be.